Yep....that'll be the accusation and the rally cry for Liberals everywhere.
Seems as CPAC will not be inviting "GoProud" (a group who claims to be a homosexual Conservative group) to join them. However, in a letter sent to GoProud, stating CPAC's decision, members of GoProud were invited to attend as individuals.
Liberals will be ignoring the individual invitation. After all, Liberal arguments REQUIRE partial, skewed and plainly manufactured information.
So....CPAC, and Conservatives everywhere, will now be (well....AGAIN be) accused of being homophobic.
Don't worry....it, along with EVERYTHING else Liberals believe, is a lie.
Rather, Conservatives believe that homosexuals, having made the choice to live that particular lifestyle, are required to PERSONALLY shoulder the consequences of that decision. Period. You see, it has NOTHING to do with homosexuality itself. It has to do with personal responsibility; a concept which, of course, Liberals can not...WILL not...tolerate. With Liberalism, its ALL about forcing society to shoulder the responsibility of people's decisions.
(On a side note...it begs the question: can homosexuals, then, be Conservative? Answer: OF COURSE! How? Having made the decision to live a particular lifestyle, a homosexual who understands that that decision comes with personal responsibilities and consequences and then lives their life accordingly....NOT attempting to force society to carry the consequences of their decisions...IS, in fact, a Conservative.)
Hirota: out
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