As the tragedy in Norway continues to develop, there are certainly worthwhile lessons to be learned (really...RE-learned).
As in EVERY case involving the Liberal media, truths are not reported and lies/fabrications comprise the reporting and opinions.
You've CERTAINLY heard (if you're following the reporting on MSNBC, CNN, New York Times as well as the rest of the Liberal, mainstream media) that Anders Behring Breivik, the nutjob who perpetrated the massacre in Oslo, is a "Right wing, Christian fundamentalist". Where the media got this information remains a mystery. Even more so since, in his 1,500+ page manifesto, he spells out, specifically, what his belief system is.
But, before we get to that, let's review some history....
ITEM: The Breivik and McVey connection
It's important, at this point, to mention one of the most prevalent associations being offered in the media; a mischaracterization which is important for three reasons: first, it represents the media's desire to tie both of these idiots to a similar ideology. Second, it represents the media's attempt to separate terrorism from Islamofascism. Finally, it represents the media's desperate desire to mask the truth.
The likening of Timothy McVey (Oklahoma City bombing) and Breivik has been a key feature in nearly every mainstream media report (utilization of the same methods: fertilizer-based bombs), McVey and Breivik are portrayed as being of the same ideological beliefs: Right Wing, Christian fundamentalist.
In actuality, there two ARE similar in ideology, though not as the media would have you believe.
This is because, as is now being revealed, neither McVey nor Breivik believe in God. That's right....they are both Atheists. (Let's the Left-Wing's own characterization, which is the party of "Right wing Christians"?).
With regard to perpetrators of terrorism, again, the media's desire is to point out that terrorism is NOT the exclusive domain of radical Muslim groups. While no one in the Conservative world has EVER suggested this, the Left would like have you believe that Conservatives hold this as an "absolute". This, to me, is like the Liberal media suggesting that Bo Jackson PROVES that ALL major league baseball players also have professional football careers...
Finally, true to the Liberal media's (as well as its proponents in all walks of life) desire to mask the truth of Liberalism (Socialism, Statism), their efforts are to demonize the Right, Conservative and Christian way; assigning blame for horrific acts committed by LIBERALS to Conservatives and Christians. Thus, it is important that key factors of Socialist ideology are ascribed to Conervatives. To cite examples from history:
CONSTANTLY compared to Conservatives, was, in actuality, a Liberal. (Keep in mind that his party was the "National Socialist Party" of Germany. Key word: SOCIALIST. Additionally, pertinent to this piece, is that fact that Hitler was a devoted DARWINIST. In other words, Hitler was a Liberal.
Leader of the Communist Party, Stalin was and ideologically pure Socialist. And, pertinent to this piece, Stalin was a devoted DARWINIST. In other words, Stalin was a Liberal.
- POL POT: Again, a Socialist and DARWINIST.....and a Liberal.
(BTW, all these men also characterized themselves as "Progressives", which is currently how Liberals in America portray themselves)
More examples? Sure:
- "Bull" Connor: Democrat
- The Ku Klux Clan: almost entirely ccomprised of Democrats (including Senator Robert Byrd, Democrat).
- Hugo Chavez: self-described "Progressive"
- Fidel Castro: self-described "Progressive"
In fact, history is replete with examples of Liberals ("Progressives") who are portrayed as "Conservative" or "Christian Conservative"....the record is ABSOLUTELY clear and unequivocal.
Back to Breivik: Characterized by the media, again, as a "Right Wing, Christian fundmentalist", Breivik is actually, ADMITTEDLY, a DARWINIST. In other words: Breivik is a LIBERAL.
If one thing is CERTAIN:
Based on history, even history written this past week, the most dangerous group on Earth, is advocates of Liberalism, including, but not limited to, The Democratic Party in the United States, who will stop at nothing to enslave humanity.
Hirota: out.
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