Friday, September 2, 2011

Environmentalists: ARE YOU PAYING ATTENTION???

GASP! The radical environmental movement must be apoplectic.....COMPLETELY beside itself...INSANE with rage.....

We SHOULD be hearing accusations of "earth killers", "wasters", "pigs", "terrorists"....yaddata yaddata yaddata.....(that's from "The Seven Year Itch", btw...).

Shhhhh......hear that sound? It's the silence of apathy.....

Evidently, environmentalists don't care that their GOD, Obama, has pushed an important regulation, governing smog, right off the table and into the biodegradable composter.

All this because he is "suddenly" concerned about the state of the know....ZERO jobs growth.....


I thought that NOTHING is as important as our precious environment? Al Gore? Huh?

I thought that we, as Americans, must spare NO expense in defense of Mother Nature, the TRUE "God" of Liberalism?

But here he is......Dumbama himself, raping our natural resources just because he fears the loss of jobs.......

HOW pathetic is that?

Hirota: out!


Michelle S. said...

The only "job" that Dumbama fears losing is his own!! Suddenly with only 14 months to go, he's transforming into a moderate before our very eyes.... imagine that. Problem is that the lamestream media, kool-aid drinkers and multitude of ignorant voters will believe his crap...God help us!

Common Sense said...

Amen, Michelle!!!

THIS is why it is important that WE......ALL CONSERVATIVES....stop being silent.

We owe it to our children and all future generations to suck it up and do the difficult...the RIGHT...thing.