How DARE they?!?!?
Seems as a group of "white supremacists" are in Wisconsin, rallying in protest against the Wisconsin State Fair riots.
I'm SURE you heard about it, didn't you? It HAD to be in the mainstream news SOMEWHERE, dammit!?!?
...what do you mean "it wasn't"??!
A riot broke out at the Wisconsin State Fair this year. For no apparent reason, a bunch of people.......(BLACKS)......targeted a random bunch of other people.....(WHITES)....and beat them.
All this, without reason or motivation, other than "they were white".
Yet, evidently, the world seems unable to see this as a "hate crime".
...Go figure....
Anyway, these "White Supremacists" are rallying. NO DOUBT that THIS will make the news, which will go something like this:
"Neo-Nazi groups conducted a potentially violent rally today in Wisconsin. The group, claiming to be protesting 'hate crimes' against white people, used the rally to promote their anti-black, anti-minority, pro-Christian, racist agenda..."
--then comes the "on the scene" take--
"I'm here at the Neo-Nazi Anti-black rally, and I can't help but be reminded of the scenes in Nazi Germany, when largely native-German neighborhoods protested against the Jews who held properties in those neighborhoods....".
Gosh....I wonder if the press would use the same verbiage at a "Rainbow Coalition" rally.....or a Reverend Al Sharpton family get-together....?
Hirota: out!
Oh.....BY THE WAY....I'm SURE a speech by the President, who'll do his damnedest to calm the situation, will be forthcoming....maybe, say, 4 months from now...
" fellow Americans: because of the overwhelming discrimination demonstrated during the previous administration...."
I never get my news from the mainstream media. They are so into Obama's back pocket that we only hear what they want us to hear---and it's mostly always pro-Obama.
Hi Judy! Welcome aboard! A survey was released yesterday, showing that, in a ratio of 2:1, Americans believe that the media favors Liberals.
How about that!
BUT, in truth, the media IS helpful...sorta...
...when I read/watch/listen-to the news, I can pretty much take the OPPOSITE take, and that will be a FAR more accurate depiction of events!
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