So...Herman Cain now stands accused of sexual harrassment. According to "Politico", that completely non-partisan, fair and balanced tabloid, two women claimed to have been harrassed by Cain....back in the 1990's. Certainly, it was probably ignored by the media back then, because they were busy covering for Clinton while he was giving Monica Lewinski the "cigar treatment"...
Folks, it's election time or nomination time. And you KNOW what that means: time to accuse Conservatives of sexual harrassment. They do it EVERY time, so I fail to see why it's really news...
And, really, it's not like accusing Liberals of something that horrifically violates THEIR code of ethics would be newsworthy.
After all, what could we accuse them of?
NOT having an abortion?
Paying their taxes?
NOT committing a crime (like driving a date into a river, then leaving her to drown)
NOT taking bribes?
NOT lying under oath?
Why is it that when a Conservative "screws up", they are actually committing either crimes or violating common rules of ethics while, when Liberals "screw up", they're caught doing some something moral, legal and decent?
And, BTW...hmmm.....Thomas.....Cain....I wonder why the Liberals are SPECIFICALLY targeting blacks....?
Hirota: out.
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