So, it turns out that Obama's latest "jobs bill" (at this point, I think it's safe to assume that by "jobs bill", it means "a bill to put more people out of jobs") has been KILLED....
....BY HIS OWN PARTY (National Socialists....ooops....I mean...Democrats)! to approach this....hmmmmm.....
Well, I could go the Liberal way:
The Democrats are deliberately hurting the middle class! They want poor people to remain poor! They HATE the working class! They are deliberately trying to undermine the enormous progress Obama's made! They're just trying to slow down the economy! They are doing this because they are racists!
OR....I could approach the Conservative way (you know...with the truth):
Obama's "jobs bill" is SOOOOOOOO unbelievably F***ED-UP that EVEN the psycho-Marxist Democratic Party wouldn't touch it!
Hirota: out.
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