Pay attention,'re about to see a TRULY decisive, take-charge, wholly-focused leader...
Obama has ALREADY promised to veto a Bill which the House hasn't even taken up yet!
Such aggressive, clear-cut decisiveness....truly, the stuff of REAL leaders...would seem like a "WHEW....FINALLY" moment. Alas, it's not about being a's about the Bill itself.
The Bill in question...the Bill that has ALL of Obama's attention is.... anti-abortion Bill.
Go figure.
This President's FIRST Executive Order involved allowing Federal funding for foreign abortions.
When in Illinois, Obama shot down the state version of "The born alive Act" other words, he believes that it's perfectly acceptable to allow a newly born child to be left in a closet to expire.
Obama has STRONGLY supported EVERY piece of legislation which expanded abortion "rights".
In fact, he supports MORE abortion Bills than either NOW or NARAL! In addition, he is on record as THE strongest supporter of abortions in elected office.
It makes me wish that his mother would have been "pro-choice".....
52 MILLION and counting (in the United States alone...)
Hirota: out.
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