Did you hear about the new study???? (No, not the one where it shold be legal to "abort" 3-year olds...)
Some group of idiots...I mean, scientists...have concluded that being a Christian Conservative means that you have "low brainpower".
Well, how about that!
In response, let me just say:
Hirota: ........uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Friday, March 30, 2012
Liberals say the darndest things!
Goofy ol' "Uncle Joe" Biden is back at it.
I can only assume that he chewed through his collar and escaped and, even as we speak, is barking at and mounting with gleeful abandon!
Today's charmer:
"I’ve watched him make decisions that would make another man or woman’s hair curl."
(In a sense, though, he IS correct.....all of Obama's decisions HAVE made my hair curl....)
Joe went on to say that Obama has "...a backbone like a ramrod..."!
In concluding his remarks, Biden said, “I think I can say … no president, and I would argue in the 20th century and including now the 21st century, has had as many serious problems which are cases of first-instance laid on his table. Franklin Roosevelt faced more dire consequences, but in a bizarre way it was more straightforward.”
WOW! Who knew we had SUCH a POWERHOUSE man-among-men in the Oval Office! It's truly breathtaking!
I swear, I can't wait to hear what dumb ol' Joe says next about Obama....
"Ya know, Mother Theresa only helped a couple Indians..."
"Jesus, as you might well know, only DIED on the cross. President Obama, however...."
Hirota: busting a gut....
I can only assume that he chewed through his collar and escaped and, even as we speak, is barking at and mounting with gleeful abandon!
Today's charmer:
"I’ve watched him make decisions that would make another man or woman’s hair curl."
(In a sense, though, he IS correct.....all of Obama's decisions HAVE made my hair curl....)
Joe went on to say that Obama has "...a backbone like a ramrod..."!
In concluding his remarks, Biden said, “I think I can say … no president, and I would argue in the 20th century and including now the 21st century, has had as many serious problems which are cases of first-instance laid on his table. Franklin Roosevelt faced more dire consequences, but in a bizarre way it was more straightforward.”
WOW! Who knew we had SUCH a POWERHOUSE man-among-men in the Oval Office! It's truly breathtaking!
I swear, I can't wait to hear what dumb ol' Joe says next about Obama....
"Ya know, Mother Theresa only helped a couple Indians..."
"Jesus, as you might well know, only DIED on the cross. President Obama, however...."
Hirota: busting a gut....
How spineless a weasel is Obama? Ah, let me count the ways....
So, unfortunately for Obama, one of his little secrets is out.
Seems as he's been in VERY hush hush negotiations with Iran......
Confirmed is this: his objective is two-fold:
1. To let Iran know, CLEARLY, that the US does NOT stand behind Israel (should Israel decide to preserve their sovereignty), and
2. To gain assurance that, IF Israel does attack Iran, Iran will not then attempt to attack America or American interests.
I'm SURE the talks went something like this:
(To point #1): "Israel? Israel who? Nope....uh...nope....never heard of them..."
Worth remembering is this: when the supreme sap Neville Chamberlain "negotiated" a pact with Hitler's regime, he sought to gain assurances that, when Hitler made his move to take over Europe, he'd leave Britain out of it. This, of course, didn't work out so well...for Britain, since Hitler, before the ink on the agreement was dry, bombed Britain flat.
What's that old saying? Something about those who ignore history....?
Hirota: disgusted.
Seems as he's been in VERY hush hush negotiations with Iran......
Confirmed is this: his objective is two-fold:
1. To let Iran know, CLEARLY, that the US does NOT stand behind Israel (should Israel decide to preserve their sovereignty), and
2. To gain assurance that, IF Israel does attack Iran, Iran will not then attempt to attack America or American interests.
I'm SURE the talks went something like this:
(To point #1): "Israel? Israel who? Nope....uh...nope....never heard of them..."
Worth remembering is this: when the supreme sap Neville Chamberlain "negotiated" a pact with Hitler's regime, he sought to gain assurances that, when Hitler made his move to take over Europe, he'd leave Britain out of it. This, of course, didn't work out so well...for Britain, since Hitler, before the ink on the agreement was dry, bombed Britain flat.
What's that old saying? Something about those who ignore history....?
Hirota: disgusted.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Hello? Anyone out there?
Hey...did you hear? (Probably not, if you limit your viewing and reading to the Mainstream Media)
I love how it's being characterized as a "maybe racially motivated" attack!
Hello, Sharpton? Hello, Jesse Jackson? Hello, Maxine Waters? Hello Bobby Rush? Hello Spike Lee?
Where are all you idiots? Why aren't you screaming out "RACISM IN AMERICA!"?
Should someone "twitter" all the home addresses of these Black guys?
Should we make up t-shirts that say "Pussy-ass Niggers"?
Should white Congressmen wear "hoodies" in support of the victim of this hate crime?
Should Obama say, "If I had a son, he'd like him (the victim)"?
Should the victim's family file for a trademark for the victim's name?
Gee......where's the racial justice????
Hirota: out.
This little gem was released today:
I love how it's being characterized as a "maybe racially motivated" attack!
Hello, Sharpton? Hello, Jesse Jackson? Hello, Maxine Waters? Hello Bobby Rush? Hello Spike Lee?
Where are all you idiots? Why aren't you screaming out "RACISM IN AMERICA!"?
Should someone "twitter" all the home addresses of these Black guys?
Should we make up t-shirts that say "Pussy-ass Niggers"?
Should white Congressmen wear "hoodies" in support of the victim of this hate crime?
Should Obama say, "If I had a son, he'd like him (the victim)"?
Should the victim's family file for a trademark for the victim's name?
Gee......where's the racial justice????
Hirota: out.
I guess Jimmy Carter is FINALLY tired of being "Number 2" to Obama (in the "Worst President in History" category). (And, yes, he's THAT "#2", too...).
"I’ve signed a public letter calling for the Democratic Party at the next convention to espouse my position on abortion which is to minimize the need, requirement for abortion and limit it only to women whose life are in danger or who are pregnant as a result of rape or incest. I think if the Democratic Party would adopt that policy that would be acceptable to a lot of people who are now estranged from our party because of the abortion issue.”
“I never have believed that Jesus Christ would approve of abortions and that was one of the problems I had when I was president having to uphold Roe v. Wade and I did everything I could to minimize the need for abortions. I made it easy to adopt children for instance who were unwanted and also initiated the program called Women and Infant Children or WIC program that’s still in existence now. But except for the times when a mother’s life is in danger or when a pregnancy is caused by rape or incest I would certainly not or never have approved of any abortions.”
Said Carter:
"I’ve signed a public letter calling for the Democratic Party at the next convention to espouse my position on abortion which is to minimize the need, requirement for abortion and limit it only to women whose life are in danger or who are pregnant as a result of rape or incest. I think if the Democratic Party would adopt that policy that would be acceptable to a lot of people who are now estranged from our party because of the abortion issue.”
“I never have believed that Jesus Christ would approve of abortions and that was one of the problems I had when I was president having to uphold Roe v. Wade and I did everything I could to minimize the need for abortions. I made it easy to adopt children for instance who were unwanted and also initiated the program called Women and Infant Children or WIC program that’s still in existence now. But except for the times when a mother’s life is in danger or when a pregnancy is caused by rape or incest I would certainly not or never have approved of any abortions.”
Oh, brother!
Three points:
1. Carter has walked in lock-step with all Liberals, who, in spite of his "Christianity", has always fully supported unlimited abortions.
2. Carter is DESPARATE to revise his personal history; one of an entirely failed Presidency. In fact, it took Obama to retrospectively make Carter look somewhat less of a complete, abject failure.
3. Carter's words, entirely meaningless as they are, point to an old Liberal tactic: stop talking about it and people will forget. Make ABSOLUTELY NO mistake: his intention is to suggest that Liberal give lip-service to the "moderate" abortion stance, while, quietly and secretly, they work tirelessly to expand abortion law (just like they are doing with gun control laws right now).
Folks, if you haven't learned by now that you can NEVER, EVER believe ANYTHING Liberals say, then you deserve to live under the oppression they so desparately seek.....
Hirota: out.
In the immortal words of.....
...Leo Fuchs (played the chief rabbi in "The Frisco Kid":
"Close......it was a close vote"...
So, Obama's budget didn't do so well when it came down to the vote in the House.
All his dreams of running America into the ground will, unfortunately, have to wait...
Poor Barry lost the vote.
Although I WILL say that it was close......
Better luck next time, Comrade.
Hirota: out
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
The latest number.....
Survey says that a WHOPPING 68% of Americans are angry at Obama.
Let's see.....that means the 32% of Americans REMAIN unfathomably stupid.
(And to think: 9% of THOSE still think Elvis is alive...)
Hirota: out
Let's see.....that means the 32% of Americans REMAIN unfathomably stupid.
(And to think: 9% of THOSE still think Elvis is alive...)
Hirota: out
THE list
So, there I was, doing wome online research for some blogs.....
...and came across THIS gem, which I have titled:
....for your reading (and laughing) pleasure, follow this link:
...and came across THIS gem, which I have titled:
....for your reading (and laughing) pleasure, follow this link:
Two HUGE wins for Conservatives!
Did you hear? Well.....if you watch MSNBC, CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC....blah blah blah....you certainly HAVEN'T heard....
Obama has just received a HUGE, GIGANTIC endorsement!
Now, on top of raft of official endorsement he's already received (Communist Party USA, The American Nazi Party, etc), Obama can now proudly announce his endorsement by.....
Yes, folks, the state-run journal of Russia (which STILL reports like it's the Soviet Union) has officially endorsed Obama!
Congratulations, Comrade Barry!
The other BIG win?
Seems the STILL very Communist PRAVDA has condemned Mitt Romney!
...talk about two gifts from God!
Hirota: out!
Obama has just received a HUGE, GIGANTIC endorsement!
Now, on top of raft of official endorsement he's already received (Communist Party USA, The American Nazi Party, etc), Obama can now proudly announce his endorsement by.....
Yes, folks, the state-run journal of Russia (which STILL reports like it's the Soviet Union) has officially endorsed Obama!
Congratulations, Comrade Barry!
The other BIG win?
Seems the STILL very Communist PRAVDA has condemned Mitt Romney!
...talk about two gifts from God!
Hirota: out!
.....AND more Trayvon...
Well, not really....it's just a related story....
So, DEMOCRAT Bobby Rush was kicked off the House floor today for wearing a hoodie while speaking about Trayvon Davis.
That's not why this piece of news is so interesting.....
Turns out that Bobby Rush is a "former" BLACK PANTHER! How about that!
Yup, so we have Bobby Rush (Black Panther), had Robert Byrd (KKK)....who's next?
Let's see.....who else should run for the Democratic Party? I have a few suggestions:
Representatives from the following groups:
- The Nation of Islam (no, Farrakhan doesn't count...even though he is BELOVED by Democrats)
- The American Nazi Party
- The Communist Party, USA
- The National Alliance
- Sisterhood of the WCOTC
- Women for Aryan unity
- National Socialist Movement
Of course, there are LOTS more groups that are absolutely BRIMMING with Democrats (truth be told, MANY Democrats ARE, in fact, members of these types of organizations.....many of whom ARE elected officials in Congress).
I think it's kind of funny that The Democratic Party embraces....no....REVERES....whites who HATE blacks (folks like Robert Byrd) as well as blacks who HATE whites (folks like Bobby Rush).
The DNC: stands for "if you ain't white, you ain't right" and "if you ain't black, better watch your back".
Hirota: out.
So, DEMOCRAT Bobby Rush was kicked off the House floor today for wearing a hoodie while speaking about Trayvon Davis.
That's not why this piece of news is so interesting.....
Turns out that Bobby Rush is a "former" BLACK PANTHER! How about that!
Yup, so we have Bobby Rush (Black Panther), had Robert Byrd (KKK)....who's next?
Let's see.....who else should run for the Democratic Party? I have a few suggestions:
Representatives from the following groups:
- The Nation of Islam (no, Farrakhan doesn't count...even though he is BELOVED by Democrats)
- The American Nazi Party
- The Communist Party, USA
- The National Alliance
- Sisterhood of the WCOTC
- Women for Aryan unity
- National Socialist Movement
Of course, there are LOTS more groups that are absolutely BRIMMING with Democrats (truth be told, MANY Democrats ARE, in fact, members of these types of organizations.....many of whom ARE elected officials in Congress).
I think it's kind of funny that The Democratic Party embraces....no....REVERES....whites who HATE blacks (folks like Robert Byrd) as well as blacks who HATE whites (folks like Bobby Rush).
The DNC: stands for "if you ain't white, you ain't right" and "if you ain't black, better watch your back".
Hirota: out.
MORE Trayvon...
A pathetic news item today:
Seems someone is trying to trademark Trayvon's name and slogans "Justice for Trayvon" and "I am Trayvon".
Pathetic, right?
....not that's it's particularly out-of-the-norm for Liberals.
BUT, it gets worse: the persons trying to obtain these trademarks are none other than....
Gee.....let's see how I can profit and achieve fame and fortune through my kid's death....
Liberals.....really, would you expect anything else?
Hirota: out.
Seems someone is trying to trademark Trayvon's name and slogans "Justice for Trayvon" and "I am Trayvon".
Pathetic, right?
....not that's it's particularly out-of-the-norm for Liberals.
BUT, it gets worse: the persons trying to obtain these trademarks are none other than....
Gee.....let's see how I can profit and achieve fame and fortune through my kid's death....
Liberals.....really, would you expect anything else?
Hirota: out.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
What's next?
Obamacare is being debated in SCOTUS this week.
CLEARLY unconstitutional, IF the decision goes the way of Liberals (since, after all, Justice Kennedy IS a Liberal), what might be next?
America had BETTER wake up!
If the Liberals get their (unconstitutional) way on this issue, there will be NO limit to the damage they do to our primary founding document.
Consider, if the government can force upon it's citizenry the mandate to purchase insurance, there is NO LIMIT to what they can do to ANY aspect of your life, as long as they can justify it be saying "it's for your own good".
So, what's next?
Will you be compelled, by law, to become vegetarian, once the government decides that meat is bad for you?
Will you be compelled to renounce your Christianity, once government decides that religion (as a new "study" has indicated) lowers your IQ?
Will the government compel you to limit your family size, when they decide that large families are a danger to our way of life?
Will you be compelled to "go green", when the government decides that Americans pollute too much?
Folks, this is the slippery slope. Just like in slavery and abortion, once the government decides that one segment of your life or humanity is unequal, NOTHING is safe from their reach.
Hirota: out.
"Uncle illegal"
Obama's uncle, who is an illegal alien (of course), has TEMPORARILY lost his license to drive, following a DUI conviction. Additional to that gem, he's also been placed on probation for one year, following which he'll get his license back and his record cleared.
A couple questions:
- How does Obama's uncle EVEN HAVE A LICENSE???? After all...HE IS AN ILLEGAL ALIEN!
- How does a DUI conviction get off so easy, with just a one year probation and then a cleared record?
- How does he retain his ability to work? After all, HE IS AN ILLEGAL ALIEN!!!
- Why isn't MADD (Mothers against drunk drivers) weighing in on this? Shouldn't they be psychotic about this situation??? (Oh...if forgot....when it comes to a Liberal, it really doesn't MATTER to groups like MADD....who are just fine with drunk drivers, as long as they are Liberals)
Hirota: out.
Did you hear??? (probably not, if you watch MSNBC...)
Zimmerman, the guy who shot Trayvon Davis, IS A REGISTERED DEMOCRAT!
Well, folks, this just adds weight to MY argument that the only gun control measure we need in America is a law forbidding Democrats from owning or possessing guns.
Hirota: out.
Jane Fonda???
So, "Hanoi" Jane Fonda has been picked to play Nancy Reagan in an upcoming movie....
Gee.....sounds perfectly reasonable to me.
In fact, it sounds about as reasonable as choosing Hitler, the actor, playing the role of Jesus Christ in a movie....
Hirota: laughing.
Monday, March 26, 2012
The difference....
Want an example of the difference between Liberals and Conservatives?

This idiotic t-shirt is now in full production in Florida. WITHOUT QUESTION, it was produced by, and will be worn by, Liberals:

The difference between Liberals and Conservatives?
Think about it: do you think that, if it turns out the Trayvon Davis WAS the aggressor and the shooting WAS justified, do you think ANy Conservative will be producing (or wearing) a "Dumb-ass nigger" t-shirt?
Hirota: out.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Ya know....
Sometimes (well......more than just 'sometimes'...) Liberals are breathtaking in their way of reasoning...
Take David Plouffe (White House senior advisor to Obama). Today, defending Obamacare, Plouffe said, "By the way, Mitt Romney is the Godfather of our healthcare plan."
Folks.....think: this statement is like a kid, having just been caught setting fire to his house and burning it to the ground, gets caught by a parent who says, "What the hell were you thinking!?!?"
By way of answering, the kid points to the neighbor's kid and says, "But he told me to do it!"
Now, folks.....has that excuse EVER worked? EVER?????
Yet, in Liberal land, it seems to work just fine. In fact, around 46% of Americans are saying, "Oh...really? The neighbor's kid told you to do it? Well....that's different! No problem.....carry on.....keep up the great job! By the way.....NICE FIRE!"
Hirota: out!
Saturday, March 24, 2012
A question for our idiot-in-chief....
Yesterday, when speaking about the Trayvon Davis case, (completely inappropriate, btw, since you have now tainted the case), you said, "if I had a son, he would look like Trayvon".
Remarkable. And remarkably inappropriate.
But, today, some new testimony came to light.....a first-hand witness to the incident.....
....and according to this witness, it WAS a clear case of self-defense on the part of security guard Zimmerman.
Now, who knows whether this will stand in court, but in fairness, NOTHING said from either side carries more weigh than any other statement....for either side.
So, Obama, IF it is ultimately determined that Zimmerman acted in self defense and that Davis WAS the aggressor......
Will Davis STILL look like the son you never had???
Folks, this case has no more to do with the person of Davis than it does with Florida's "stand your ground" law.
This has EVERYTHING to do with a sort-of white person killing a black person.
Do you REALLY think that Dumbama, Sharpton, Jackson and ALL the other race baiting Liberals would give a rat's ass if Davis had killed Zimmerman?
Hirota: out.
Friday, March 23, 2012
MORE proof that Nancy Pelosi has NEVER read The Declaration of Independence
That's really the only way to adequately describe Nancy Pelosi. Here's a woman (Democrat...Liberal...Socialist) who has not only spent a HUGE number of years in Government service (really, Government entitlement), but has spent years as Speaker of the House.
So, you'd THINK that she'd have at least SOME idea about what our founding documents mean.
To call her recent statement about Obamacare merely "stupid" fails....WILDLY...to accurately portray the depth of the stupidity of her pronouncement!
Pelosi, this week, characterized Obamacare as a Bill which "guarantees life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness".
Pelosi is wrong in at LEAST three ways:
- Guarantees life? Um....nope, because Obamacare doesn't guarantee life ANY MORE than any other insurance delivery method. Additionally, with many UNIONS and HUGE corporations exempted from the plan (so much for "healthcare for ALL Americans), Obamacare, in actuality, will cover FEWER people......AT A HIGHER COST...than private insurance so, if anything, Obamacare will be the cause of MORE loss of "life" than privatized healthcare!
- Guarantees liberty? Puh-LEEEEZ. Obamacare FORCES, through possible legal consequences, Americans to purchase health insurance. In point of fact, Obamacare REMOVES liberty.
- Guarantees the pursuit of happiness? Sure, but ONLY if "happiness" can be equated to the FORCED, COERCIVE taking of taxes and FORCED, COERCIVE purchase of a product.
What's that old joke? How do you know when a LIberal is lying?.....
Hirota: out
Another Liberal is LYING to you! Gee....what a....surprise....
Democratic Senator Jamie Eldridge, who sponsored "An Act to Modernize Voter Registration", claims that allowing "pre-adults" (around the age of sixteen) to "pre-register" to vote will, among other things, "cultivate their civic responsibility". She adds that this Bill will allow a pre-adult to be ready, when the time comes, to cast votes in elections.
You see, folks, it's ALL about fairness. It's ALL about love for the children. It's ALL about civic duty.
Rather, it's ALLLLLLLLLLL about Liberalism. Specifically, it's about controlling the children.
Just as Lenin said, "give me a child for four years, and I will have a Socialist for life". Such is the motto of the Democratic Party; a line stolen from one their idols.
Liberals know that kids, constantly bombarded by Socialist principles (in school, on TV, on radio, on the internet, etc) tend to be very trusting and so believe the lies that they are told by Democrats.
Liberals ALSO know that when those same kids grow up....gain experience....learn how discern...learn how to tell if someone is lying, that those kids move strongly toward Conservatism (the one who don't.....the REALLY stupid ones....remain Democrats).
SO, pushing a Bill to allow kids to be able to register to vote early in life, they KNOW that those kids will very likely register "Democrat", thereby building the union vote.
So.....it really has NOTHING to do the kids. Democrats don't care about kids (if they did, they wouldn't advocate the butchering of 53 MILLION of them.....).
(BTW.....if it really IS about fairness, how about when those kids register, they "default" to DTS (decline to state) status?
But of course, this was NOT presented as an option in the Bill....
Reminds me of an old joke........
How do you know when a Democrat is lying?
....their lips are moving.
Hirota: out.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
The Juden Files
I kick off "The Juden Files" with a news piece from, of course, California. (The Juden Files will be featured when elements in our Government mirror the policies of Nazi Germany).
In California, the UC system is in the process of deciding whether students, on their applications, will be asked to provide their sexual orientation.
In Germany, under Hitler, Jews were required to declare their Jewish heritage. Of course, this information eventually was utilized to identify, then segregate, Jews from the rest of the population.
This policy didn't work out so well for Jews....
....and now, California is considering a similar policy.....
California...a DECIDEDLY Liberal state......of course.
Unfortunately, as long as there are Liberals, there will be "The Juden Files".......
Hirota: out.
So, the idiot who went on a shooting spree in France has been positively identified as a Jihadist.
...what a...uh....shock.
Hirota: out.
"The war on women"
Liberals are trumpeting "THE WAR ON WOMEN". It has become THE biggest "talking point" for ALL Liberals.
THANK GOD! Nothing could make me happier!
Why? Why am I SO happy that Liberals have taken this stance?
Simple: it exposes the truth about Liberals and the Democratic Party.
The truth:
In the slavery days, those same Liberals defined the anti-slave movement as a "private property rights" issue. In those days, abolitionists were waging a "war on private property".
And, just as they were wrong then, Liberals today are AS wrong, because, as with slavery, women's right to vote, civil rights and abortion, Liberals are ALL about discrimination. They CONSTANTLY push to legislate AGAINST some segment of society; determining that some segment of humanity (whether based on color, creed, gender, stage of life, etc) is not fully human and, therefore, not deserving of equality under the law.
Same pitch, different target.
Hirota: out!
Our "broken" Congress
Congress is broken! Our system is BROKEN! Government is BROKEN!
Heard those lines? (Only about every two seconds, from the media!)
But, IS our system of government "broken"?
The simple answer is: NO.
In fact, how our Government is currently conducting it's business (or, more recently, PREVENTING some types of business from being done) is EXACTLY how our system is SUPPOSED to work. THIS is why there are THREE branches of Government (to Liberals, this means: Obama, Reid and Pelosi).
Additionally, this is WHY there is a "balance of powers" in Government.
When our Government get too one-sided (as it was from '08-'10), those in power attempt to grab FAR too much power and vastly, UNCONSTITUTIONALLY, grow Government.
So, as in '10, voters reacted, specifically to bring balance BACK to Goverenment.
So, now they fight. And they disagree. AND, ultimately, that balance prevents Socialism in America.
To Liberals: your Socialist agenda has been slowed and, in some cases, stopped. YOU LOSE.
To Conservatives: REMEMBER.....this is EXACTLY why you voted for Conservatism in '10....to STOP the growth of Socialism in the United States!
So, IS Goevrnment broken? NO....it's working as the Framers intended...EXACTLY as they intended.
Now, all we need is to bring balance to the Senate AND the White Hosue...
Hirota: OUT!
Holder, guns and brainwashing.....
Liberals: hide now. You shouldn't see this (not that you'd understand it anyway....).
For sentient humans, here's a video of Eric Holder, wayyyyyyy back in 1995, talking about how Government needs to condition people to thinking that guns are bad.
.....CLASSIC Liberalism.
So, Holder, is this why our kids are currently being bombarded with reality shows that display the absolute WORST of humanity? Or "erectile dysfunction" commercials? Or "anti-depressants" commercials? Or idiotic shows like "Glee", "Adam and Steve", etc? Or stations like "LOGO", "BET", etc?
By Holder's own characterization, Liberals (who completely control media at the behest of the Democratic Party) are conditioning Americans to become the ABSOLUTE worst of humanity.
Perhaps their motto ought to be: "Be the worst you can be...in the DNC!"
And, heck....if you are successful in becoming the worst, you, too, can run for office in the Democratic Party! (Just look at John Edwards, John Kerry, Charlie Rangel, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Robert Byrd, Alcee Hastings, Bill and Hillary Clinton, William Jefferson, etc, etc, etc.....). It's pretty much a "given" that you have to have a criminal record (or, at least, VERY serious ethics convictions) to be a star in the Democratic Party....
Hirota: out.
I hate being right all the time.....
I predicted, some time ago, that Obama was going to do two critical things leading up to the election:
- Promise to release oil from the strategic reserves, and
- Promise to....AFTER the election...sign domestic drilling and refining contracts.
I predicted that he'd do both these things because he has learned that doing either of these will temporarily bring gas prices down and, as has been well-reported in the Conservative press, lower gas prices will help in his bid for a second term.
Well, he's done BOTH.....earlier than I predicted.
The most encouraging news, though, is that neither announcement has increased his poll numbers. THIS can only mean one thing: Americans ARE learning. Americans ARE "getting it" that Democrats are the enemy of liberty.
But, going back to the whole strategic reserve thing:
Think about it folks: the Democrats say that releasing oil from our strategic reserves will ultimately help our country and will provide long-term "fix" to the oil problem.
Does this make ANY sense???? (Of course not......we're talking about Democrats here...)
Folks, this mentality is tantamount to saying, "in order to help my monthly finances, I'm going to take money out my savings account. Problem fixed!"
The new motto for the DNC, perhaps, should be "Stupid is as stupid does.....THAT'S US!!!"
HIROTA: out!
David Nakamura, a Washington Post reporter, recently asked Obama, "Does Bo think you should.. release Strategic Petroleum Reserve?" (For anyone NOT in the know, Bo is the 'first dog').
Now, folks, laugh if you want, but this Nakamura guy isn't so stupid as everyone now thinks....
Let's face facts: Bo is VERY likely more intelligent than Obama and, it's quite likely that Obama consults Bo when it comes to really tough decisions (for Obama, this means EVERY decision...).
Also, (back to reality), these are the kind of softball questions regularly hurled at our idiot-in-chief.
Hirota: out.
Stupid is as stupid does....
Typical of our idiot-in-chief, Obama has just rendered the Iran sanctions completely useless.
It is now known that he has exempted eleven countries from the sanctions, so these eleven countries are free to continue conducting business with Iran.
Here's how it will work:
Let's say that Russia (one of the countries NOT exempt) wants to sell stuff to Iran. Oh....let's say that they want to sell more weapons...
Now, they will just make a deal with one of the eleven exempted countries, and run the product through to "resell" to Iran.
IS there a ceiling of stupidity with Obama? (Surely, this question cannot be answered, since we clearly haven't hit that ceiling yet....)
Hirota: out.
Friday, March 9, 2012
More Fluke.....
Am I here to defend Limbaugh? Nope. Am I a Limbaugh apologist? Nope.
In fact, the comments I made about the saintly (to Liberals) Sandra Fluke, whose criterion (according to her) for choosing a college was whether they offered free contraception, were published before Limbaugh referred to her as a "slut".
But, there he was....on his show....calling her a slut.
Then, he was back....apologizing...which, frankly, is a mark against him in my book.
NOW, we have the idiot Gloria "the ambulance chaser" Allred, saying that Limbaugh should be prosecuted for his nasty, nasty words. (Let's get this clear: to Liberals, it's perfectly ok for Sandra Fluke to "exercise her free speech", but NOT ok for Limbaugh to do so. JUST so we understand where everyone stands....).
Anyway, back to Allred, who said, “Mr. Limbaugh targeted his attack on a young law student who was simply exercised her free speech and her right to testify before congress on a very important issue to millions of American women and he vilified her. He defamed her and engaged in unwarranted, tasteless and exceptionally damaging attacks on her. He needs to face the consequences of his conduct in every way that is meaningful.”
Gloria forgot one, little thing, though, in here rant: Limbaugh was right. Fluke, by definition, IS a slut.
According to the online dictionary, a slut is defined as "a person, especially a woman, considered sexually promiscuous." Without question (because she testified to this very fact in front of a Congressional committee), Fluke fits the definition.
So, Glo......prosecute away.....this should be entertaining!
To Fluke and Glo: if the dental dam fits, wear it...
Hirota: out!
Monday, March 5, 2012
Open letter to "Dr." Francesca Minerva and "Dr." Alberto Giublini
First of all, I placed "Dr." in parentheses because neither of you qualify as Doctors.
That said, with respect to your recent article "After birth abortion: why should the baby live"...in truth, just another classic exercise in Marxism (practiced by the American Democratic Party as well as other worldwide Marxist movements).
I find it interesting that the article has now been deleted from the "Journal of Medical Ethics" (the only somewhat true word in this title being "of"). Unfortunately for you and Marxists everywhere, lots of direct quotes remain out there (I even saved a few myself....). All in all, you are to be thanked for revealing the true agenda of The Democratic Party, here, in the USA.
What I find rather pathetic is your attempt to explain your article away as "not a proposal for law" and "this was a theoretical and academic article".
"Not a proposal for law"? Neither was Darwin's theory, yet that law is used to forward the legalization of abortion.
"...This was a theoretical and academic article..."? How about if someone "theorizes" then develops an "academic article" that states that those claiming to be "doctors", who suggest that humans aren't worthy of "humanity" can be "aborted"; the act being defined as "extremely late-term abortion"?
Would that be ok?
Hirota: out.
McCain.....just keeps proving that he is a Liberal...
"Wikileaks" just released some interesting info....
No real surprise, but the Democratic Party tried (successfully) to illegally fix the '08 election.
AND, when McCain found out, he did......NOTHING. Said he was afraid that public knowledge of these crimes PERPETRATED BY THE DEMOCRATS could result in civil unrest.
My response?
SO WHAT!?!? The founding of our nation....the establishment of it's freedoms and liberties, as well as the severe restriction of Government's reach.....was a matter of "civil unrest": the great people of this soon-to-be new country, in recognizing that their current Government (then, Britain, today the Obama administration) was no longer operating within ANY moral, ethical, legal boundaries, embarked on a path that, though bloody, established THE GREATEST SOCIETY IN HISTORY.
OBVIOUSLY, it is time to RE-establish this society...
McCain had his chance and threw it away.
Who's next?
Hirota: out.
No real surprise, but the Democratic Party tried (successfully) to illegally fix the '08 election.
AND, when McCain found out, he did......NOTHING. Said he was afraid that public knowledge of these crimes PERPETRATED BY THE DEMOCRATS could result in civil unrest.
My response?
SO WHAT!?!? The founding of our nation....the establishment of it's freedoms and liberties, as well as the severe restriction of Government's reach.....was a matter of "civil unrest": the great people of this soon-to-be new country, in recognizing that their current Government (then, Britain, today the Obama administration) was no longer operating within ANY moral, ethical, legal boundaries, embarked on a path that, though bloody, established THE GREATEST SOCIETY IN HISTORY.
OBVIOUSLY, it is time to RE-establish this society...
McCain had his chance and threw it away.
Who's next?
Hirota: out.
"Don't worry.......I've got your back".....
So, our blithering-idiot-in-chief told Bibi Netanyahu that America "has your back", when it came to a conversation about the whole "what do we do about Iran" thing.
Only two little problems, though:
1. Obama is a COWARD. He is nearly as gutless as he is incompetent. "Having your back" is fundamentally meaningless.
2. I am CERTAIN that when Obama says "I have your back", he means that that back, at every opportunity, will be stabbed, bitten and "bared".
Yes, Obama has Israel's back......after all, that's the position from he which he tends to "lead"....
Hirota: out.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Ah....those "peaceful" Liberals.....
So....breaking news......the bomb squad has been called to Rush Limbaugh's house....
Some free advice for Sandra Fluke
Fluke is the idiot Liberal who was given forum at a Congressional hearing to complain about no longer receiving free birth control.
Sandy, I've got some advice for you:
If you'd like to have "free birth control", try keeping your legs closed. THAT doesn't cost a dime.
Hirota: out.
Here's the actual "After-birth abortions: why should the baby live"
The Slippery Slope
This just in from the "Journal of Medical Ethics":
"Killing babies is no different than having an abortion"
No....I'm not joking. A group of "experts".....MEDICAL ETHICS EXPERTS, no less...has decided that, in THEIR OWN WORDS, babies are not "actual persons" and have no "moral right to life"
Let's, first, keep something in mind: OBAMA HAS HEALD THIS EXACT POSITION SINCE THE TIME HE WAS AN ILLINOIS IDIOT-CRAT. If you recall, in Illinois, Obama lead the fight against "The Born Alive Act", thus permitting new borns to be left unattended....to die....if that child were the product of a failed abortion.
Liberals LOVE to accuse Conservatives of "The Slippery Slope" when it comes to gun control acts, and even when there's a possibility that ANY law might be construed as being remotely in favor of a pro-life agenda (this was Obama's argument against the "Born Alive Act"). Yet, those very Liberals take THIS particular issue....Roe v Wade....and expand expand expand......
Remember: when Roe was first puked upon this nation, it contemplated abortions up-to, but not after, the first trimester. Now, we have the Liberal push to include BORN babies (age is not determined in this study) as not being human.
Other tidbits from this article which, by the way, is titled "After-birth abortion: why should the baby live?" (I'm not joking....that's really the title):
"The moral status of an infant is equivalent to that of a fetus in the sense that both lack those properties that justify the attribution of a right to life to an individual"
...I can't even stomach repeating any more of their crap....here, read the piece yourself:
THIS, folks, is EXACTLY why we have The Second Amendment! (In fact, perhaps pro-Second-Amendment folks ought to use this same argument......
"Guns are simply a 'tool' utilized in EXTREMELY-late-term-abortions...."
Hirota: armed and out.
How's that ol' "womens rights" crap working out????
Gendercide in China....
So, in order to control it's population, China aborts baby girls....LOTS of them. In fact, the OVERWHELMING majority of abortions that take place in China are of female fetuses.
(If it weren't such a tragedy, it'd almost be funny....)
A couple things come to mind:
- The idiots in America who support abortion (Liberals: The DNC an "Women's rights" groups), are pretty much getting the big "F*** YOU" from the Chinese....
- BUT....why should these groups even care? After all, according to THEIR own literature, all these female fetuses aren't even human.....
Folks, like it or not, this is EXACTLY where we are headed in America. Don't believe me? Keep in mind that YOUR "President" advocates infanticide....
Hirota: out.
So, in order to control it's population, China aborts baby girls....LOTS of them. In fact, the OVERWHELMING majority of abortions that take place in China are of female fetuses.
(If it weren't such a tragedy, it'd almost be funny....)
A couple things come to mind:
- The idiots in America who support abortion (Liberals: The DNC an "Women's rights" groups), are pretty much getting the big "F*** YOU" from the Chinese....
- BUT....why should these groups even care? After all, according to THEIR own literature, all these female fetuses aren't even human.....
Folks, like it or not, this is EXACTLY where we are headed in America. Don't believe me? Keep in mind that YOUR "President" advocates infanticide....
Hirota: out.
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