You see, folks, it's ALL about fairness. It's ALL about love for the children. It's ALL about civic duty.
Rather, it's ALLLLLLLLLLL about Liberalism. Specifically, it's about controlling the children.
Just as Lenin said, "give me a child for four years, and I will have a Socialist for life". Such is the motto of the Democratic Party; a line stolen from one their idols.
Liberals know that kids, constantly bombarded by Socialist principles (in school, on TV, on radio, on the internet, etc) tend to be very trusting and so believe the lies that they are told by Democrats.
Liberals ALSO know that when those same kids grow up....gain experience....learn how discern...learn how to tell if someone is lying, that those kids move strongly toward Conservatism (the one who don't.....the REALLY stupid ones....remain Democrats).
SO, pushing a Bill to allow kids to be able to register to vote early in life, they KNOW that those kids will very likely register "Democrat", thereby building the union vote. really has NOTHING to do the kids. Democrats don't care about kids (if they did, they wouldn't advocate the butchering of 53 MILLION of them.....).
(BTW.....if it really IS about fairness, how about when those kids register, they "default" to DTS (decline to state) status?
But of course, this was NOT presented as an option in the Bill....
Reminds me of an old joke........
How do you know when a Democrat is lying?
....their lips are moving.
Hirota: out.
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