Friday, March 23, 2012

MORE proof that Nancy Pelosi has NEVER read The Declaration of Independence


That's really the only way to adequately describe Nancy Pelosi. Here's a woman (Democrat...Liberal...Socialist) who has not only spent a HUGE number of years in Government service (really, Government entitlement), but has spent years as Speaker of the House.

So, you'd THINK that she'd have at least SOME idea about what our founding documents mean.


To call her recent statement about Obamacare merely "stupid" accurately portray the depth of the stupidity of her pronouncement!

Pelosi, this week, characterized Obamacare as a Bill which "guarantees life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness".

Pelosi is wrong in at LEAST three ways:

- Guarantees life? Um....nope, because Obamacare doesn't guarantee life ANY MORE than any other insurance delivery method. Additionally, with many UNIONS and HUGE corporations exempted from the plan (so much for "healthcare for ALL Americans), Obamacare, in actuality, will cover FEWER people......AT A HIGHER COST...than private insurance so, if anything, Obamacare will be the cause of MORE loss of "life" than privatized healthcare!

- Guarantees liberty? Puh-LEEEEZ. Obamacare FORCES, through possible legal consequences, Americans to purchase health insurance. In point of fact, Obamacare REMOVES liberty.

- Guarantees the pursuit of happiness? Sure, but ONLY if "happiness" can be equated to the FORCED, COERCIVE taking of taxes and FORCED, COERCIVE purchase of a product.

What's that old joke? How do you know when a LIberal is lying?.....

Hirota: out

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