"Killing babies is no different than having an abortion"
No....I'm not joking. A group of "experts".....MEDICAL ETHICS EXPERTS, no less...has decided that, in THEIR OWN WORDS, babies are not "actual persons" and have no "moral right to life"
Let's, first, keep something in mind: OBAMA HAS HEALD THIS EXACT POSITION SINCE THE TIME HE WAS AN ILLINOIS IDIOT-CRAT. If you recall, in Illinois, Obama lead the fight against "The Born Alive Act", thus permitting new borns to be left unattended....to die....if that child were the product of a failed abortion.
Liberals LOVE to accuse Conservatives of "The Slippery Slope" when it comes to gun control acts, and even when there's a possibility that ANY law might be construed as being remotely in favor of a pro-life agenda (this was Obama's argument against the "Born Alive Act"). Yet, those very Liberals take THIS particular issue....Roe v Wade....and expand expand expand......
Remember: when Roe was first puked upon this nation, it contemplated abortions up-to, but not after, the first trimester. Now, we have the Liberal push to include BORN babies (age is not determined in this study) as not being human.
Other tidbits from this article which, by the way, is titled "After-birth abortion: why should the baby live?" (I'm not joking....that's really the title):
"The moral status of an infant is equivalent to that of a fetus in the sense that both lack those properties that justify the attribution of a right to life to an individual"
...I can't even stomach repeating any more of their crap....here, read the piece yourself:
THIS, folks, is EXACTLY why we have The Second Amendment! (In fact, perhaps pro-Second-Amendment folks ought to use this same argument......
"Guns are simply a 'tool' utilized in EXTREMELY-late-term-abortions...."
Hirota: armed and out.
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