Monday, May 12, 2014

Another observation....

Courage? Seriously?

Someone help me, exactly, in a day where 'coming out' earns you celebrity status in Liberal circles, where homosexuality is legally protected far above being heterosexual, white, exactly is that a "courageous" act?

You want courage? ACTUAL courage?

Come out as a Christian.

Come out as a black Conservative.

Come out as a Hispanic Conservative.

Come out as a proud heterosexual. White. Male.

You want REAL courage?

Be someone who puts their very lives on the line, every the military, a cop, etc....all knowing that Liberals HATE you for it.

Be a private school teacher who, at 60% of the compensation of their public school counterparts, STILL somehow manage to produce more intelligent kids.

Be someone who dares to defy the unions.

THAT is courage. REAL courage. ACTUAL courage.

Hirota: out.

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