What's that old saying? Something about those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it?
....and along comes Brett Hulsey (D-Madison), who is now the poster boy for that saying.
But not really.
I HAVE to assume that, as breathtakingly stupid as this guy is, he's FULLY aware of ACTUAL history....., how Democrats (NOT Republicans) fought to protect, defend and expand slavery. how Democrats (NOT Republicans) comprised the OVERWHELMING majority of (and actually founded) the KKK. how Democrats (NOT Republicans) filibustered in an attempt to defeat the Civil Rights Bill in the '60's. how the Democrats (NOT the Republicans) had as members the likes of:
- "Bull" Connor
- Robert Byrd (former Senator and recruiter for the KKK)
- 97 of the 101 signers of the "Southern Manifesto" which fought to preserve segregation (
- Bill Clinton, who listed as his "mentor" J. William Fullbright, signer of the Southern Manfesto and ardent segregationist
These, folks, are just a few...a VERY FEW....examples of the real, actual, history of the Democrat Party and it's disciples. I COULD include abortion supporters, embryonic stem cell research supporters, suffrage, etc, but I'll refrain....for now.
So, Hulsey MUST know about the history of his own party. He CAN'T be THAT stupid, can he?
And yet, there he is...planning to hand out KKK hoods in an attempt to revise history.
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