Thursday, May 8, 2014

Too stupid to survive.

So....after Nancy "the facelift" Pelosi screeched about demanding Democrats to comprise half of the Benghazi commission, the GOP, in their typical gullible way, partially caved and put a few Democrats (obviously to round out the bottom of the intelligence scale).

Forget, for a moment, that when THEY were the majority, they COMPLETELY blocked the GOP from being involved in ANYTHING.

And now, the psychologically unbalanced Harry Reid does this:

GOP.....when are you going to get it? Seriously, you people are too stupid to survive.

The Democrats are going to f*** you over EVERY CHANCE THEY GET.

It's EXACTLY what they do to the American people, every day.

But, as long as you keep being stupid, let's face it: you DESERVE to be f***ed over by them.

Hirota: out.

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