There's wierd ol' Mo, now doling out cash to the masses in order to quell the unrest and put down the revolution in Lybia.
A couple readers send me emails in response to one of my earlier postings, disagreeing (of course) with me when I characterized these Dictators as Liberals.
No one can disagree now, as Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Lybia are all responding in kind: shovelling out dough to keep the people silent and content.
Only one problem will result:
IF the cash-throwing works, and eventually calms the people, they'll to get more cash in the future. All they have to do is threaten to revolt.
But, my suspicion is that, ultimately, this new tactic won't work. The people don't want cash.
Hirota: out!
Monday, February 28, 2011
Surprised and Shocked!
Yup...that's what I am. Surprised and shocked at the news this weekend!
Seems as Judy Erwin (former State Representative and Rahm transition team member) has resigned her position because of.....get ready.....ETHICS VIOLATIONS!
Yessireeeeeee, good ol' Erwin, it turns out, was conducting campaign work on the state dime...all in support of (get ready for another shock)....OBAMA!
I must confess, though, that what shocks me even more than this news is the fact that this news, in the first place.
Gee....Obama.....Emanuel....Chicago......ethics violations......
What WOULD be news is if NO ONE here were found guilty of ethics or criminal violations!
Hirota: out!
Seems as Judy Erwin (former State Representative and Rahm transition team member) has resigned her position because of.....get ready.....ETHICS VIOLATIONS!
Yessireeeeeee, good ol' Erwin, it turns out, was conducting campaign work on the state dime...all in support of (get ready for another shock)....OBAMA!
I must confess, though, that what shocks me even more than this news is the fact that this news, in the first place.
Gee....Obama.....Emanuel....Chicago......ethics violations......
What WOULD be news is if NO ONE here were found guilty of ethics or criminal violations!
Hirota: out!
Sunday, February 27, 2011
1000 words...

Found this on the 'net today. She's a public school teacher, and, obviously, a Union supporter. And, quite obviously, a product of public education....
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Grounds for impeachment
"I, [name of the one taking the oath], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States so help me God."
So states the Presidential Oath of Office. These words are spoken and the oath sworn according to the mandates of the Constitution. And, as with all Presidents elected before him, Obama spoke these words and swore his oath.
This past week, The White House announced that Obama has instructed his administration to no longer support "The Defense of Marriage Act" (DOMA), an act, signed into law by Clinton in 1996, which fundamentally defines marriage as between one man and one woman.
Although under fire from "gay rights" groups and Liberal lawmakers from the moment of its inception, the Defense of Marriage Act remains Federal Law.
Obama's decision was arrived-at from a series of meetings with his Attorney General, Eric Holder. Together, they decided that one of the key provisions of the Act was unconstitutional. And so, together, the decision was made to cease defending the law and further forbid the Obama administration from defending it, as well.
Federal law, folks, IS the Constitution. The "Defense of Marriage Act" IS Constitutional Law. Therefore, the President is REQUIRED, BY LAW, to uphold and defend it. He cannot arbitrarily decide not to defend it, just as he cannot arbitrarily decide not to defend ANY other Federal law.
The ONLY way that Obama can simply set the law aside is if the law is overturned in Congress or if determined to be unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. NEITHER of these has happened.
THEREFORE, in deciding to no longer defend the Defense of Marriage Act, President Obama is in direct violation of his Oath of Office, and therefore is subject to the Articles of Impeachment.
Additionally, the fact that he (along with Holder) have specifically instructed the administration to ALSO "no longer defend the Defense of Marriage Act", any one of his administration who follows these instructions is guilty of conspiracy to violate Federal Law.
It is my hope that one of two things happen:
1. That Obama will change his mind and uphold the Constitution.....ALL OF IT.
2. That Conservatives in Congress will, in fact, file Articles of Impeachment against Obama.
I STRONGLY encourage all of you to write/call/contact your representatives and demand action. REMEMBER: Your activism has begun the process of bringing sanity back to American government and ONLY your activism will restore this country to its Constitutional greatness!
Hirota: OUT!
So states the Presidential Oath of Office. These words are spoken and the oath sworn according to the mandates of the Constitution. And, as with all Presidents elected before him, Obama spoke these words and swore his oath.
This past week, The White House announced that Obama has instructed his administration to no longer support "The Defense of Marriage Act" (DOMA), an act, signed into law by Clinton in 1996, which fundamentally defines marriage as between one man and one woman.
Although under fire from "gay rights" groups and Liberal lawmakers from the moment of its inception, the Defense of Marriage Act remains Federal Law.
Obama's decision was arrived-at from a series of meetings with his Attorney General, Eric Holder. Together, they decided that one of the key provisions of the Act was unconstitutional. And so, together, the decision was made to cease defending the law and further forbid the Obama administration from defending it, as well.
Federal law, folks, IS the Constitution. The "Defense of Marriage Act" IS Constitutional Law. Therefore, the President is REQUIRED, BY LAW, to uphold and defend it. He cannot arbitrarily decide not to defend it, just as he cannot arbitrarily decide not to defend ANY other Federal law.
The ONLY way that Obama can simply set the law aside is if the law is overturned in Congress or if determined to be unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. NEITHER of these has happened.
THEREFORE, in deciding to no longer defend the Defense of Marriage Act, President Obama is in direct violation of his Oath of Office, and therefore is subject to the Articles of Impeachment.
Additionally, the fact that he (along with Holder) have specifically instructed the administration to ALSO "no longer defend the Defense of Marriage Act", any one of his administration who follows these instructions is guilty of conspiracy to violate Federal Law.
It is my hope that one of two things happen:
1. That Obama will change his mind and uphold the Constitution.....ALL OF IT.
2. That Conservatives in Congress will, in fact, file Articles of Impeachment against Obama.
I STRONGLY encourage all of you to write/call/contact your representatives and demand action. REMEMBER: Your activism has begun the process of bringing sanity back to American government and ONLY your activism will restore this country to its Constitutional greatness!
Hirota: OUT!
Defense of Marriage Act,
Michelle Obama,
Oath of Office
Friday, February 25, 2011
Living the Dream
BTW, if you might be wondering why Obama (or any of the other pathetic Liberals in America) has nothing to say about the Middle East, there IS a reason.
No, it's not ONLY because they are cowards, afraid to take a stand against the Dictatorial regimes.
No, it's not ONLY because Obama, as a first-rate micromanager, can't seem to focus on the big picture.
No, it's not ONLY because his idiot SecState, Hillary, is a buffoon who has COMPLETELY dropped the ball on geopolitics.
The REASON that Liberals are sitting quietly with their collective thumbs up their behinds, is because the Dictators in the Middle East, who are even now butchering and imprisoning their own citizens, also happen to be living the Liberal DREAM. be able to silence opposition with a rifle.....
What gave our Founding Fathers fear enough to be motivated into creating our Constitution is a "wet dream" for Liberals.....
....and, BTW, something they will NEVER possess...
No, it's not ONLY because they are cowards, afraid to take a stand against the Dictatorial regimes.
No, it's not ONLY because Obama, as a first-rate micromanager, can't seem to focus on the big picture.
No, it's not ONLY because his idiot SecState, Hillary, is a buffoon who has COMPLETELY dropped the ball on geopolitics.
The REASON that Liberals are sitting quietly with their collective thumbs up their behinds, is because the Dictators in the Middle East, who are even now butchering and imprisoning their own citizens, also happen to be living the Liberal DREAM. be able to silence opposition with a rifle.....
What gave our Founding Fathers fear enough to be motivated into creating our Constitution is a "wet dream" for Liberals.....
....and, BTW, something they will NEVER possess...
"All the Queen's ribs"
PLEASE....stop griping about dumb ol' Michelle Obama's rib fest! I'm DONE hearing about it.
Who cares, at this point, that she, as the "obesity queen", is also a hypocrite? Gosh....she's a Liberal and a hypocrite.....THAT'S NEWS??? And, who cares that, already, her school lunch program is failing (especially with those kids in Wisconsin)? Gee....a program, designed by a Liberal, is failing.....THAT'S NEWS????
What most people have clearly failed to consider is whether Michelle has purchased "obesity credits" (kinda like goofy Al Gore's "carbon credits"). So, just maybe....Michelle has purchased stocks in "24 Hour Fitness", or purchased "lard subsidies", in order to offset her her own, personal, "porkulus"...
Hey Liberals: want to make BILLIONS (just like stupid ol' Al)? Start a "obesity credit" company...
Hirota:out! (...for a burger)
Who cares, at this point, that she, as the "obesity queen", is also a hypocrite? Gosh....she's a Liberal and a hypocrite.....THAT'S NEWS??? And, who cares that, already, her school lunch program is failing (especially with those kids in Wisconsin)? Gee....a program, designed by a Liberal, is failing.....THAT'S NEWS????
What most people have clearly failed to consider is whether Michelle has purchased "obesity credits" (kinda like goofy Al Gore's "carbon credits"). So, just maybe....Michelle has purchased stocks in "24 Hour Fitness", or purchased "lard subsidies", in order to offset her her own, personal, "porkulus"...
Hey Liberals: want to make BILLIONS (just like stupid ol' Al)? Start a "obesity credit" company...
Hirota:out! (...for a burger)
Monday, February 21, 2011
"I won"
Remember that statement? Obama pointed that out in a meeting with Respublicans, ending any discussion about the direction and agenda of the new administration.
I wonder what would happen if Wisconsin's Governor Scott Walker gathered the Unions representatives and state Democrats, listened carefully to their concerns, and stated, simply, "I won"....
Unfortunately (fortunate, really), Walker has too much character. This certainly cannot be said about our petulent-child-in-chief.
I wonder what would happen if Wisconsin's Governor Scott Walker gathered the Unions representatives and state Democrats, listened carefully to their concerns, and stated, simply, "I won"....
Unfortunately (fortunate, really), Walker has too much character. This certainly cannot be said about our petulent-child-in-chief.
They're all Democrats!
Gaddafi is running away.
Mubarak is running away.
Hu is butchering his citizens.
Khameini is butchering his citizens.
Algiers, Morocco, Bahrain.....
It would seem that the world has had enough of Liberals.....
Mubarak is running away.
Hu is butchering his citizens.
Khameini is butchering his citizens.
Algiers, Morocco, Bahrain.....
It would seem that the world has had enough of Liberals.....
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Nancy stands in solidarity?
Well, of COURSE she does! Pelosi, spokesperson for the radical Left, is only doing what she, as a Liberal, does best: marching in lockstep with the Unions and, with the power of her Federal influence, is meddling in a states-rights issue.
BUT, extremist Liberal Pelosi is doing something else, VERY Liberal, which has thus far gone unnoticed by the mainstream media.
You see, while she claims to fully and completely support Unions, she...herself...hates them. Nancy owns lots of, vineyards, various other, you'd think that she'd welcome, with open arms, Unions into her personal world.
Nope. No Unions allowed in Pelosi-owned businesses. In fact, she specifically forbids her employees to Unionize (an act which is against the law).
This, folks, should come as no surprise. Nancy is a Liberal: what did you expect?
BUT, extremist Liberal Pelosi is doing something else, VERY Liberal, which has thus far gone unnoticed by the mainstream media.
You see, while she claims to fully and completely support Unions, she...herself...hates them. Nancy owns lots of, vineyards, various other, you'd think that she'd welcome, with open arms, Unions into her personal world.
Nope. No Unions allowed in Pelosi-owned businesses. In fact, she specifically forbids her employees to Unionize (an act which is against the law).
This, folks, should come as no surprise. Nancy is a Liberal: what did you expect?
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Processed Cheese
FYI: "Processed Cheese", for new friends of "The RIGHT Stuff", is a collection of news stories. Or rather, it's a few interesting news stories, made-sense-of. So here we go with this edition:
So, the new spokes-idiot for the Obama administration proclaimed the $800+ BILLION "Recovery Act" a success!
Keep in mind that Obama promised (AMONG OTHER THINGS) that this Act would reduce unemployment to 7%.
So, we can only conclude that the intent of the "Recovery Act" was to drive unemployment to 10%, where it stands now (according to Gallup).
Proof is in the pudding, folks: if the Democrats are claiming "success" of the "Recovery Act", then their INTENTION, through the Act, was to sink the American economy.
Congratulations on your success, Liberals!
In solidarity with the Unions in Wisconsin, teachers, 1,100 of them, reported in "sick" so that they could march on the capital.
Two points:
1. Last I checked, falsification of documentation (you reporting "sick" when you aren't) was grounds for immediate termination. Shouldn't these teachers now be fired?
2. With 1,100 teachers out "sick", who's there to teach our children? I thought that the Teachers Unions were "ALL ABOUT THE CHILDREN"???? I guess I was wrong. What the Teacher's Union is "ALL ABOUT" is.....the Teacher's Union. Thye don't give a rat's a** about the children OR their education...
Obama stated today that the Governor's actions in Wisconsin constitutes an "assault" on Unions. And, again, two points:
1. He's right: this IS an all-out assault on the Unions (to the benefit of the people of Wisconsin)
2. Why is a Federal official taking sides in a states rights issue?
The United States has decided to join in a UN Security Council rebuke of Israel. Evidently, Obama's administration has decided to side with the Security Councils decision to, "...not accept the legitimacy of continued settlement acitivity."
So, Israel: if there was ANY question of where the US stands in our allegiance to the democratic state of Israel, there shouldn't be...not anymore.
Obama, along with all the other Socialists in our Government, is against you.
(But, don't lose heart: the rest of the nation....the sentient ones...stand FIRMLY with you)
It's said that even a broken clock is right twice a day. The joke of Iran, "President" Ahmadinejad, handed Obama a verbal bi***-slapping, saying that he (Obama) "doesn't even know how to spell his own name". He went on to say, "Obama wants to rule the world, but he can't even control his own emotions".
My be schooled is one thing. But to be schooled by THAT loser?
Just about the only thing Ahmadinejad left out was, "Hey Barry...go stand in the corner!"
House Republicans (the new folks....NOT the establishment GOP Liberals) are taking the budget to task and making meaningful, ACTUAL progress. This week, they "pulled the plug" on Obamacare (Liberals, just think of this as part of the "end of life counselling" program). They also voted to defund Planned Parenthood (Liberals, feel free to think of this as a fiscal late-term abortion). Also voted to defund is "net neutrality" act.
The former Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, warned that these actions would shut down government....
...which, to me, is kind of funny and gigantically ironic, since she LOUDLY stands in support of Democrats shutting down government in Wisconsin!
So, the new spokes-idiot for the Obama administration proclaimed the $800+ BILLION "Recovery Act" a success!
Keep in mind that Obama promised (AMONG OTHER THINGS) that this Act would reduce unemployment to 7%.
So, we can only conclude that the intent of the "Recovery Act" was to drive unemployment to 10%, where it stands now (according to Gallup).
Proof is in the pudding, folks: if the Democrats are claiming "success" of the "Recovery Act", then their INTENTION, through the Act, was to sink the American economy.
Congratulations on your success, Liberals!
In solidarity with the Unions in Wisconsin, teachers, 1,100 of them, reported in "sick" so that they could march on the capital.
Two points:
1. Last I checked, falsification of documentation (you reporting "sick" when you aren't) was grounds for immediate termination. Shouldn't these teachers now be fired?
2. With 1,100 teachers out "sick", who's there to teach our children? I thought that the Teachers Unions were "ALL ABOUT THE CHILDREN"???? I guess I was wrong. What the Teacher's Union is "ALL ABOUT" is.....the Teacher's Union. Thye don't give a rat's a** about the children OR their education...
Obama stated today that the Governor's actions in Wisconsin constitutes an "assault" on Unions. And, again, two points:
1. He's right: this IS an all-out assault on the Unions (to the benefit of the people of Wisconsin)
2. Why is a Federal official taking sides in a states rights issue?
The United States has decided to join in a UN Security Council rebuke of Israel. Evidently, Obama's administration has decided to side with the Security Councils decision to, "...not accept the legitimacy of continued settlement acitivity."
So, Israel: if there was ANY question of where the US stands in our allegiance to the democratic state of Israel, there shouldn't be...not anymore.
Obama, along with all the other Socialists in our Government, is against you.
(But, don't lose heart: the rest of the nation....the sentient ones...stand FIRMLY with you)
It's said that even a broken clock is right twice a day. The joke of Iran, "President" Ahmadinejad, handed Obama a verbal bi***-slapping, saying that he (Obama) "doesn't even know how to spell his own name". He went on to say, "Obama wants to rule the world, but he can't even control his own emotions".
My be schooled is one thing. But to be schooled by THAT loser?
Just about the only thing Ahmadinejad left out was, "Hey Barry...go stand in the corner!"
House Republicans (the new folks....NOT the establishment GOP Liberals) are taking the budget to task and making meaningful, ACTUAL progress. This week, they "pulled the plug" on Obamacare (Liberals, just think of this as part of the "end of life counselling" program). They also voted to defund Planned Parenthood (Liberals, feel free to think of this as a fiscal late-term abortion). Also voted to defund is "net neutrality" act.
The former Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, warned that these actions would shut down government....
...which, to me, is kind of funny and gigantically ironic, since she LOUDLY stands in support of Democrats shutting down government in Wisconsin!
net neutrality,
Planned Parenthood,
Recovery Act,
United Nations,
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Run, chickens, run! Run like....the wind!
So, the new Governor of Wisconsin (Scott Walker) is taking on the Unions! (About damn time).
Seems as he wants to change the way the state does business with the employee Unions...which, I guess, means that he's tired of his state being held hostage by the more strong-arming, no more blackmail tactics. No more jack boot thuggery.
Bummer. How will the people survive?
Well, ever the staunch supporters of the Union thugs, regularly pledging their undying loyalty (and tons of state money...ALL of which stays at the top), in response to Governor Walker's attack on the Unions, government Democrats are doing what they do best: running away.
Yep, they are leaving the state in droves, so as not to be in a position to cast their vote (and be on record as having been in support of Unions).
Shouldn't those idiot Democrats be STAYING in droves, so that they can staunchly defend Unions? Shouldn't they be "jumping on the grenade", sacrificing their careers in order defend the common man?
I guess not. I guess their political positions are too important to them.
Truth? Simple: Democrats KNOW that the good citizens of Wisconsin DON'T WANT THESE UNIONS. But, Democrats are SO completely in bed with Unions that they have NO choice but to choose fight.....ooops....I meant FLIGHT!
Cowards. (But, really....does that surprise you?)
Hirota: out!
Seems as he wants to change the way the state does business with the employee Unions...which, I guess, means that he's tired of his state being held hostage by the more strong-arming, no more blackmail tactics. No more jack boot thuggery.
Bummer. How will the people survive?
Well, ever the staunch supporters of the Union thugs, regularly pledging their undying loyalty (and tons of state money...ALL of which stays at the top), in response to Governor Walker's attack on the Unions, government Democrats are doing what they do best: running away.
Yep, they are leaving the state in droves, so as not to be in a position to cast their vote (and be on record as having been in support of Unions).
Shouldn't those idiot Democrats be STAYING in droves, so that they can staunchly defend Unions? Shouldn't they be "jumping on the grenade", sacrificing their careers in order defend the common man?
I guess not. I guess their political positions are too important to them.
Truth? Simple: Democrats KNOW that the good citizens of Wisconsin DON'T WANT THESE UNIONS. But, Democrats are SO completely in bed with Unions that they have NO choice but to choose fight.....ooops....I meant FLIGHT!
Cowards. (But, really....does that surprise you?)
Hirota: out!
Ahhh....those tolerant Liberals....
San Francisco, Liberal Mecca, is taking a case to the Supreme Court. It seems that the city has OFFICIALLY condemned the Catholic Church (specifically, the teachings of the Catholic Church), proclaiming the Church's teachings "discriminatory, insulting, callous and defamatory". It went on to say that Catholic teachings are, " insult to all San Franciscans" and accused the Vatican of being a "foreign country" that "meddles with and attempts to negatively influence this great city's existing and established customs and traditions."
A couple comments about this piece of news:
- It's no surprise that Liberals would ignore the First Amendment (you know, that nasty little Establishment clause) in order to forward their agenda.
- It's also no real surprise that Liberals are going after the Catholic Church, which seems to be their favorite target because the Church teaches stupid things like faith, morality, sacrifice, giving of and from self and devotion to Jesus Christ; NONE of which are considered by Liberals to be worthwhile attributes.
- The agenda is glaringly clear: if you want to kill Christianity, start with the head: Catholicism (which, much to the consternation of Liberals, has remained ultimately unmoved by them). You see, folks, it has nothing to do "religion" itself, but rather the destruction of ANYTHING which places values higher than government. Proof? Consider that San Francisco didn't condemn Islam, which ALSO should be viewed as an insult to San Francisco, since it relegates women to "property" and condemns to death homosexuals.
- So, why no condemnation of Muslims? That, too, is pretty easy to figure out. You see, radical Islam is currently the "great white hope" of Liberals to destroy America; it's freedoms and liberties. In this respect, Islam is worth defending and protecting by Liberals.
- Truth be known (and maybe Catholics ought to learn a lesson from this....NOT), if "radical Catholicism" became a reality, and set its sights on America in order to destroy our freedoms, liberites, wealth and way of life, Liberals would spare no effort or expense in its protection.
Ahhhh...those tolerant Liberals....
Hirota: out!
A couple comments about this piece of news:
- It's no surprise that Liberals would ignore the First Amendment (you know, that nasty little Establishment clause) in order to forward their agenda.
- It's also no real surprise that Liberals are going after the Catholic Church, which seems to be their favorite target because the Church teaches stupid things like faith, morality, sacrifice, giving of and from self and devotion to Jesus Christ; NONE of which are considered by Liberals to be worthwhile attributes.
- The agenda is glaringly clear: if you want to kill Christianity, start with the head: Catholicism (which, much to the consternation of Liberals, has remained ultimately unmoved by them). You see, folks, it has nothing to do "religion" itself, but rather the destruction of ANYTHING which places values higher than government. Proof? Consider that San Francisco didn't condemn Islam, which ALSO should be viewed as an insult to San Francisco, since it relegates women to "property" and condemns to death homosexuals.
- So, why no condemnation of Muslims? That, too, is pretty easy to figure out. You see, radical Islam is currently the "great white hope" of Liberals to destroy America; it's freedoms and liberties. In this respect, Islam is worth defending and protecting by Liberals.
- Truth be known (and maybe Catholics ought to learn a lesson from this....NOT), if "radical Catholicism" became a reality, and set its sights on America in order to destroy our freedoms, liberites, wealth and way of life, Liberals would spare no effort or expense in its protection.
Ahhhh...those tolerant Liberals....
Hirota: out!
First Amendment,
radical Islam,
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Shame on.....Carter
Proof against the old saying "with age, wisdom", Jimmy Carter remains as stupid today as he was throughout the bumbling, ham-handed comedy show we call his Presidency.
Today in a speech, Carter stated emphatically that the Muslim Brotherhood were not to be feared, but rather should be welcomed into their potential leadership role in Egypt.
Folks, THIS statement, from the blithering idiot who thought the same of the Ayatollah Khomeini and, in placing his blind faith in the Ayatollah, ushered in the modern age of Islamic Terrorism.
To paraphrase: Fool him once, shame on Iran. Fool him twice, shame on Carter.
Post script: anyone inclined to believe Carter, I quote the famous master Jedi, Obi Wan Kenobi, who asked, "Who is the more foolish? The fool, or the fool who follows him?"
Today in a speech, Carter stated emphatically that the Muslim Brotherhood were not to be feared, but rather should be welcomed into their potential leadership role in Egypt.
Folks, THIS statement, from the blithering idiot who thought the same of the Ayatollah Khomeini and, in placing his blind faith in the Ayatollah, ushered in the modern age of Islamic Terrorism.
To paraphrase: Fool him once, shame on Iran. Fool him twice, shame on Carter.
Post script: anyone inclined to believe Carter, I quote the famous master Jedi, Obi Wan Kenobi, who asked, "Who is the more foolish? The fool, or the fool who follows him?"
Ever wonder WHY?
We've got the Middle East blowing up.
We've got incusions into US territory by Mexican army.
We've got Iran threatening to execute anti-governement protesters.
We've got Argentina confiscating US military supplies.
We've got Afghanistan devolving.
We've got Iraq devolving.
We've got Hazbollah threatening Israel.We've got reports of al Qaeda actively recruiting in the US.
And, all the while, the antagonists ignore the "Keystone Cops", Barry and Hillary. In fact, Obama and Clinton have been relegated to the "just sit down and shut up", "children should be seen, not heard" corner.
Ever wonder why?
The answer is simple folks:
These antagonists KNOW "stupid" when they see it.
(BTW, they also know "coward", "gutless", "incompetent", "bumbling idiot" and "hapless buffoon"when they see it, too....).
We've got incusions into US territory by Mexican army.
We've got Iran threatening to execute anti-governement protesters.
We've got Argentina confiscating US military supplies.
We've got Afghanistan devolving.
We've got Iraq devolving.
We've got Hazbollah threatening Israel.We've got reports of al Qaeda actively recruiting in the US.
And, all the while, the antagonists ignore the "Keystone Cops", Barry and Hillary. In fact, Obama and Clinton have been relegated to the "just sit down and shut up", "children should be seen, not heard" corner.
Ever wonder why?
The answer is simple folks:
These antagonists KNOW "stupid" when they see it.
(BTW, they also know "coward", "gutless", "incompetent", "bumbling idiot" and "hapless buffoon"when they see it, too....).
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
A case study in Liberalism
Susan Estrich, who ran the (historic, as a "how NOT to do it" lesson) Dukakis Presidential campaign (chortle), penned an opinion piece in which she suggested that women remain mistreated in Hollywood.
While I do not take issue with her assertion (in fact, I have no doubt she is spot on), I seriously question her ability to put “2 and 2” together.
But, in contemplating the larger picture, Estrich, with her inability to draw the natural, common sense, conclusion, merely reflects Liberalism in all its confusing glory: to see “2+2=” and come up with the answer “22”.
Think about it: Estrich castigates Hollywood for their treatment of women, while flatly ignoring (or not recognizing) the fact that Hollywood is a bastion of extreme Liberalism. In the same respect, Liberals also advocate for radical Islam, even though Islam relegates women to the status of “property”, without rights or freedoms accorded to men in the society. Islam also condemns (to death) homosexuality, another fiercely protected status of Liberals.
In a broader picture, Liberalism also defends (and works to expand) abortion rights, which, by statistics, terminates more blacks (whom Liberals claim to advocate for) than any other race.
Liberals also condemn America’s reliance on “foreign oil” while, at the same time, condemn oil companies for their desire to explore, drill and refine on American soil.
Liberals work ceaselessly to equate humans to “mere” animals, yet do not allow “Darwinism” (survival of the fittest) to play out naturally.
Religious protectors of our environment, Liberals (like Al Gore) remain the greatest wasters of natural resources.
Liberals discuss and condemn the corruption of “big oil”, after having driven their oil-consuming vehicles to coffee houses, consuming massive amounts of the world’s second biggest commodity while smoking the third largest.
What I cannot be sure of is whether Estrich simply fails to recognize her own hypocrisy or simply, deliberately ignores the truth…
…either of which, of course, just makes her a Liberal.
While I do not take issue with her assertion (in fact, I have no doubt she is spot on), I seriously question her ability to put “2 and 2” together.
But, in contemplating the larger picture, Estrich, with her inability to draw the natural, common sense, conclusion, merely reflects Liberalism in all its confusing glory: to see “2+2=” and come up with the answer “22”.
Think about it: Estrich castigates Hollywood for their treatment of women, while flatly ignoring (or not recognizing) the fact that Hollywood is a bastion of extreme Liberalism. In the same respect, Liberals also advocate for radical Islam, even though Islam relegates women to the status of “property”, without rights or freedoms accorded to men in the society. Islam also condemns (to death) homosexuality, another fiercely protected status of Liberals.
In a broader picture, Liberalism also defends (and works to expand) abortion rights, which, by statistics, terminates more blacks (whom Liberals claim to advocate for) than any other race.
Liberals also condemn America’s reliance on “foreign oil” while, at the same time, condemn oil companies for their desire to explore, drill and refine on American soil.
Liberals work ceaselessly to equate humans to “mere” animals, yet do not allow “Darwinism” (survival of the fittest) to play out naturally.
Religious protectors of our environment, Liberals (like Al Gore) remain the greatest wasters of natural resources.
Liberals discuss and condemn the corruption of “big oil”, after having driven their oil-consuming vehicles to coffee houses, consuming massive amounts of the world’s second biggest commodity while smoking the third largest.
What I cannot be sure of is whether Estrich simply fails to recognize her own hypocrisy or simply, deliberately ignores the truth…
…either of which, of course, just makes her a Liberal.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Happy Black History Month
February is Black History Month, celebrating the accomplishments, culture and contiributions by blacks in America.
In truth, though, Black History Month represents nothing more than an accepted form of
discrimination. After all, is there a "Yellow History Month", celebrating Asians in America? How about "Brown History Month", celebrating Hispanics in America? Or, "Red History Month" for Native Americans? Or....dare I even suggest...."White History Month"? (For which, I'm certain, I'll be labelled a racist)...
Sure, there are a few "Heritage Months" for some cultures, but none carry the sheer weight of "Black History Month".
On another note, there's a "Womens' History Month", yet no "Mens' History Month"....more discrimination...
How I encourage people to celebrate "Black History Month" is to work toward it's demise, for one simple reason: as long as we find it necessary to "celebrate" discrimination, we'll NEVER be a colorblind nation....
Happy Black History Month!
Hirota: OUT!
In truth, though, Black History Month represents nothing more than an accepted form of
discrimination. After all, is there a "Yellow History Month", celebrating Asians in America? How about "Brown History Month", celebrating Hispanics in America? Or, "Red History Month" for Native Americans? Or....dare I even suggest...."White History Month"? (For which, I'm certain, I'll be labelled a racist)...
Sure, there are a few "Heritage Months" for some cultures, but none carry the sheer weight of "Black History Month".
On another note, there's a "Womens' History Month", yet no "Mens' History Month"....more discrimination...
How I encourage people to celebrate "Black History Month" is to work toward it's demise, for one simple reason: as long as we find it necessary to "celebrate" discrimination, we'll NEVER be a colorblind nation....
Happy Black History Month!
Hirota: OUT!
Black History Month,
Tim Hirota
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Senate Healthcare Repeal Vote
Today, Senator Majority Leader Harry Reid said (about a possible vote on the healthcare repeal vote):
“We, as senators, have a choice. We can move forward or we can look backward. We can make progress or stage a futile fight with the future. It's clear this week that while the American people and Senate Democrats are looking ahead, Senate Republicans are looking for a way to distract the American people.”
It is important to understand that, until now, Reid has blocked the Senate from voting on this repeal Bill, calling it "nothing but symbolic", stating emphatically that it would NEVER pass the Senate (even though it passed in the House), and castigating Republicans for...well....abiding by the will of the people.
But, MY question is this:
After all, if he is right about the Bill, then it IS "just symbolic", it won't stand a chance of passing and the American people will NEVER allow a repeal of Obamacare. RIGHT? Wouldn't that bode very well indeed for Democrats?
No, folks, the real reason that Reid doesn't want this vote is simple, and has NOTHING to do with whether it will pass: it's all about forcing Democrats to take a stand on healthcare. PERIOD.
Folks, Reid KNOWS that the people DO NOT WANT THIS ABORTION OF A HEALTHCARE BILL. And, anyone STILL in support of it, come 2012 elections, will likely go down in flames.
So....Reid will do everything in his power, EVEN to the extent of not allowing the democratic process to work, in order to NOT commit to Obamacare.
Liberals like Reid FEAR having to take a stand on something they claim to support....
After all, if Obamacare were TRULY a great thing for all Americans, wouldn't open, committed support of it make heroes out of Democrats???
This SHOULD tell you everything you need to know about the worth of Obamacare. If it doesn't, then you deserve the socialized, rationed healthcare you deserve...
“We, as senators, have a choice. We can move forward or we can look backward. We can make progress or stage a futile fight with the future. It's clear this week that while the American people and Senate Democrats are looking ahead, Senate Republicans are looking for a way to distract the American people.”
It is important to understand that, until now, Reid has blocked the Senate from voting on this repeal Bill, calling it "nothing but symbolic", stating emphatically that it would NEVER pass the Senate (even though it passed in the House), and castigating Republicans for...well....abiding by the will of the people.
But, MY question is this:
After all, if he is right about the Bill, then it IS "just symbolic", it won't stand a chance of passing and the American people will NEVER allow a repeal of Obamacare. RIGHT? Wouldn't that bode very well indeed for Democrats?
No, folks, the real reason that Reid doesn't want this vote is simple, and has NOTHING to do with whether it will pass: it's all about forcing Democrats to take a stand on healthcare. PERIOD.
Folks, Reid KNOWS that the people DO NOT WANT THIS ABORTION OF A HEALTHCARE BILL. And, anyone STILL in support of it, come 2012 elections, will likely go down in flames.
So....Reid will do everything in his power, EVEN to the extent of not allowing the democratic process to work, in order to NOT commit to Obamacare.
Liberals like Reid FEAR having to take a stand on something they claim to support....
After all, if Obamacare were TRULY a great thing for all Americans, wouldn't open, committed support of it make heroes out of Democrats???
This SHOULD tell you everything you need to know about the worth of Obamacare. If it doesn't, then you deserve the socialized, rationed healthcare you deserve...
Harry Reid,
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
FOLLOWUP: WMD's, etc...
From time to time, it's important to revisit past conversations. In this case, I'd like to bring up-to-date a couple items with respect to two of the favorite Liberal arguments against President Bush's decision to conduct the war in Iraq.
The two arguments:
1. "Bush lied (about WMD in Iraq), people died"
2. "Al Qaeda was never in Iraq"
Well, to the first point:
In spite of a growing number of official reports proving otherwise, Liberals continue to accuse President Bush of lying about Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq. Unfortunately for Liberals, the latest Wikileaks dump released a surfeit of documents, supporting evidence of WMD in Iraq.
Also, hunting through my old personal files, looking for WMD-related stuff as well as other topics related to the Iraq war, I found:
A report, citing official findings of the Kay report:
A report, citing "DebkaFile", on the movement of WMD to Syria. (I've read this agency for lots of years, and they are USUALLY pretty good, accuracy-wise. HOWEVER, I always look for other sources, as I don't trust this, or any other for that matter, one completely):
DOD report, on movement of WMD to Syria:
DOD report on finding WMD in Iraq:
With regard to the second item:
Weekly Standard released a piece about Iraq's association with Al Qaeda:
Will these pieces settle the questions? Of course not! Liberals simply believe what they believe and facts are of no significance....
Hirota: OUT!
The two arguments:
1. "Bush lied (about WMD in Iraq), people died"
2. "Al Qaeda was never in Iraq"
Well, to the first point:
In spite of a growing number of official reports proving otherwise, Liberals continue to accuse President Bush of lying about Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq. Unfortunately for Liberals, the latest Wikileaks dump released a surfeit of documents, supporting evidence of WMD in Iraq.
Also, hunting through my old personal files, looking for WMD-related stuff as well as other topics related to the Iraq war, I found:
A report, citing official findings of the Kay report:
A report, citing "DebkaFile", on the movement of WMD to Syria. (I've read this agency for lots of years, and they are USUALLY pretty good, accuracy-wise. HOWEVER, I always look for other sources, as I don't trust this, or any other for that matter, one completely):
DOD report, on movement of WMD to Syria:
DOD report on finding WMD in Iraq:
With regard to the second item:
Weekly Standard released a piece about Iraq's association with Al Qaeda:
Will these pieces settle the questions? Of course not! Liberals simply believe what they believe and facts are of no significance....
Hirota: OUT!
al Qaeda,
President Bush,
Where's the media on this????
So, evidently, good ol' Chuck Schumer has forgotten the real surprise, really.
Although he seems vaguely aware that there are three branches of Government, he defines them as "the House, the Senate, and the President".
Although he seems vaguely aware that there are three branches of Government, he defines them as "the House, the Senate, and the President".
Obama channels Carter
If the rapidly deteriorating situation in Egypt seems kind of familiar, consider that, in the late 70's, the breathtakingly incompetent Jimmy Carter allowed the fall of the Shah of Iran and the rise of Ayatollah Khomeini. This issued in the modern age of radical Ismalic terrorism.
Carter's remarkable stupidity is now being payed out AGAIN by Obama who, today, claimed to have asked President Mubarak not to run in the coming September elections. And, while supporting Mubarak's fall from grace, he refuses to support the democratic movement in Egypt.
What this will undoubtedly lead history has taught...a vacuum into which radical Islamic groups will move.
News update: The King of Jordan, today, dismissed his cabinet.....Carter/Obama, Part 2......
It is QUITE obvious that radical Islamic groups are working to take over the entire Middle East, and our Idiot-in-Chief is going to be doing his version of Nero....
Carter's remarkable stupidity is now being payed out AGAIN by Obama who, today, claimed to have asked President Mubarak not to run in the coming September elections. And, while supporting Mubarak's fall from grace, he refuses to support the democratic movement in Egypt.
What this will undoubtedly lead history has taught...a vacuum into which radical Islamic groups will move.
News update: The King of Jordan, today, dismissed his cabinet.....Carter/Obama, Part 2......
It is QUITE obvious that radical Islamic groups are working to take over the entire Middle East, and our Idiot-in-Chief is going to be doing his version of Nero....
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