Thursday, June 30, 2011

They're teaching our children.....

A Harvard study, released today, found that Fourth of July parades seem to serve only one purpose:


Yup, that's right.

Evidently, Fourth of July parades energize Republicans and depress Democrats (Liberals....Socialists....Communists....Statists...take your pick).

The study ALSO showed that Republicans also consider themselves MORE PATRIOTIC than Democrats/Liberals/Socialists/Communists/Statists.

(We needed a study to determine that??? That's like requiring a study to determine that Democrats/Liberals/Socialists/Communists/Statists are stupid)

Aren't some things rather obvious????

So, what Harvard is telling you is this: Democrats hate this country.

Again....aren't some things rather obvious???

Thanks, of the obvious.

Final point: the study concluded that "Republicans have more successful at appropriating American patriotism and it's symbols in hte twentieth century..."

...which is tantamount to concluding that Christians have been more successful at appropriating Christianity....

Hirota: out.

1 comment:

David said...

I am waiting for a study to come out that states people who say the pledge of allegiance using the word God are more patriotic than progressive liberals. But of course, I am also waiting for a law to be passed by our democratic congress that outlaws the use of the word God in any public forum because it might offend other Religions.