Saturday, October 22, 2011

Let's get a show of hands.....

So....I can't tell....did dumb ol' Joe just get another massive, Pelosi-level Botox injection?
Or is Biden getting ready to kick this kid's a** in another "Don't F*** with me!" Biden moment?

Folks? Your opinions?


Anonymous said...

It funny and pathetic at the same time. We have a federal government that is 15,000,000,000,000 in debt before interest and another $100 trillion in unfunded liabilities and he thinks taxing the top earners even more will save our bloated Federal and state jobs; truly, he makes Dan Quayle look like a genius. Humm, in a recent Mark Steyn article he states that to balance the budget of the United States on the backs of millionaires you would have to increase the taxes of those earning more than 1 million a year by 6 million a year. Clearly he never took a math course.

Common Sense said...

Check out the kid with the glasses behind him....

....don't ya wonder if that's a hammer in his hand??