Friday, December 30, 2011
A lesson to voters in 2012
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Descent into Hell
Pray for the people of Iraq.
Because of Obama (and the entire Democratic Party), Iraq, even as withdrawal our troops, is descending into hell.
This week alone, some 50 or so Iraqis were butchered by terrorists. And the numbers....without question....will continue to rise.
Sunni Al Qaeda has begun the bloddy process of taking over the country and will begin by severely punishing its people. They plan to show, through any and all violent means necessary, that they are in charge.
We are about to witness the beginning of an ethnic cleansing, about which our President will do nothing (taking his cue from Bill Clinton, who ignored the butchering of nearly one million Tutsis at the hands of Muslim Hutus in Rwanda).
Aren't we the people who said, "NEVER AGAIN!"?
Well, it's happening again: what are we going to do about it?
Hirota: out.
Thank you, Mr. President!
Because of you, I'm now part of the fabric that is "The Urban Dictionary"!
My friends and family, along with the rest of the world, will finally understand WHY you do the things you do.....
The Urban Dictionary will now include my own definition (which pretty much applies to ALL Liberals...):
Premature iraqulation
Definition: The inability to remain at a task because of fear of failing, even though you are currently succeeding.
Example: The football team was 42 points up, with 2 minutes remaining in the fourth quarter, when their head coach forfeited the game. The coach suffers from premature Iraqulation.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
How is this possible??
I thought our mission was completed in Iraq? I thought Obama was pulling troops OUT of Iraq?
I thought our presence was no longer needed in Iraq?
Shouldn't al Qaeda be happy, now that we are leaving?
I guess not...
How the Liberals have handled Iraq can best be described as being in a football game. Our team, through the first three quarters, leads by 100 touchdowns.
Then, the head coach of our team says: "WE CAN'T POSSIBLY WIN THIS......WE FORFEIT!"
I'm not sure whether Liberals are afraid of winning or if they are just so used to losing....
Either way, Iraq will now devolve; slide into chaos. Al Qaeda will take over, establishing a hostile terrorist state who's main enemy will be the United States.
And, by the way, with our withdrawal, Obama has rendered the sacrifice of our men and women who've paid the ultimate price for our freedom...meaningless (and thus has fulfilled the wishes, dreams and fantasies of all Liberals...)
Hirota: out
Picture of the day

Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Clown rumble
Chavez' statement comes on the heals of a comment made by "Bim Bom" earlier this week:
"We’re concerned about the government’s actions, which have restricted the universal rights of the Venezuelan people, threatened basic democratic values, and failed to contribute to the security in the region. Moreover, it’s unfortunate that the Venezuelan government is often more interested in revisiting the ideological battles of the past than looking forward to the future that we could build for our citizens.”
Hmmmm.....let's see....what was it that that "Jesus" guy said? Something about taking the plank out of your own eye before you attempt to remove the sliver from another's?
So, in a million words (TelePrompTer'd, no doubt), Barack perfectly characterizes not only Chavez, but himself as well.
And, in one word, Chavez does the same.....
The battle of the clowns rages on....
Hirota: out.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
The good news and the bad news....
Kim Jong Il...butcher, tyrant, psychopath, sociopath, dead.
The Bad News? Twofold:
His idiot son is the heir to power, and...
...with Obama in charge (of Hillary), they'll be strapping on the kneepads and vasoline-ing their lips....LET THE APPEASEMENT BEGIN!
(Hillary's husband, if you recall, is the idiot who gave North Korea it's nuclear weapons program)
What's left to hand over? What'll Hill-bama give them? A missile defense system, perhaps?
Hirota: out.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Psycho Nancy....
By way of ABSOLUTE, undeniable, unquestionable truth:
Pelosi, today, stated, as a matter of fact, that extending unemployment benefits will create 600,000 jobs!
No...really....she actually said this!
So, let's see.....if we (the taxpayers) pay you NOT to work, with money that comes from.....we, the taxpayers (who will now be FURTHER burdened with crippling taxes), 600 THOUSAND jobs will be created?
Perhaps I'm just not "nuanced" enough....but I don't get it.
The ONLY way that Pelosi's ridiculous claim can POSSIBLY ring true is if, through this legislation, 600,000 highly-skilled and moderately-paid workers get fired (because of the increases in their employers' tax rates) and are replaced by unskilled, far-lower-paid workers...
...after all, Pelosi DIDN'T mention how many jobs would be LOST through this legislation...
Ya know, this is beginning to smack of the Khmer Rouge's tactic of ridding society of the skilled and educated........
Of course, the method was quite a bit different, but the goals are the same: absolute control.
Hirota: out
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Time Magazine's 'Person of the Year'
No real surprise here, folks. TIME Magazine's "Person of the Year" was awarded to 'The Protester'.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Think about it, folks....
PLEASE consider nominating Rep. Kevin McCarthy for the Veep slot in 2012.
One of the "Young Guns" (along with Cantor and Ryan), McCarthy comes from California.
Now, while I don't see a circumstance that would gain the Republican vote in the election, the nomination of McCarthy WOULD have at least one PROFOUND affect:
In fact, they'd have to dump their WHOLE war chest in California.
The battle for President is largely a swing state matter; with those swing states receiving the lion's share of BOTH party's campaign money.
IF nominated, Democrats would have to spend HUGE amounts of money in California, which would completely defund the monies usually dedicated to swing states.
Obama is ALREADY having his ass handed to him in these states by both Romney and Gingrich.
A McCarthy nomination would almost SURELY end Democratic squatting in the Executive Office....
Hirota: out.
Holder: typical Liberal hypocrite
Evidently, proving that you are LEGALLY eligible to vote is somehow an act of discrimination.
Holder stated that voter ID laws suppress the votes of minorities and that "we are a better nation when more people are involved in the process". Evidently, what Holder MEANS is that "illegals are allowed to vote...".
Now, truly, this is not just Holder talking. It's the entirety of the Democratic Party, who believe that convicted felons should be allowed to vote, children should be allowed to vote, etc.
So....if it IS about "Americans being involved in the process" and that "every vote should count" (irrespective of legality), then it begs the question:
After all, those are ALL "winner-takes-all" states and, in fact, ANY state where this system of electoral votes exists, the minority party is COMPLETELY excluded in the electoral process.
IF these states split the electoral votes along actual popular vote lines, then each voice casting a vote WOULD "be included in the process. (IF this had been the case, say, in 2008 election, McCain would have received just under half of the states then-55 electoral votes, instead of Obama taking ALL 55). now, this wouldn't have won McCain the election, but it WOULD have been a truly fair representation of the vote.
Yet, Democrats express NO interest in this. In fact, they actively condemn efforts to reform the electoral system.
You see, the Democrats have NO interest in what is fair.
They care ONLY for whatever discrimination necessary to maintain their stranglehold on power...
Hirota: out.
Chaulk another one up for science!
Together, everyone: "OOOOOOOOOOOOOO......AHHHHHHHHHH"....
The "god particle" in "defining "God" as a scientifically-measurably event....
So cute: Liberals and scientists desperately trying to debunk God...
(Hint: scientists, you're likely to find that particle right between "the gay gene" and the "proof of Global Warming data", on the shelf marked "UFO's, unicorns and other fantasies"....THAT'S where it's hiding...)
Hirota: laughing.
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz outdoes herself....
Known, in her short tenure, for making preposterous pronouncements which consist variously of deliberate misdirection, lies of omission and outright confabulations, the Debster (CLEARLY off her medication again) has topped them all when, asked by an interviewer about the unemployment rate. Here's how the exchange went:
Gretchen Carlson, FOX News: Unemployment has gone up precipitously since he took office.
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, DNC Chair: That is simply not true. In fact, unemployment has now dropped below 9%. It’s continuing to drop. He’s been focused on —
Carlson: It’s higher than when they promised the stimulus would lower it to 8%.
Wasserman Schultz: You see, that narrative doesn’t work for you anymore, though, because —
Carlson: It’s not my narrative. I’m just talking about facts.
Wasserman Schultz: You just said the unemployment rate is going up since Obama took office, and it hasn’t.
Carlson: Is unemployment higher since President Obama took office?
Wasserman Schultz: What’s happened since President Obama took office —
Carlson: Is unemployment higher than when he took office?
Wasserman Schultz: Unemployment is nearing right around where it was when President Obama took office and it’s dropping. You just said it’s been increasing and that’s not true.
Now, aside from the moments of soft-shoe, Wasserman is CLEARLY suggesting that the unemployment rate has NOT increased under the Obama administration. AND, not-so-clearly, she's also (quite obviously) laying the blame at the feet of President Bush.
....what a shock.
Now, there's what Wasserman-Schultz said, and then there's the truth (and NEVER the twain shall meet).
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, here's the annual unemployment rates since 2001:
2001 4.7
2002 5.8
2003 6.0
2004 5.5
2005 5.1
2006 4.6
2007 4.6
2008 5.8
2009 9.3
2010 9.6
Grab a pen, Deb:
As you can clearly see, under the Bush administration (which began with 9/11), unemployment rates....EVEN WITH "TAX CUTS FOR THE RICH"...didn't top 6%. And, in fact, from 2003 through 2006, those rates gradually decreased.
In 2007, though maintaining a 4.6% unemployment rate annual average, began to see a dramatic INCREASE in unemployment rates beginning toward the end of that year. Yes, Bush was still in office and THIS is the trend that Liberals like Wasserman love to point to with the "See? It's Bush's fault" carping. "Failed policies!" "Tax cuts for the rich!" "Bush hates black people!" (ooops....that was Kanye...)
In fact, there was a VERY important factor....COMPLETELY ignored by Liberals (like The Debster)...that caused the rise in unemployment in 2007 and began the slide which Obama has exacerbated:
More specifically, it was Nancy "I-plan-to-have-facelifts-until-my-ears-meet" Pelosi's campaign promise to increase the minimum wage that began the collapse of employment in America. Interestingly, if you do your homework, you'll see that the unemployment rate began to rise within a couple months of the minimum wage increase took effect!
...How about that!?
What amazes me is that Wasserman seems PROUD of the fact that Obama's unemployment rate "is about the same as when he took office": WELL over 8% (which is STILL 2 points higher than Bush's WORST year).
Are some Americans REALLY so stupid as to believe idiots like Wasserman-Schultz?
Evidently so......
Perhaps she should given the title of "Minister of Information" and change her last name to Wasserman-Schultz-al-Sahaf...
Hirota: out.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
C'mon Liberals...get your reporting right....!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Hey....wait a minute....

Tuesday, November 8, 2011
A BIG Thank You to all you brainy cattles....
FAR too many Americans, having lived their entire lives in freedom and liberty, tend to under-appreciate just how great we have it.
But, since the '60's, and more recently, since 2006, we've sat idly by and watched those freedoms and liberties under attack by The Democratic Party....the new Socialist Party. And, certainly, the evidence is all around us: after all, it SHOULD send a CLEAR signal when our President is TWICE the Communist Party USA!
The fact that YOU are checking out not only THIS site, but other, Conservative and Liberal, sites as well, means that we STILL have a chance to take back our country and restore it to its Constitutional principles.
It will be a generational struggle, for it took longer that a generation to bring this country to its current state of disrepair.
But, again, the fact that YOU....PERSONALLY....have decided on a course of activism and self-education, coupled with the fact that a recent survey found that Conservatives outnumber Liberals by a ratio of 2:1, means that, WITH YOUR CONTINUED ACTIVISM, we WILL take America back for our children!
So, again, THANK YOU!!!
Now....if I could just get more of you to comment (as opposed to just sending me email responses....which I LOVE, BTW....) :-)
Tim Hirota: OUT!
Monday, November 7, 2011
Move along.....nothing NEW to see here....
Today, at the "Occupy DC" protest, Liberals push grandma down the stairs...
My advice to Conservatives?
Hirota: out.
Alex Wagner: MSNBC Analyst, Huffington Post writer, idiot.
Wagner's response:
"Well, I'm going to be pilloried for this. I think get rid of the second Amendment, the right to bear arms. I just think in the grand scheme of the rights that we have; the right of assembly, free speech, I mean, owning a gun does not, it does not tally on the same level as those other Constitutional rights. And being more discreet about who gets to have a firearm and right to kill with a firearm, I think is something that would be in our national interest to revisit that."
The framers of the Constitution disagree with her:
George Mason: " disarm the people - that was the best and most effectual way to enslave them."
Noah Webster: "Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed; as they are in almost every kingdom of Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any bands of regular troops that can be, on any pretense, raised in the United States"
Tench Coxe: "As civil rulers, not having their duty to the people before them, may attempt to tyrannize, and as the military forces which must be occasionally raised to defend our country, might pervert their power to the injury of their fellow citizens, the people are confirmed by the article in their right to keep and bear their private arms."
Samuel Adams: "The Constitution shall never be prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms"
Tench Coxe (again): "Congress have no power to disarm the militia. Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birthright of an American... The unlimited power of the sword is not in the hands of either the federal or state government, but, where I trust in God it will ever remain, in the hands of the people"
Richard Henry Lee: "To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of people always possess arms, and be taught alike especially when young, how to use them."
There are literally HUNDREDS of other quotes by our Framers, which strongly convey the same message: The Second Amendment stands as the citizenry's final defense FROM OUR OWN GOVERNMENT, should the Government attempt to enslave the citizenry.
Wagner, who either doesn't pay attention to, or is simply ignorant of, history (as are most Liberals) doesn't seem to realize that, in a WHOLE 'nother sense, her statement that the Second Amendment, "...does not tally on the same level as those other Constitutional Rights...", is EXACTLY accurate: The Second Amendment is, without question, THE MOST IMPORTANT of ALL the Amendments to the Constitution of The United States, as it is the guarantor of all the other Amendments.
The question that Liberals (and ALL OTHERS) SHOULD be asking is:
WHO is it who wants to do away with the Second Amendment? And, then, ask: WHY?
The answer is as ABSOLUTELY unequivocal as it is obvious: LIBERALS want to do away with the Second Amendment. As to why? Simple: to enslave the American people.
Folks: Be VERY vocal with respect to preserving and defending the Second Amendment. You WILL need it, eventually, just as our forefathers did.
Hirota: out.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Guess who's running for Congress....again?
Just when you thought that Debbie Wasserman Schultz was the most psychotically stupid human being on the planet (based on what comes out of her yap), along comes her mentor, Florida's own Alan Grayson!
That's right, folks!
Grayson, who was run out of town by his own constituents for not only being COMPLETELY useless as a legislator, but also for making statements SO COMPLETELY off the intelligence charts that ONLY a Liberal could POSSIBLY believe running for Congress.
Here is just one of Grayson's more noteworthy gems:
"The Republican health care plan for America is: don't get sick. That's right: don't get sick. If you have insurance: don't get sick. If you don't have insurance: don't get sick. If you're sick: don't get sick (whatever that means). Republicans have a backup plan in case you do get sick. If you get sick, America, the Republican health care plan is this: die quickly. That's right: Republicans want you to die quickly if you get sick."
Folks, there's a reason WHY Liberals make these kind of statements. It's an old trick, used mainly by formally-unknown parasites who, now, because of this trick, are called "celebrities".
Think of Madonna "I'll do anything for a buck" Ciccone. And Kanye "Bush hates black people" West. Or Britney "pick-a-psychological-disorder-here" Spears. Or Lady "That IS a sausage in my pocket, but I'm happy to see you anyway" Gaga.
Some folks, folks, place money and power above all else. These folks will DO ANYTHING, SAY ANYTHING or COMMIT ANY ACT in order to feel important.
Liberals, Celebrities,'s all about the "me".
(BTW, Grayson CANNOT be allowed to win back his Congressional seat, people! If he does, Florida will steal what is rightfully California's: the title of "the most stupid constituency in America". California OWNS it! It MUST be protected and defended!)
Hirota: out.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Where is your outrage?
Where is the vitriol? Where is the outrage? Where are the calls for executives' heads? Where are the cries of "BIG CORPORATE!"?
News today, in the continuing sordid tale of "Solyndra", the solar company that received HUGE "stimulus" money, was visited PERSONALLY by Obama, who then was PERSONALLY involved in the GIGANTIC public loan.....
...and then went BK...
NOW it is discovered that, as Solyndra was plummeting off the financial cliff, the executives took ENORMOUS payouts and bonuses!
FOR WHAT? Being successful?????
So, again, Liberals......where is the outrage?
(Don't bother answering....American Conservatives already know the answer)
Hirota: out.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
OWS idiots just.....don't....get it!
Of course, logic tells you that, if they hate the successful, it means that they admit that THEY are failures.
Anyway, what these idiots don't seem to understand is that they DESPERATELY NEED the successful.
After all, it's the most successful in our country who provide the means (through their hard-earned tax dollars) for these idiots to camp in tents on public property (without permits), defecate and urinate in public, leave TONS of garbage everywhere, rape other protesters, rob other protesters, molest kids attending the protests, providing "three hots and a cot" when they get arrested, etc.....
So, if anything, these idiot OWS sheep should be thanking GOD that the successful exist!
OWS sheep: stupid, ignorant failures....
Hirota: out.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Are you kidding?
My guess is that these ladies are also "unsure" about letting the child molester on the block, who grotequesly violated their kids in the past are "unsure" about whether that molester should be allowed to have those kids over to his house for "movie night"....
Hirota: out
And such is (and will continue to be) the attitude of the Obama administration while Bebe Netanyahu tries to defend Israel against Iran...
...stay tuned for more Obama "heroics"....
In the immortal words of Artie Johnson.....
America, under the Liberals, is UP UP UP!!!
Let's see......
- Inflation is UP.
- The national debt is UP.
- The deficit is UP.
- Unemployment is UP.
- Citizens on food stamps is UP.
- Bankruptcies are UP.
- The "Misery index" is UP.
- The number of blacks at the poverty level is UP.
- The number of "middle class" moving to "lower class" is UP.
- Mortgage defaults are UP.
- Loan defaults are UP.
....and, ASTOUNDINGLY, the Liberals ARE PROUD OF THIS!
And, if these things DON'T matter to you, why not move to Venezuela? Or Iran? Or Cuba?
And, if these things DO matter to you, WHY AREN'T YOU TAKING A STAND, LIKE OUR FOREFATHERS DID?
...and so, as Artie said, "Very very interesting.....BUT STUPID!"
Hirota: out!
Who said this (about Obama's election), "As an African-American, I'm especially proud because this is a country that's been through a long journey, in terms of overcoming wounds and making race less of a factor in life. That work is not done, but yesterday was obviously an extraordinary step forward."
And, also about Obama, who said this,"I do think we've come a long way in overcoming stereotypes, role stereotypes about African-Americans. I will say race is still a factor. When a person walks into a room, I still think people still see race."
Give up?
Answer: The SAME person....Condoleeza Rice...who today stated that Herman Cain "shouldn't play the race card"...
Said Rice, "...I actually am someone who doesn’t believe in playing the race card on either side. I’ve seen it played, by the way, on the other side quite a lot too and it’s not good for the country. We ought to be able to look at people and say, ‘All right, maybe this is a disagreement about policy.’ Everyone goes though their time in the barrel, if you will, if you choose to put yourself forward. And so, I’m not much for the race card."
So, for anyone keeping score, Condi Rice is OK with playing the race card, when it comes to Obama, but NOT OK with playing the race card when it comes to Cain...
Shameful, Condi, shameful.
Hirota: out
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
A GREAT executive....
Executives like Obama, on the other hand, do exactly the opposite: surround themselves with people who, unbelievably, are even LESS-qualified than them. And, as difficult as it is to fathom someone LESS qualified than Obama, well......just look at his clique....
Take Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, chief attack dog (no pun intended) of the Democratic Party...
Already well known for her Biden-esque mouth (and intellect), she again puked up another whopper, based not only her own, personal ignorance, but also dependent on the shocking stupidity of ANYONE willing to take her at her word.
This time, she accused President Bush of "creating Hamas".
Really? Bush created Hamas?
That's a pretty good trick, since Hamas was founded in 1987....
Hirota: out.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Here's how it will go.....
Seems as Hayashi "accidently" walked out of a Nieman Marcus with $5000.00 worth fo clothing. According to her spokesperson, Hayashi, who, by the way, chairs the Assembly Business, Professions and Consumer Protection Committee (no....really....I'm not making this up), was distracted because she was on the phone when she walked FIVE GRAND worth of clothing past several checkstands and out the door.
Here's how it'll play out:
- Hayashi WON'T be convicted of theft. PERIOD.
- She'll receive an official apology from Nieman Marcus, who'll be forced to pay punitive damages to Hayashi.
- She'll then get a made-for-TV movie based on the incident. It'll star a black, Rosa-Parks-ish woman, who will be falsely accused of theft by white Christian Conservative cops, while she ran out of the store, attempting to save the life of an underprivileged Hispanic paraplegic Muslim girl.
- She'll parlay this movie into a US Congressional seat.
- Then, in 2016, be a Vice Presidential Candidate (running along side Hillary Clinton).
Oh....BTW....did I mention that Hayashi is A DEMOCRAT? Which, of course, means that this crime is just par for the course for Democrats...move along, people...nothing to see....
Hirota: out.
Gee....what a....uh....shock...
Folks, it's election time or nomination time. And you KNOW what that means: time to accuse Conservatives of sexual harrassment. They do it EVERY time, so I fail to see why it's really news...
And, really, it's not like accusing Liberals of something that horrifically violates THEIR code of ethics would be newsworthy.
After all, what could we accuse them of?
NOT having an abortion?
Paying their taxes?
NOT committing a crime (like driving a date into a river, then leaving her to drown)
NOT taking bribes?
NOT lying under oath?
Why is it that when a Conservative "screws up", they are actually committing either crimes or violating common rules of ethics while, when Liberals "screw up", they're caught doing some something moral, legal and decent?
And, BTW...hmmm.....Thomas.....Cain....I wonder why the Liberals are SPECIFICALLY targeting blacks....?
Hirota: out.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Looks like Maxine Waters has some competition out there. Check this "occupier's" elocutionarial loquicity an' verbaciality:
BUT, if she REALLY wants to "one-up" Waters, she needed to end by screeching, "...and, oh yea...KILL WHITEY!"
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Let's get a show of hands.....

So....I can't tell....did dumb ol' Joe just get another massive, Pelosi-level Botox injection?
Or is Biden getting ready to kick this kid's a** in another "Don't F*** with me!" Biden moment?
Folks? Your opinions?
Thursday, October 20, 2011
I wonder how they must feel right about now...?
I guess I wonder WHY the Muslim world isn't SCREAMING--declaring Obama a 'CRUSADER'--about the killing of Ghadaffi?
After all, Muslims and Liberals condemned President Bush for having killed Saddam, didn't they?
Now here's Obama--PROFESSED CHRISTIAN--having bin Laden (Muslim) and Ghadaffi (Muslim) killed on his watch.
Doesn't this make Obama a "Crusader", too?
Doesn't this make Obama worthy of condemnation, too?
Shouldn't Obama be labelled "Imperialist", too?
Shouldn't Obama be called "War monger", too?
Shouldn't Cindy Sheehan be camping out at Obama's house, too?
Shouldn't "Code Pink" be protesting Obama's butchery, too?
C'mon, Liberals.....inquiring minds want to know....
Hirota: out.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
The Kings and Queens of minutae....
Potatoes in public schools.
Seems as the Senate voted for "unlimited potatoes in public school lunches"; a vote that blocked the Obama proposal of limiting potatoes in school lunches...
Three comments:
1. Obviously, the Senate doesn't give a rat's a** about Michelle Obama's "Let's Starve America so that I can continue to pork out on fried foods" plan.
2. Change "potato" to "turnips" and we have the ol' Soviet Union!
3. WTF?! Don't these idiots have ANYTHING better to do????? You know, like....draft a budget?
Hirota: french-fried out!
"Mr. Obama...I have a question...."
Monday, October 17, 2011
Let's recap, shall we?
Let's see.....we've got Obama, TWICE, endorsing it.
We've got Nancy Pelosi (and a host of other Democrats) supporting it.
We've got The Communist Party, USA, supporting it.
We've got the NAZI Party, USA, supporting it.
We've got Mumia abu-Jamal (convicted cop killer) supporting it.
Oh yeah....and we've got THIS idiot:
Democratic Party voters: have you figured it out yet, or are you STILL too stupid?
Hirota: out.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Nazis and Jews.....
A movement wholly supported by the Obama administration and the entire Democratic Party, with folks like Nancy Pelosi (and other prominent Democrats) and the Hollywood Socialist-chic set, "occupy" is showing America--and the world--that the painful lessons of the past are not necessarily relegated to the past.
It would seem that Democrats grow nostalgic for "the good old days"....
Ah yes.....Russia in the early 1900's, Germany in the 30's...sigh...
Here are direct quotes from two organizations who've now decided to OPENLY advocate and support and stand, arm in arm, with The Democratic Party.
First, from the Nazi Party:
What is really MISSING – is the “MOVEMENT” from these popular protests – its time to pull WN heads out of their collective ass’s, and JOIN IN the attack on Judeo-Capitalism. What do you suggest? That WN Working Class White people DEFEND the Judeo-Capitalists? IF the “movement” wasn’t so PATHETIC it would be OUT THERE – LEADING these protests! The fact that its these “lefties” as you call them, who are picking up the ball and running with it – only shows how much more in tune THEY are with the fed up masses of White Workers, than the fossilized, reactionary “right-wing”. WHO holds the WEALTH and POWER in this country – the JUDEO-CAPITALISTS. WHO is therefore the #1 ENEMY who makes all this filth happen – the JUDEO-CAPITALISTS. WHO therefore do WN need to FIGHT? My heart is right there with these people, perhaps someday the “movement” will SHOW the same COURAGE and DEDICATION that these people OUT THERE FIGHTING are SHOWING!
- ROCKY SUHAYDA (American Nazi Party leader)
Next, from The Communist Party, USA:
This is an exciting time! Thousands of mainly young people have been occupying Wall Street for three weeks already, and the “Occupy Movement” has spread to more than 200 other cities. On Oct. 6 the actions spread to our nation’s capital.
The Communist Party USA (CPUSA) will hold a national teleconference to discuss it:
Arturo Cambron
The Communist Party and the Occupy L.A. Movement
Tuesday, October 11, 8 pm Eastern
Teleconference number: 605-475-4850 (please note this is the corrected number. ignore previous.)
Access code: 1053538#
Southern California Party leader Arturo Cambron will share how the CPUSA and Young Communist League (YCL) are working in “Occupy Los Angeles.”
This movement, also known as the “99% movement,” is being hailed across the country. Movements and organizations are reaching out in solidarity. The AFL-CIO is opening union halls and offering other material assistance. Ordinary people are donating food, money and materials.
In many areas, the “Occupy Movement” is linking up with the National American Wants to Work Week of Actions, Oct. 10-16.
No doubt the “Arab Spring” demonstrations and those that exploded in Wisconsin, Ohio and elsewhere have inspired it. But underlying it all is the economic crisis, the massive unemployment and growing realization that nothing is getting better, and in fact we may be slipping into a “double dip” crisis. The crushing student debt and the feeling of being locked out of society with no future compound this.
The movement is the newest wrinkle in the all-people’s upsurge against the banks and corporations and reflects a new level of class-consciousness.
- CPUSA Website
After the Holocaust, Americans (indeed, the whole world) vowed "NEVER AGAIN".
Yet, RIGHT HERE IN AMERICA, the Democratic Party is openly saying "HERE WE ARE....AGAIN!"
Americans, I hope you are all asking yourselves this question:
Hirota: OUT!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
NOW we'll see some action!
Obama has ALREADY promised to veto a Bill which the House hasn't even taken up yet!
Such aggressive, clear-cut decisiveness....truly, the stuff of REAL leaders...would seem like a "WHEW....FINALLY" moment. Alas, it's not about being a's about the Bill itself.
The Bill in question...the Bill that has ALL of Obama's attention is.... anti-abortion Bill.
Go figure.
This President's FIRST Executive Order involved allowing Federal funding for foreign abortions.
When in Illinois, Obama shot down the state version of "The born alive Act" other words, he believes that it's perfectly acceptable to allow a newly born child to be left in a closet to expire.
Obama has STRONGLY supported EVERY piece of legislation which expanded abortion "rights".
In fact, he supports MORE abortion Bills than either NOW or NARAL! In addition, he is on record as THE strongest supporter of abortions in elected office.
It makes me wish that his mother would have been "pro-choice".....
52 MILLION and counting (in the United States alone...)
Hirota: out.
Gee.....I wonder who ELSE will be making "the list"....
On another hand, Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo) said, of The Tea Party, "The arsonists must be stopped."
Then, we have Rep. Mike Doyle (D-Pa), who said of The Tea Party, "We have negotiated with terrorists..." and went on to, again, call them terrorists.
At Janet Napolitano's direction, the Department of Homeland Security drafted a position piece titled "Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment"
This list, of course, isn't CLOSE to complete, as The Tea Party activists are REGULARLY accused of being "terrorists" by Liberals in Government and Liberals in the press. All this, and not a single act of violence by a Tea Party member yet....
So, now it's been revealed that a "secret, special panel" of high government officials can now place Americans on a "kill list".
No doubt comprised of Napolitano, Clinton, Holder and Donilon, with "special counsel consisting of Britney Spears, Harry Belafonte, Sean Penn and Shakira, does ANYONE really doubt who'll be making the list????
Second Amendment, folks.....hopefully, over the past couple years, you've come to understand EXACTLY why it was written...
Hirota: out.
Oh...I CAN'T WAIT!!!
One of the speakers at the "occupy wall street" Liberal orgy laid out the real agenda for this...uh...whatever-it-is. Here's how the speech went:
"One of the speakers said the solution is nonviolent movement. No, my friend. I’ll give you two examples: French Revolution, and Indian so-called Revolution.
Gandhi, Gandhi today is, with respect to all of you, Gandhi today is a tumor that the ruling class is using constantly to mislead us. French Revolution made fundamental transformation. But it was bloody.
India, the result of Gandhi, is 600 million people living in maximum poverty.
So, ultimately, the bourgeoisie won’t go without violent means. Revolution! Yes, revolution that is led by the working class.
Long live revolution! Long live socialism!”
The crowd, of course, cheered wildly (then went back to playing "Stratego"...).
But, folks, it's now been made clear: the "occupy wall street", along with other, similar, protests around the country, WHOLLY supported by Liberals like Nancy Pelosi, are about Socialism. And, these people are prepared to bring about a Socialist state through violence.
Frankly, I can't wait.
When they DO take that next step, they're going to find out two things:
First: they're going to find out just how aggressively Americans DON'T want Socialism.
Second: they're going to find out EXACTLY why the Second Amendment was written.
Hirota: out.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Yeah....right. Who'd believe it?
Anyway, there are, to date, two KEY items of proof that prove my point:
First, this is the idiot that Democrats have said, "We don't want him to run cuz he'd give us a real run for our money!" Anyone who has read the Uncle Remus stories "Song of the South", is certainly familiar with the line, spoken by Br'er Rabbit, "Oh, please don't throw me in the brier patch...". Same ploy by the Democrats...
More recently, Huntsman played "hawk" by stating that he'd bomb Iran if they had nuclear weapons.
This mentality is PURE Liberalism. Bomb Iran AFTER they develop nuclear weapons? Has it occurred to the idiot Huntsman that Iran, once armed with nuclear weapons, CAN retaliate with those weapons???
No, Jon, the idea is to PREVENT Iran from developing nuclear weapons IN THE FIRST PLACE! If the idea is to bomb them BEFORE they have a chance to effectively respond.
Folks, of all the "Republican" candidates, MOST of whom are Liberals, Huntsman is EASILY THE MOST LIBERAL.
If you're thinking about voting for him, you might as well cast your ballot for Obama....or Hillary.
Hirota: out. THIS case, I like him...
HOWEVER, a comment that Brown made this past weekend causes me to have a modicum of respect for him...
Seems as, during a primary debate between Brown and his rival, Elizabeth Warren, Warren was asked about Brown's decision to pose nude during his college years. Later, when asked how SHE had paid for college, her comment was, essentially, "I kept my clothes on".
In an interview later, Brown, responding to this comment, stated, "Thank God!"
Now Nancy Pelosi has her panties in a bunch over this. Seems she is firmly convinced that Brown's comment PROVES that he's clueless about the plight of women. (Not sure how she was able to draw that conclusion, but...).
Note to Nancy "I plan to have face lifts until my ears meet" Pelosi:
Brown was talking about Warren. ONLY.
Need proof? No problem:
Have Brown debate Sarah Palin.
Hirota: out.
Key indicator of dementia...
In addition to firmly attaching his nose to the illegal-immigrant advocate ass, he also recently banned minors from being able to use tanning booths.
WTF? Are there more important things in life?
And this, from an ideology which LEGALLY promotes STD testing and abortions for minors....WITHOUT PARENTAL CONSENT!
So, let's see......kid, you can have an abortion, but you aren't allowed to tan...
Next sign of dementia? Single payer healthcare in California (yes, it's coming....)
Hirota: out.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Herman Cain: not black enough
So, I guess I'd have to ask the folks at "The View" (specifically, Sherri Shepherd): So, because Sharpton probably WOULDN'T say it very nicely, would it still be ok for Sharpton to call Cain "nigger"?
Help me, Sherri. Help me clear this conundrum up...
Hirota: out.
An open memo to Nancy Pelosi...
On ABC's "This Week", you commented on how Republicans, who object to the "Occupy Wall Street" protests didn't protest the Tea Party demonstrations. This odd, seeming, hypocrisy, baffled you. And, you seemed delighted to use this circumstance to put Republicans down.
But, what you don't seem to realize is that the only thing you've really accomplished is, well, actually, TWO things:
- You've given the citizenry of America (and the world, for that matter) a wonderful example of the difference between Liberals and Conservatives. Conservatives, who, irrespective of party affiliation, comprise "The Tea Party", demostrate peacefully. They have a SPECIFIC set of grievances. They are utterly disinterested in their "15 minutes of fame". And, when the demonstrations are finished, they clean up the location and peacefully leave.
Liberals (again, irrespective of party affiliation) who comprise the "occupy" mob, have NO enumerated grievances. They display pure anti-semitism, racism and classism. They assault law enforcement. They defecate on police cars. They pretty much act like pissed-off gorilla's in a zoo who throw feces at tourists. This Liberal mob isn't interested in ANYTHING but their "15 minutes of fame" and will do ANYTHING to achieve it.
- Nancy, in attempting to find some hypocrisy in this instance, you've only pointed out Liberal hypocrisy. You Liberals condemned President Reagan for the Iran Contra scandal, but actively support and defend Obama and Holder in their role in the "fast and furious" scandal. Nancy, isn't that rather gigantically hypocritical?
Nancy, thank you SO VERY much for opening your highly botox'd mouth. For, each time you do, Conservatives learn a little more about the dangers of Liberalism and Liberals have a slightly harder time performing the "rationale gymnastics" required to continue supporting the cause...
Hirota: out.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Letter to The Orange County Register
Your article "Color-code IDs draw support..." offers a wonderful example of the frightening reality of Liberalism.
Kennedy High School's (a public school) inception of color-coded IDs (in which the colors reflect performance on standardized testing) fits part and parcel with the kind of legislated discrimination for which The Democratic Party is historically known.
Democrats, throughout the history of the United States, have consistently selected out segments of society (at their choosing) and penned legislation, separating that segment, legally, from the rest of society. Blacks, women, the unborn....all have been the targets of Liberlism's social engineering and the hatred of the citizenry by The Democratic Party.
This time, it would seem, the rally cry is "target low-achieving students!"
With the new color-coded IDs, the whole world can identify you, based on your standardized test score. And, also based on the color of your ID, students are entitled to certain privileges or assigned detriment (from special lunch lines to discounts, etc) at the school. (One has to wonder how Rosa Parks might feel about this...).
Now, some might argue that, if this is "legislated discrimination", then so are "honor rolls". Nope. Sorry: "honor rolls" are based on VOLUNTARY achievement.
WAY too often, the stigma of "Nazi!" or "Hitler!" is placed upon people (nearly all the targets are Republicans; nearly all the accusers Democrats).
Well, once upon a time, a segment of society was identified, with a patch on their clothing, by their race. Then, it was "Jude". Now, a segment of society, THIS TIME WITHIN THE LIBERAL UTOPIA OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS, is identified by their ability to take tests...
Isn't this the country that vowed "NEVER AGAIN!"?
Tim Hirota
Santa Ana, California
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Now, also as predicted, she's going to assume the position as "kingmaker" which, by the results of the 2010 mid-term election, she does VERY well!
Of course, as is typical of the Left, they'll COMPLETELY miss the importance of this decision.
While they are meeting in their circle-jerks, finding immense gratification in having "driven her out" of the race, they'll be completely ignorant of the fact that, as "kingmaker", Palin will be in a perfect position to cause EVEN MORE damage to the cause of Socialism in the United States.
I can only snicker......
Hirota: out.
Uh oh....NOW we're in REAL trouble!
"DogPAC" (
The reason we're (Conservatives) in BIG trouble?
Simple: The average IQ of the Democratic Party JUST WENT UP.
Ah well....what would a circus be without it's clowns?
Hirota: out.
How about a different approach?
My opinion? BAD IDEA.
Why? Let's face it: other than the gain of a couple political points, there is no real benefit for Republicans if (when) Holder is found guilty of a crime. In fact, it behooves BOTH sides if this little 'problem' just goes away....
Folks: ALL these idiots--Democrats and Republicans--are in the same boat; what sinks one will sink far more than one. This is ultimately why no crime goes punished in Washington and no deed goes unpunished.
Think of it this way:
Two turds are floating in the toilet bowl. One turd says, "HEY UP THERE.....would you please flush this toilet so that we can get rid of that other turd?"
Show of hands: who thinks that only one turd will get flushed? (Liberals: put your hands down now...)
Based on the meager amount of evidence presented so far, there is NO QUESTION that Holder was directly involved in this highly illegal act. And, in all liklihood, Obama was involved as well. Or, at the VERY least, was fully aware of the situation and its illegality. BUT, if investigated "in-house", the issue will fade away; the guilty will go unpunished. (It's happened MANY times before).
Understand, now, WHY we need a TRULY independent investigation into "fast and furious". Someone like....Judicial Watch (non-partisan).
Then, perhaps, actual "justice" would be done.
Hirota: out.
The evidence is ABSOLUTELY unequivocal....
The ONLY path to success, fortune, power and status in the Liberal (Democratic Party) world is...
Want money? Be a failure like GM and Solyndra; Democrats will FLOOD you with taxpayers' cash.
Want fame and power? Two paths: be a criminal like Alcee Hastings, Bill Clinton and Charlie Rangel. Or be a miserable, drug-addicted, prostitute-mongering failure like John Kennedy.
Want immortality? Be like Bill Clinton who, knowingly, allowed the butchery of one million Rwandans. (No doubt, he was too busy 'interviewing' interns...). OR, be like Jimmy Carter who, until Obama came along, was EASILY the worst President in US history.
And, finally, THE greatest proof that it requires failure (or crime) to make the immortal list of Liberals:
Barack Hussein Obama. 'nuff said.
Hirota: out.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
To Conservatives, it's called "hypocrisy". To Liberals,'s just par for the course
(Here's where the equally reasoning-challenged, self-loathing Keith Olberman helps Moore with a word that, although both are likely poster-children for, neither know the meaning of...):
Olbermann: "Kleptomania."
Back to Michael "too-many-cheeseburgers" Moore: "They're kleptomaniacs, is what they are. They're out of control. I think there is some sort of sociopathic illness and they know what us to life in a kleptocracy. Where the kleptomaniacs run the show. This is going to spread. I said this last week, I said it two weeks ago when I first spoke with you. And the mainstream media was trying to pooh-pooh this, 'oh it's just a feud down there, don't worry.' Well what happened Saturday, not just here, but as you said in Boston, LA, in Chicago and elsewhere."
Kind of funny.....there's Moore, castigating "the wealthy", while his net worth is somewhere in the neighborhood of $50 million (estimated).
Hirota: out.
Where is the disconnect?????
1. This is how Liberals "debate".
2. Liberals LOVE to hate Jews, even though Jews vote Democrat by a WHOPPING 73%!!! WTF?!
3. Have Jews learned NOTHING in 70 years??????????????
Gosh....which approach should I use for this one....
....BY HIS OWN PARTY (National Socialists....ooops....I mean...Democrats)! to approach this....hmmmmm.....
Well, I could go the Liberal way:
The Democrats are deliberately hurting the middle class! They want poor people to remain poor! They HATE the working class! They are deliberately trying to undermine the enormous progress Obama's made! They're just trying to slow down the economy! They are doing this because they are racists!
OR....I could approach the Conservative way (you know...with the truth):
Obama's "jobs bill" is SOOOOOOOO unbelievably F***ED-UP that EVEN the psycho-Marxist Democratic Party wouldn't touch it!
Hirota: out.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Liberalism in all it's horrific glory...
After you watch the above video, please watch this one.....this is President Obama's legacy in Illinois....and the White House.
The View...
BUT, according to Sherri Shepherd, it's all about HOW you say "nigger".
Evidently, Shepherd found it perfectly OK when Whoopi Goldberg said "nigger", but took offense when Barbara Walters said "nigger". Shepherd stated that it was the WAY Walters said "nigger" that left her hand-wringing.
So, I guess I have to ask Sherri:
- Is it ok, as above, if I just WRITE "nigger" (I'm writing it as nicely as I can, Sherri)?
- Is it ok if Barbara calls Whoopi "nigger", if Barbara says it just like the way Whoopi says it?
- Is it ok if Whoopi calls Barbara "nigger", if she says it the same way that Barbara says it?
....and finally....
- Will Liberals be as apoplectic about these carping snipes saying "nigger" on national TV than they surely will be with ME saying it to a circulation of about 3 people????
Can we all say HYPOCRITES??? (A "Mr. Rogers" moment)
Oh...and by the's how it'll ultimately play out:
White Liberals, because " they care about the plight of blacks", will be "allowed" to say "nigger".
White Conservatives, however, will be accused of "insensitivity" and "racism" if THEY say "nigger".
....such is the nature of the "fairness" of Liberalism....
Hirota: out.
How 'bout that!
So, it turns out that the reason the country is in such miserable shape ISN'T because of bad luck. It ISN'T because of the rich. It isn't because of Bush. It ISN'T because of partisan bickering. It isn't any of the reasons offered by Obama over the last three years.
And, it isn't because of the remarkably stupid policies of Democrats. Nor is it because of the profligate spending of the Democrats. Nor is it because of the Socialist policies legislated by Democrats. Nor is it because of the highest tax increases (in American history) written by Democrats. Nor is it because of the ridiculous amount of restrictions placed upon small businesses...restrictions imposed by Democrats.
And, while we're at it......
It ALSO isn't because our "leader" is a feckless, spineless, indecisive (unless its abortion) cowardly radical who couldn't command a rubber raft in a bathtub.
As it turns out, ALL the woes of the United States can be blamed on one thing and one thing only:
Obama, who is incapable of taking ANY responsibility for myriad f***ups, has now blamed you, the citizens of America, for HIS ineptitude.
America has gone soft. No doubt, he's talking about small business people...the same people who've been buried by his regulations and taxes. No doubt he DOESN'T count among "the soft" are any union hack or public sector hack.
America: it's YOUR fault that Obama has failed. (Keep up the good work)
Hirota: out.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
FINALLY: some truth
“I did not love every class I took. I wasn’t always paying attention the way I should have. I remember when I was in 8th grade I had to take a class called ethics. Now, ethics is about right and wrong, but if you’d ask me what my favorite subject was back in 8th grade, it was basketball. I don’t think ethics would have made it on the list.”
To the part of the quote about not paying attention, obviously Obama was talking about his classes on Constitutional law.
As to the rest, well......DUH!
Hirota: out.
Behold the face of stupidity:

Behold, people, the face of stupidity; the face of absurdity, the face of self-hatred, the face of ignorance, the face of blithering idiocy: Janine Garofalo.
Long known for voicing every moronic concept espoused by Liberals, Garofalo is EASILY the biggest idiot in Hollywood.
Today, Janine vomited the following:
"Herman Cain is probably well liked by some of the Republicans because it hides the racist elements of the Republican party. Conservative movement and tea party movement, one in the same. People like Karl Rove liked to keep the racism very covert. And so Herman Cain provides this great opportunity say you can say 'Look, this is not a racist, anti-immigrant, anti-female, anti-gay movement. Look we have a black man."
So, if the Republicans support Cain in order to hide their racism, what does that say about Democrats, who claim to support women, blacks, the middle class, homosexuals, the poor, etc?
And, if this IS true, about why Republicans support Cain, then it stands to reason that the reason we support the unborn is....because we hate them?
Conversely, what does all this say about the fact that Democrats HATE the rich?
Janine, I pray, nearly every night, that you will continue to make these kinds of statements.
I have to admit, watching politics is alot like watching a circus.
And, after all, what good would a circus be without you?
Hirota: out! (And laughing hysterically)
HALLIBURTON: the name hisssssssssses from the lips of Liberals.
Quite frankly, I'm rather surprised that, in a fit of artistic license, the producers of the Harry Potter series didn't rename the "Voldemort" character "Halliburton"!
Libs: you missed your chance....
To the sentient world, Halliburton's association with Vice President Dick Cheney is not only a "former" association, but also one that is ultimately meaningless from a cronyism point of view.
Liberals claim that the Bush administration offered "no-bid" contracts to Halliburton, which, to them, serves as the proof of cronyism. In truth, the Bush administration DID offer Halliburton no-bid did Clinton's administration (does this mean that Clinton and Halliburton were in collusion????). No. It means that Halliburton, with it's expertise, experience and comprehensive services were recognized by BOTH administrations.
So.....back to Nancy Pelosi....
On the heels of the Solyndra scandal, in which Obama is ears-deep, comes a fresh, new scandal, this time tied DIRECTLY to Nancy Pelosi.
Yup.....seems Nancy's brother in law, Ronald Pelosi, just secured a loan guarantee from the federal government for $737 MILLION, in order to build a solar-thermal project in Nevada (Harry Reid's state).
First question: If 'green' energy technology is so darn good, useful, successful, why does the government need to throw so much money at it?
Second question: Does anyone REALLY believe that Liberals will take issue with this rather OBVIOUS example of ACTUAL cronyism?
Final question: How long will it be before we decide to stop being stupid (as a citizenry)?
Hirota: out.
Another idea....
Congressman Kevin McCarthy (CA-22).
Congressman McCarthy is one of the "Young Guns", a STRONGLY Conservative group which also includes Eric Cantor and Paul Ryan. Folks, these three guys are fighting to protect the Constitution. It's really as simple as that.
McCarthy, in addition to the fact that he's VERY Conservative, is also.....astonishingly....a Californian!
California, as most of you (Conservatives) know, is a write-off state for elections because, being a "winner-take-all" electoral state, Liberals ALWAYS win and Conservatives ALWAYS lose. (IF the good people of California, in an attempt to fairness and equality in our electoral process, would demand, and pass, electoral reform, then elections WOULD matter, as ALL votes would actually count. BUT, Liberals will never never NEVER allow this. You see, when it comes to what is equal and fair, Liberals ONLY consider themselves as equal and fair.)
So, here is a person (McCarthy) who has the right credentials (Conservative), would have a heavy draw from the "home team" (California), and is a favorite of the Tea Party (Independent voters).
If Republicans, under the current f***ed-up state of affairs in California, want a reasonable shot at taking the state, then...
Kevin McCarthy for Vice President!
Hirota: out.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Oh....and BTW.....
...wonder no more:
Senator J. William Fullbright (D-Arkansas, 1945-1074) once opined (referring to the President):
"...our moral teacher and our leader," and is "hobbled in his task by the restrictions of power imposed on him by this antiquated document." He must "be freed," so that he "can do for us" what he knows "is best."
Hirota: out.
No....REALLY....they are threatening to do it....
If I may paraphrase that great philosopher, Saddam Hussein:
"This will be the mother of practices" for the American Armed Forces!
(Oh......I HAVE to wonder how...or when....or IF...Obama will respond (after he changes his diapers, of course)
Hirota: out.
THIS, folks, is why we have the Second Amendment...
I have no doubt that that "couple years" was thrown in to soften her true position...of having NO elections, so that those in power may remain in power...irrespective of the consent of the people.
Well, now another PROMINENT DEMOCRAT, Peter Orszag (Obama's budget director) has added more weight to my constant assertion (that Democrats desire a totalitarian government, with the head):
"To solve the serious problems facing our country, we need to minimize the harm from legislative inertia by relying more on automatic policies and depoliticized commissions for certain policy decisions. In other words, radical as it sounds, we need to counter the gridlock of our political institutions by making them a bit less democratic...Our polarized political system has proved incapable of reaching a consensus on this common-sense approach. What we need, then, are ways around our politicians...".
A couple points worth making:
1. THIS is why the Constitution was written; specifically to prevent those (the Democratic Party) who would so abuse power as to enslave the people. This is what "the separation of powers" and The Bill of Rights is ALL about.
2. If you pay attention to the words and actions of Democrats, and are NOT able to conclude that these people are Socialists, then, I'm sorry, you're just plain f***ing stupid. There IS no other way to put it....
3. THIS is why the Second Amendment was written: SPECIFICALLY, to afford the citizenry a means of defense against THEIR OWN GOVERNMENT.
Folks, anyone who argues that "Government is broken" (like Liberals are doing right now) is flat wrong.
What we are seeing now is EXACTLY how our government is supposed to work!
Hirota: out.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
"J" compared the egregious acts of our elected leaders to the actions of a termite.
You see, a termite, by itself, can't bring a house down.
BUT, the actions of MILLIONS of termites can certainly destroy that house.....unless acted upon by the home owner.
My response?
WE, the American people, OWN THIS HOUSE (the United States). It's up to us to stop the actions of the termites.
Hirota: out.
Spoken like a Democrat.....
So suggested Governor Bev Perdue (North Carolina-DEMOCRAT).
The operative phrase: "I think we ought to suspend, perhaps, elections for Congress for two years and just tell them we won't hold it against them, whatever decisions they make, to just let them help this country recover."
Liberals, I'd LOVE to hear from you on this. I'd LOVE to hear you justify Governor Perdue's statement.
First, folks: Please pay attention to the fact that Governor Perdue DIDN'T suggest term limits, which would unquestionably achieve the same goal (of having elected officials concentrate more on helping the country than on their own personal agenda).
Hirota: out.