Sunday, November 23, 2014

Let's see if the shoe fits on the other foot, shall we?

Liberals, of course, are excited about Obama's amnesty declaration. A law designed through executive order instead of through it's proper, CONSTITUTIONAL channel, Congress.

Of course, Liberals will cease being happy after the lowest end of them lose their jobs and benefits to those 'new Americans' that the Democrats just created.....

So, let's see if the shoe fits on the other foot.....

What do you suppose will happen if the next Republican President, by executive order, bans abortions, Federally?

Liberals: please let me know.....

It SHOULD be perfectly fine with them. If you approve of one grotesque violation of the Constitution, you should be fine with other grotesque violations, right?

Hey Democrat voters, don't blame Gruber!

Because, with respect to you, he was ABSOLUTELY RIGHT!

Without ANY conscious thought, you supported Obamacare.....AND YOU STILL DO, even now, when it has been PROVEN to be an EPIC fail!

AND, you continue to support the elected idiots who lied to you.

AND, you haven't uttered a word in disgust or outrage at Gruber, or Obama, or Pelosi, or ANYONE directly associated with Gruber; people who KNEW he was lying, who HELPED him develop the lies and who suckered you into supporting a WILDLY unconstitutional law.

So, Democrats, you have NO right and NO room to be angry with Gruber.

Based on all available evidence, he was right: you ARE stupid.

I have a question for stupid ol' Al Sharpton

So....Al......if Darren Wilson gets indicted, would you be ok with whites rioting and burning down black neighborhoods in Ferguson?

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Some thoughts on the election......

The media is in full spin mode.

I think that no rational person was particularly surprised at Tuesday's outcome. (unless, of course, you watch the mainstream media)...

I think that EVERYONE was surprised at just HOW LARGE a shellacking the Democrats took yesterday. But we're not going to see a Bush-era "we got whooped!" level of candor from the Democrats. It'll be "statistical", "not unusual", "an average mid-term". (Of course, they HAVE to say this, in order to spare their very frail and fragile supporters from apoplexy, self-medication and extra therapy sessions).

And, Republicans won't be gloating. Happy, yes. Gloating, no. Remember, historically it's the Democrats who are as sore at winning as they are at losing. Bitter, matter the outcome.

Let's be clear, right now:

This election was not so much a repudiation of Obama. Nope.

This election was a CLEAR rejection of Socialism and Socialist policies.

And, this election proved something else (in my opinion, the most important point):

As long as Americans are vigilant and willing to fight, Socialism will NEVER, EVER be the governing policy of this great nation! That was demonstrated on Tuesday. And, it MUST be demonstrated continually!

A few notes, though, about the election:

- A few remarkable outcomes: Mia Love, Scott Walker, Jodi Ernst, Cory Gardner......

- Biggest idiots of the night:
              1. Maness (LA). This Tea Party candidate has now forced a December runoff. It will be costly and may very well hand Louisiana back to Democrats. A note to Maness and those who voted for him: evidently, you prefer a Democrat win. Idiots.
              2. The New Hampshire GOP; for nominating Scott Brown. RINOs lose, folks. And Brown has proven himself a RINO at best; a garden variety Liberal in reality. Idiots.
              3. Robert Sarvis (Virginia). Libertarian candidate who CLEARLY wanted a Democrat to win, since, in that VERY tight race, he took 2-1/2 points away from Ed Gillespie. Moron.

- So far, the tally is: Senate seats (Republicans +7), Governors (Republicans +3), House seats (Republicans +13).

- Noteworthy:
     - Pro-gun-control candidates got their asses handed to them.
     - Pro-life candidates won BIG!
     - Sandra Fluke lost....BIG.
     - Reid got his ass handed his walking papers (of course, NOW he wants to "work together").

....all for now....

Nancy and Harry

Nancy Pelosi just made my day. Here's some of what she said:

“To succeed, we must inspire, educate and remove obstacles to participation. Only by changing our political environment and broadening the universe of the electorate can we build a strong sense of community and an economy that works for everyone,”
You see, folks, the problem with Tuesday's election was.....VOTER SUPPRESSION!

And, I suppose she IS right in one sense: we DID somewhat suppress the dead vote, the illegal vote and the multiple in 100%...Democrat, BTW.

AND....along with Harry Reid, she wants to remain in control of the House!

I think that's GREAT!!!!!  Why?

She and Harry, BOTH, helped get the Democrats' collective ass handed to them.

So ABSOLUTELY, Nancy and Harry.....PLEASE stay in power. We are going to need you in 2016!

Monday, November 3, 2014


That is the ONLY thing that will prevent the success of things like this:

With the Democrats, the ends justify the means. (This, BTW, is exactly how ALL criminals operate)

Tomorrow is the day

LOTS of headlines proclaiming GOP victory! Lots of news agencies giving GOP 70%+ odds of taking the Senate.

Great news, yes?


Two things are going to happen.....FOR SURE.....tomorrow:

1. Democrats will mobilize. COUNT ON IT. Their ground game is THE BEST. And they will be doing what they've done in the past: drive people to the polls, get illegals to vote, get voters to vote multiple times in many districts, entire voters with free pot and alcohol, get the dead to vote (all of these illegal tactics have been well-documented, btw).

2. Major media outlets will be guaranteeing a GOP victory. This has a specific intent: to keep the complacent Republicans at home and away from the polls.

Tomorrow, whether you are Democrat or Republican: VOTE! It is YOUR duty to have your say! And, if you don't vote, then, as far as I'm concerned, you are NOT entitled to an opinion or complaint when things don't go right for you. If you don't vote, your responsibility is to continue to say NOTHING.

PLEASE, Republicans: VOTE. And do it honestly. The Democrats are cheaters. You are NOT.

So, only one thing will be able to overcome their attempts at stealing the election by illegal means:


Tomorrow: VOTE.