Thursday, April 16, 2015

Read this CAREFULLY, please. A lesson in Liberalism

I'm certainly NOT the first to point out the stories that Liberals make up in order to "prove a point"; Ann Coulter documents these things regularly.....and it happens, REGULARLY.

Between Lena Dunham's rape confabulation and Sarah Silverman's "wage gap" stupidity, Liberals...and, more importantly, CONSERVATIVES....will find important lessons.

For Liberals, the lesson can best be found in the wage gap lie, as explained by Sarah Silverman: (

That Sarah has a tendency to say astonishingly stupid things is NOT news; this is SOP for her.

BUT, she does say something here that IS important.....

In her "apology", she states, "My regret is that I mentioned Al by name — it should have been a nameless, faceless anecdote and he has always been lovely to me."

So, first, she only apologizes for using Al's name. She DOESN'T apologize for making up a story.

BUT, MOST IMPORTANTLY, Sarah makes it clear that the NEXT time she makes up a story, she won't be using any names and, therefore, can't be called out as a liar. It'll be an anonymous name from an anonymous place, during an anonymous time.

For Conservatives, the lesson is this: if there is no name, no place or no's a lie. It's made up. It NEVER HAPPENED. In fact, if you review ALL such cases, where a Liberal recounts a story of being can rest comfortably in the knowledge that, in ALL likelihood, it's a lie. It never happened. It's made up.

Liberals: the best way to make sure that facts don't get in the way of your agenda is to NOT allow any facts into the narrative.

Conservatives: remember that old joke: how do you know when a Liberal is lying? Their lips are moving.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Doesn't make sense! Or does it?

Doesn't it seem rather bizarre that Obama, Hillary and all the Democrats support Islam (specifically: radical Islam, Muslim regimes)? After all, the "law" to which these groups claim to adhere, Shariah, seems in stark contrast to what Democrats claim to support: women's rights, homosexual rights, etc.

With Obama, specifically, this is often written off to "well, he's really a Muslim, so he supports Muslims, irrespective of their true nature". But this argument doesn't apply to the possibility that Obama is a Christian (which has also been claimed).

More odd is the fact that while they support Islam in it's most radical forms, Democrats condemn Christianity and Judaism.

So....this thing ISN'T about respect for the sanctity of religion and religious freedom.

There is a commonality with ALL Democrats (in power) and their bizarre support of Islam (radical).

That commonality?


Radical Muslims, though they claim to be devoutly religious, are mere Marxists and, therefore, devoid of religious beliefs. (Sounds like Nancy Pelosi and Ted Kennedy, doesn't it?)

But, it's Marxism that unites Democrats and Radical Muslims; and THIS is why they act in mutual support. And THIS is why they condemn Christianity and Judaism (Marxism requires that the only accepted 'religion' IS Marxism).

"But", you might say, "Democrats CAN'T be Marxists. Marxists, throughout history, have been quite unkind to women, blacks (and other races), homosexuals, etc. Yet, Democrats SUPPORT these groups!"

Sorry. Wrong. This, in fact, PROVES that Democrats are Marxists. How do Marxists operate? Let's use Marxists Margaret Sanger (founder of Planned Parenthood, believer in eugenics, hater of blacks). Sanger, in this quote, suggests using black ministers to draw support from other blacks, through religion, in order to force her kill blacks:

"We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities.  The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members."

Marxists and Marxists everywhere and everywhen. Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, China, Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, Iraq, Syria.....all work to accomplish the same goals:

- Destroy the notion of "God"
- Destroy the notion of "family"
- Disarm the citizenry

In accomplishing these goals, they pave the way for population control. THEY will now decide who has the right to exist.

NOW does it make sense?

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Haven't you figured it out yet?

Such a flap about Indiana's RFRA! Who cares that no other state, in passing similar laws, went pretty much unnoticed! Who cares that the FEDERAL law, signed by BILL CLINTON.....the "first black President"...went pretty much unnoticed!?


Let's see......what could the media (and the rest of the Democrats) be "DON'T PAY ATTENTION TO THE MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN" -ing about?

- The continuing Benghazi investigation, which KEEPS turning up evidence, damaging to both Obama AND Hillary Clinton. 

- Hillary's personal server which has now been wiped clean. 

- The Iran "deal" which, so far, has been a complete capitulation by the US. 

- The new jobs numbers: 
    - Historic high number of Americans out of the workforce. 
    - Historic high black unemployment
    - Historic high female unemployment
    - Historic high working-age-teen unemployment

- "Obamacare" REAL numbers beginning to come out.....proving the disaster that Conservatives predicted.

- Historic high gap between wealth and poverty.

- Historic high number of Americans on Welfare and food stamps. 

- Historic high number of Americans below poverty level.

I read a "Facebook" post yesterday, declaring Obama the Greatest American President in history.

I'm assuming the sender was trying to goad me into engagement because, for the life of me, I'm unable to accept the notion that ANYONE is THAT stupid!

A reminder: Conservatism 101

Since Spring is a time of renewal, I thought it might be appropriate to remind folks of what Conservatism is all about. Or, more accurately, what distinguishes Conservatism from Liberalism.

There are two fundamentals for each of the two largest ideologies. These fundamentals are most importantly demonstrated through legislation.

Liberals believe:
- A person is free to make any choice, irrespective of whether that choice violates the rights of others.
- A person may make any choice, free of personal responsibility and personal consequence.

Conservatives believe:
- A person is free to make any choice, except where that choice violates the rights of others. 
- A person may make any choice, but is personally responsible for that choice and must personally accept all consequences of that choice. 

An example: abortion.

Since 1973, and as defended by, promoted by and expanded by Liberals, a woman, engaging in behavior whose possible outcomes include pregnancy, may choose to terminate that pregnancy at will, for any reason. She, legislatively, is beholden to NO personal responsibility, NO personal consequence.....for butchering an unborn child. That woman makes a choice which directly violates the rights of another human being. No responsibility, no consequence and grotesque violation of the rights of another human being.

THIS, in all it's savagery, is the very nature of Liberalism.

Of course, there are other examples: Affirmative Action, "Gay Marriage", Embryonic Stem Cell research, etc......all of these, through Democrat legislation, alleviate the choice-maker of responsibility, and seek to grant rights unequally, or remove rights altogether.

And it is what separates Liberals from Conservatives.

....which is why I am a Conservative.