Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Conservatives, if you REALLY want to thank him.....

If you REALLY want to thank Cruz.....if you are TRULY thankful for his act of courage:









The spirit of the Holiday season...

I guess Obama's intent is get as many "HO's" as possible this season!

(Current record: Santa Claus with 3 Ho's)

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Pic of the day

I think the caption is "Smug, smug and 'my butt hurts'"

I've got a PERFECT fix....

So, to sorta recap:

Estimated 60 MILLION will lose company-provided insurance.

Estimated 25-50 MILLION will lose private insurance.

Oregon: $305 MILLION and ZERO enrolled.

blah blah goes on and on.

Obamacare is an epic, EPIC FAILURE.

And this is just the beginning!!!!!!

There IS a fix, though.

Just take EVERYONE who voted "Democrat" in the last election and make THEM...and ONLY them....enroll.

Leave the rest of us alone.

Hirota: out. was wrong.

See, I thought that THE MOST important thing to the Obama administration was to clear the way for Iran to produce nuclear weapons, distribute them among terrorist groups and threaten Israel with them (since Israel is no longer backed by the US).

Turns out I was wrong.

It would seem that, even MORE important to the Obama administration is condemnation and abandonment of a Christian American.

Now, if Pastor Saeed Abedini was a committed, radical Muslim, an Obama donor or a fetus, THEN....and ONLY THEN.....would Obama's administration pay attention...

(Of course, if he were a fetus, Obama would negotiate for his release, then have him aborted)

Hirota: out.

One question.....

To the couple who supposedly didn't tip the server (and to America, in general):

Why do you find the need to explain yourselves, either way?

I get it, if you are not guilty of this Liberal crime. After all, proof in your favor only adds to the MOUNTAIN of other faked Liberal "hate crimes".

HOWEVER.....if you ARE guilty.....SO WHAT?!?! It's YOUR money. It's YOUR conscience.

It's YOUR decision to make.

Would I agree with your decision? Nope.

( I'm going to sound like a Liberal defending abortion)...

But I don't have the right to tell you what to do! It's YOUR choice.

Hirota: baffled as to why this even made the news. (well.....besides the stupid Liberal thing....)

Monday, November 25, 2013 did i forget THIS one?!?!?

...and near the anniversary of Kennedy's assassination, too!

While discussing the unfathomable failure that the Kerry/Iran deal will, without question, be, I failed to mention Kennedy/Kruschev.

THOSE talks, in the earliest part of the 60's, went SO well that we ended up with the Cuban Missile crisis.

Democrats. Oy.

Famous last words

Says Kerry:

"From this day, Israel is safer".

We'll be revisiting this soon with an "I told you so" piece...

If memory serves, Chamberlain proclaimed a success (and peace for England) after his Hitler talks....

Then.....we have this....

How sweet.

$14.5 MILLION.

How many of their precious poor could they have fed and clothed?

Time, once again, to point out some run-of-the-mill Liberalisms.....

First, we have this:


Killing animals so that you can pay them money to see their movies. Then, off to the PETA rally. Then, take a few animal-tested aspirins....

Hypocrisy? variety.

Hirota: out.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

....hate to say "I TOLD YOU SO"!!!

Roll over? BEND over is more like it.

Remember Neville Chamberlain and Germany?

Remember Bill Clinton and North Korea?

Remember Jimmy Carter and Iran?

And now, Obama/Kerry and Iran, part 2.....
What do these ALL have in common?

- Liberal idiots.

- Dictators delighted by taking advantage of Liberal idiots.

- Historic, EPIC failures in foreign policy. more thing all these have in common:

HORRIFIC tolls, in terms of security and human life.

Great job, Kerry and Obama......idiots.

Hirota: out.

BTW...the whole "not based on trust" crap? That's what Clinton said.....which is WHY North Korea has nuclear weapons.

Surprised? You shouldn't be.

Let's see......might there be a pattern here?

Benghazi security where a mass shooting took place...disarmed.

Universities where mass-shootings take place.....disarmed.

Military bases where mass shootings take place......disarmed.

Other schools....high schools, grade schools, etc....where mass shootings take place.....DISARMED.

Seeing the pattern now?

Hirota: out.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Pooooor ol' Joe....

Happy Birthday (November 20th), Joe!

71 and STILL as stupid as a bag of hammers! (That's GOT to be some kind of record!)

I guess no one really likes Joe enough to say Happy Birthday.  :-(

No worries, pal......come out to California and I'll buy you a birthday lunch.

Seriously, I'd really love to!

You.....DO know where California is, don't you, Joe?

It's that long state where Democrats NEVER visit while campaigning, since they know they already own it.... sounds like the blacks......

Hirota: out.

PS: Seriously....Joe....I'll buy you lunch and a beer at an amazing deli!

....and on a HUGELY bright note....

(Of course, the media, which is ignoring this ABSOLUTELY-RACIST-BLACK-ON-WHITE issue, will be ALLLLLLLLLLLL over this one. And the shooter will be called a racist.)

Only downside?
He lived.

Reaping what she sows?

Must make a Liberal proud!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

More James O'Keefe.....


Business as usual in the Democratic Party?


Our founding documents allow Americans two ways to address such corruption: the vote and the Second Amendment.

Democrats are working to eliminate both.

But as this video (and others) demonstrate quite clearly, our ability to have fair, REAL elections, is being rendered useless by the Democratic Party.

....that leaves one option.

Hirota: out.

And here he is again...

I'm just going to call him Britney, SO desperate is he for attention.

Here's my guess......

Let's say, for kicks, that what he says is true....

I'll lay odds that this is just a jealousy thing, since Reagan is "getting some" and he isn't.

Folks, this idiot is the girl in school, so wanting attention, that she'll let ANYONE get her in bed. Hillary

Hirota: out.

Makes perfect sense to me, really.....

Liberals LOVE failures.

So, the Liberal media is ALL about the Kennedy assassination, the anniversary of which quickly approaches...

When awful things like this happen, it provides a PERFECT opportunity for Liberals to campaign and try to convince people that they really ARE nice people; nice, smart, altruistic.

None of these virtues, of course is even remotely true.

But, they control the mainstream media, so that's that.

So......while they continue to canonize Kennedy and sculpt his legacy, I ask that you ALSO keep in mind:

- Kennedy regularly brought hookers to the White House

- Kennedy was deeply addicted to LOTS of prescription drugs (DURING his Presidency)

- As a chief executive, Kennedy was a FAILURE. "What about the Cuban Missile Crisis", you say? Let's keep in mind that that crisis developed because of Kennedy's utter FAILURE in negotiations with Kruschev in the early part of his Presidency. Kruschev, convinced that Kennedy was a gutless wonder (remind you of anyone?), figured that he do pretty much whatever he he put missiles in Cuba.

Kennedy, folks, was a mediocre President, at BEST.

His legacy SHOULD be one based on his tax cutting policy and funding of our space program.


Hirota: out.

Sorry, but this is HYSTERICALLY funny!!!

I can't count the number of pieces I've written about Liberals and their revisionism...

Since history is NEVER in their favor....from their advocacy and defense of slavery, to their drive to keep women from voting, from their financial ineptitude to their foreign policy idiocy...Liberals end up on the wrong side of history EVERY TIME.

If there is ONE constant in the universe, it's that Liberals are wrong.....DEAD WRONG.....EVERY TIME.

So, no one can dispute the fact that dumb ol' Dan Rather is a extreme one, at that.

And no one can dispute the fact that CBS is a VERY Liberal news agency.

Well, they went and "revisioned" Rather out of the JFK assassination retrospective.


And Rather is rather pissed.

Sorry Dan, looks like you've been "Liberaled".....

Hirota: laughing.

Here's a great way to stop this problem

Heard of it?

The "Knockout game"?

Morons target innocent, mostly helpless, people, sneak up behind them and sucker punch them.

What fun.

Folks, if you are ever in a position to witness this stupidity, I'd like to suggest a NEW game (in defense of the victim):

Let's call it "The Second Amendment Game".

That oughta put a stop to the knockout game.

Hirota: out.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Want to respond in a meaningful way?

Want to do something constructive?

With certainty, you haven't heard about the "Politico" reporter puking about the military:

At the bottom, of course, is the "comments" section, allowing folks to weigh in.


Do these folks think that they're going to be changing this guy's heart? Is he going to read those comments and say, "gosh....I never thought of it that way.....I take back everything I said."


People like this masturbate over comments that attack them. It's what they live for. Makes them feel like they're more than the meaningless nothing that they actually are.

Next step, autoerotic asphyxiation.....

But, let's be clear: it's his right to say the things he is saying. Those soldiers he hates fought for and died to protect those rights.

So, attempting to silence him is useless.....and against the very spirit of our Constitution.

And, IN a Constitutional sense, this guy should be celebrated for exercising his freedoms.


If you REALLY want to do something meaningful:

Copy the link to the article, and forward it to EVERYONE. I mean....EVERYONE.

In the "subject" column, simply write:

"This is The Democratic Party of the United States."

Some people you send to will agree. Others will condemn.

Hopefully, MANY will write to "Politico" and, MORE IMPORTANTLY, the companies who advertise on "Politico", demanding de-funding.

The lesson that, hopefully, will be learned is:

When you make a act, to speak....whether you like it or not, YOU, and ONLY YOU, assume the consequences.

It's called "personal responsibility".

Hirota: out.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Dumb as a bag of hammers

Sarah Silverman, it seems, has been tagged to host an abortion fundraiser.

Since abortion is a human rights slavery.....if Silverman were back in the day, she'd be advocating for and raising money for the rights of slaveholders.


Hirota: out.

How stupid are New Yorkers?

They're THIS stupid:

A big believer in the "heavy hand of Government", eh?

I guess it might be a bad thing that he lives in a country that believes in "the heavy hand of The Second Amendment"....

Hirota: out.


Piers Morgan has FINALLY interviewed someone who is his intellectual equal!

Dumb ol' Harvey Weinstein who, during an interview with Morgan, said:

"...this is the only the country in the world where we don't have health care. Countries embarrass us around the world."

And, as if he was thinking 'hmmmm....maybe the audience isn't QUITE convinced that I'm a COMPLETE idiot', he went on to say:

"And this is the only country in the world where we don't have a gun law. I watched you, you know, talking about that, you know, quite frankly it's embarrassing. Obama's not embarrassing. The country is embarrassing."

There ya go, folks! America......the only country without healthcare. And the only country without gun law.

No WONDER America is embarrassing!

Perhaps, if we're VERY lucky, Weinstein will get together with blithering idiot Cameron "if you want to vote for legalizing rape, vote Republican" Diaz and Sheryl "one square of toilet paper" Crow and form a PAC! Wouldn't THAT be a hoot!?

Hirota: out.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Liberal. Hypocrite. Idiot.

Dan Savage, hostile homosexual bigot, it somehow OK with idiots like Alec Baldwin making EXTREMELY "homophobic" statements.

(BTW.....GLAAD is the same way, since they have chosen to give Baldwin a pass, too).

So, when Idiot Dan makes hostile comments toward Christians, does he qualify THOSE statements the same way?

But, to me, by FAR the most amazing of Savage's statements is:

"Alec Baldwin is a homophobic bigot. But unlike other homophobic bigots, Baldwin doesn't believe his bigotry should be given force of law."

Folks, ANY pro-homosexual law is bigoted by it's very nature. It is pure discrimination.

Therefore, one can only conclude, since Savage STRONGLY supports those bigoted laws, that he hates himself.

(I know....not surprising....after all, he's a homosexual Liberal. I can't think of another group MORE self-hating.....OR bigoted)

Hirota: out.

PS- shouldn't ALL such language be "bigotry"?

I'd refer to Savage as an "asshole", but, well.....then, in his puny mind, I'D be a bigot......


One comment:


Ever wonder where all those BILLIONS in bailout money went? you know.

Hirota: out

I was saving this for "Alice Day" 2014, but.....

...but it's simply TOO important to wait.

This is no joke, folks.

And, BTW, it's one more "I told you so" from me, as I predicted this several years ago. A couple examples:;postID=4904216340499451916;onPublishedMenu=posts;onClosedMenu=posts;postNum=3;src=postname;postID=5621852804816248557;onPublishedMenu=posts;onClosedMenu=posts;postNum=1;src=postname

Let's be clear:

Liberals......that's the Democratic Party......wants to "normalize" and legalize pedophilia. Period.

And they are WELL on their way to doing so.

What are YOU going to do about it?

Hirota: out.


"Alice Day"? Used to called "Pedophile Pride Day", but they changed the name. Look it up.
It's on April 25th.

And, from this moment forward, I'M going to start a new celebration day which, coincidentally, will ALSO be on April 25th.

I'm going to call it the "Exercise your Second Amendment Rights" day.

Here's some helpful reading....

I'm not so sure I agree.

Apologize? Apologize for WHAT???

For lying to Americans? Geeeez.....they'd be apologizing every ten seconds!

No, apologies needed.


Want to know who is to blame for Obamacare?

YOU. ME. EVERY person in the US who either bought in to the stupidity or failed to act against it.

Folks, don't EVER blame Government.

Government is only as powerful and corrupt as WE.....THE PEOPLE....allow.

Hirota: out.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Immigration is an easy fix.

Three steps:

1. Reform existing immigration laws. It shouldn't take 5-10 YEARS to become a citizen of the United States. Six months, max.

2. Zero tolerance for illegal aliens (once new "fast-track" law takes affect.)

3. No amnesty. Rather, ALL who are here illegally go straight to the front of the register for legal status. And, pending the six-month processing period, they are treated with full rights (they must have documentation showing application of citizenship).

Hirota: out.

Worth watching

I LOVE being a guy!

A heterosexual guy, that is.....

So, we have these Obamacare ads:

And, from the women's groups, we have what Liberal guys want from a woman:


Hirota: out.

It occurs to me.....

Ya know, our idiot President, along wit his idiot Cabinet, the idiot Democrats in both Houses, and Liberal idiots around the country, in pitching Obamacare, were focused solely on "every person insured".

So let's do the numbers so far:

Signed up: 106,000 signed up for Obamacare.

Insurance cancelled because of Obamacare: 4,700,000......and that was just the first month!

Ya know.....if these idiot Democrats REALLY maximize the number of people insured.....

Overturn Obamacare. You'll IMMEDIATELY gain a net 4,594,000 insured!

The ones who signed up and would now lose their Obamacare?


The Liberal mopes Warren Buffett and George Soros, who tell us that they'd be delighted to pay more in taxes....let THEM fund those individuals out of their BILLIONS.

Hirota: out. of the stupid.

Ah yes.......the Liberal chicken comes home to roost.

Just HOW stupid are we Californians?

We'll see with the next couple elections....

Hirota: out.

First Planned Parenthood advocating statutory rape, now this....

Our Democratic Party......

Building a bigger trough.

Hirota: oink.



Hirota: ouch.

OMG! THE perfect storm!!!!

Ok, so.....

- He's a white supremacist.
- He's a racist.
- He just found out that he's part black.
- He's a Socialist. (look at the banner behind him)
- He's a "Nazi"

Folks, this moron is the poster boy for the Democratic Party!

He's a garden variety Liberal.....

(I wonder if it's ok to call him a nigger?)

Hirota: out.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

So, about those "lying liars"?

It would seem, Al, that, perhaps, the biggest "lying liar" is....


Perhaps that's unfair.

Perhaps it'd be more appropriate to just call you "the supreme hypocrite".

It's true....and you KNOW it.

Obama.....Wendy Davis.....

Just TWO of the Very recent examples of LIBERALS who are lying through their teeth to gain popularity....

And where's Al?

Where's Mr. Truth Detector?

Where's the conscience of The Democratic Party?

Where's "Mr. Lying Liar"?

Nowhere to be found.

Al, I gotta tell ya.....

To me, you are a GIANT piece of shit; not because you're a Liberal. Rather, because you ONLY go after one side. Shame on you. You ARE what you condemn.

Hirota: out.



Based on women's support of our idiot President, it is painfully obvious that women don't give a rat's ass about how detrimental Obamacare....Liberalism, for them.

So.....I fail to see why I should give a rat's ass about them. Let them get what they get from their savior, Barack.

If women REALLY, TRULY want find balance......real, ACTUAL, FAIR balance.....


Hirota: out.

Can you say "bullshit"?

This is all part of the Clinton campaign strategy.

Challengers coming from the "far left" will make Hillary look downright moderate.....which, of course, she isn't.

More moderate than Barack, perhaps?


Hillary and Barack are cut from the same cloth. They are both Socialists.


"Hillarycare". Remember that? It was the Clinton administration's failed attempt at Socialized medicine......EXACTLY LIKE OBAMACARE.

Whitewater. Hillary and Bill taking advantage of the fact that most people don't bother reading real estate contracts. As a result, the Clintons bilked their unsuspecting customers out of the ownership of their homes. Shameful. But, doesn't this sound exactly like Pelosi's famous "you'll need to pass the legislation to find out what's in it"?

Foreign policy EPIC FAILURES. Benghazi. Egypt. Saudi Arabia. North Korea. Iran. Barack, using Hillary as his mouthpiece, has so completely failed worldwide that, without question, America is FAR less secure that before this administration begun.

Make ABSOLUTELY no mistake:

A Hillary administration will be AT LEAST as disastrous as the Obama administration. In all likelihood, it WILL BE FAR WORSE.

Hillary WILL be painting herself as a moderate.

She isn't.

Hillary is an extremist Liberal. A Socialist. A Communist.

Hirota: out.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Hillary Christie

So, Chris Christie today announced that he ISN'T seeking the nomination in 2016, stating, instead, that his focus is on New Jersey.

Have you heard that before?

Don't you remember Hillary saying THE EXACT SAME THING?

She made HER statement when she was campaigning for the US Senate. At the time, she said that she wasn't seeking the Presidency BECAUSE, IF ELECTED, SHE OWED HER CONSTITUENTS THE FOCUS OF HER OFFICE.

Then, about a week after she won her Senate seat, she announced her Presidential campaign.

How did her constituents respond?

Insert thumbs.

Here's my first election prediction:

On the Democratic ticket will be:


Hillary Clinton and her running mate.....


Hirota: out.


As you might expect, I have LOTS of political conversations....

....well, they're conversations when I'm speaking with Conservatives; when "speaking" with Liberals, I might as well talk to a wall. They are the book definition of "doe in the headlights".


2016 seems to be on Liberal's minds...even moreso than Conservatives. 

Of COURSE there's a reason for this. 

Google "psychology term anchoring". Look it up. 

You'll SUDDENLY know why Liberals have taken over public schools and why they, now, screech about 2016. 

The media continues (as predicted by me) to demonize Obama while, at the same time, praise Hillary; thereby creating the separation needed to successfully install her as the next Chief Executive. 

In truth, of course, she's a FAR more INEPT, less capable, bungling idiot than Obama. 

Truly, his reign as "worst-President ever" will be VERY short-lived, if Hillary gets elected.

I digress......

The tell-tale.

These the media, in Congress, in my neighborhood....are doing two telling things: 

- Praising Chris Christie.

- Condemning Ted Cruz.

They refer to Christie as "the ONLY chance the Republican Party has to win the White House.

Regarding Cruz, they say that his nomination will, without question, end the Republican Party.

....and there's the tell-tale.

(have you figured it out yet?)

A bunch of Liberals PRAISING Christie, while they CONDEMN Cruz?


Liberals live in FEAR of Ted Cruz (or, really....since we are SOOOOOOOOO early in the game, Liberals fear ANY REAL Conservative who might end up with the nomination). 

Reagan's Presidency taught us a HUGELY valuable lesson:


Hirota: out.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

The REAL numbers....

According to a report, Washington DC $133,573,928 in order to enroll 5.....FIVE....people in Obamacare.

This number is VERY misleading.

If you want to gain a TRUE picture of the cost, you must keep in mind the fact that the efficiency of Government money is LESS THAN 20%.


Cost of doing business. Overhead. it fair to say the this particular botch cost $133,573,928?

NO. Those are POST-overhead dollars.

The actual number, assuming the Government efficiency is as MUCH as 20% (it isn''s likely FAR lower), is FIVE TIMES $133,573,928.

That is how many tax dollars needed to be collected in order to get that number.

Folks, any time you see a number tossed around by Government.....a billion here, a billion need to multiply that number by AT LEAST "5" in order to understand what YOU PAID IN TAXES in order to get that number.

Hirota: out.


Folks, if you'd like to understand how things will go with Iran (Kerry, Obama, sanctions, nukes...), all you have to do is read up on Clinton's dealings with North Korea in the early '90's.

In a word: FAIL.

Or, as Biden would put it: "One word: EPIC FAIL!"

Clinton, attempting to halt North Korea's nuclear ambitions, made a deal: America will lift sanctions and build you 2 nuclear reactors. You will cease your nuclear weapons program.

Sound familiar so far?

Result of the Clinton deal:

After America lifted sanctions.....

Immediately.....IMMEDIATELY....North Korea resumed it's nuclear weapons program. (Clinton was fully aware and did nothing about about it)


In a very short time, AFTER Obama and Kerry lift sanctions and hand hand over God-knows-what-else, Iran WILL HAVE A NUCLEAR WEAPON.

The history of COMPLETE IDIOTS handling such important issues is CRYSTAL CLEAR.

Hirota: out.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Three ring circus.

We are going to see three positions on this coming battle:

1. TRULY Pro-life (Conservatives). These are folks who understand that abortion is EXACTLY like slavery: A HUMAN RIGHTS ISSUE.

2. The Establishment GOP (Liberals): Up for re-election and/or "pro-life" as long as there's not some favor which can be garnered to change the vote.

3. The Democratic Party: The "let's butcher as many as possibly while maximizing the health risks for women" crowd.

Oughta be interesting.

Hirota: out.

PS......if the Dems win? Next stop: "recently born" abortions (Obama already approves).

Here ya go....

More "lying liars".....

Hey Al Franken.....

I've got another chapter for your NEW book about liars (titled "The Obama Years").

This one will be ALLLLLLLLLL about Wendy Davis. Liberal. Democrat. Famous for her eleven hour PRO-ABORTION filibuster.

Now, she's running for Governor of Texas....


Ya know, if Davis wins, you might consider a book titled:


Hirota: out.

Ps.....Al, PLEASE don't beat the shit out of me for this (I know you like to do that...)

Why are you surprised??

Folks, you are going to see a LOT of this.

The media will be VERY kind to Christie.

The media will be actively distancing Hillary from Obama.

And.....the media will be increasingly "concerned" about Obama.


The media WANT Christie to get the GOP nomination in 2016.



If it comes to a Clinton/Christie battle, Liberals win EITHER WAY.

ALL of this, folks, depends on YOU.

Hirota: out.

So......Biden was in the news today.....

Ya know....sometimes I think that Joe is an even BIGGER idiot than Obama...

Hirota: out.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Removed from the gene pool

The shooting gallery

So, now the news comes out that armed security were recently REMOVED the security stations at LAX.

....another "gun free zone"....

(Well....except for the shooter, that is...)

Hirota: out.

The Fifth Column

I'm going to be sending an occasional piece called "The Fifth Column". Go here for it's meaning:

In today's world, this is what Socialists are doing to the GOP, the military, the Catholic Church, the family and EVERY other institution which MUST be brought-down in order for Socialism to prevail.

Chris Christie? Part of the Fifth Column.

The "establishment GOP"? Fifth Column.

John McCain? Fifth Column.

Lindsey Graham? Scott Brown? Olympia Snowe? Lisa Murkowski? ALL Fifth Column.

The "republicans" in this report? Fifth Column.

Think about it:

If your football team were able to plant a few "friendlies" in the opposing team (friendlies who'd botch an occasional play, miss an occasional easy pass, run not quite as fast, be not quite as aggressive.....) who do you think would win the game?

Hirota: out.

One last note on Virginia

I've read several pieces regarding how a Democrat bundler set up the entry of Sarvis into the race which, as it turns out, is what ended Cuccinelli's hopes.

Each report called it "tricks" or "dirty tricks".

Sorry, it was neither.

What it WAS was brilliant strategy.

The Conservative movement ought to study this. And learn.

Remember, though, that Sarvis......a "Libertarian"....consciously allowed for the ascension of an extremist Liberal.


No. Sorry, Sarvis, it's kind of obvious, was a shill for the Democratic Party.

The stupid ones in this election were the people who voted for Sarvis.

Hirota: out.

The best news of the day?

It's pretty sad when THIS seems to be the best news of today!

(Don't get me IS good news...after all, how many Liberals are able to grasp the truth?)

Hirota: out

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Get it?

Do you understand, NOW, why Democrats want amnesty?

Hirota: out.

Pigs at the trough

There's really no other way to characterize McAuliffe's win in Virginia.

Pigs of voters, obviously willing to settle for whatever slop with which the Democratic Party chooses to grace their lives, have decided that lies, corruption, and captivity are preferable to freedom.

Your choice, Virginia.

And, BTW, when it falls apart...which it will.....when McAuliffe destroys your beautiful state....which he will....remember that YOU could have prevented it. But you didn't. Instead, you acted like pigs, fighting for your Government's slop.

....I guess it'll be up to the few....

Hirota: out.

Who's the "lying liar" now?

So, Al Franken, are you going to come out with a second book? Perhaps, instead of "Lies, and the lying liars who tell them, part II", you can just call it "The Obama Presidency".

So, after stating, flatly and definitively, that "if you like your health-care plan, you will be able to keep your health-care plan, period.”, a WHOPPING 29 times, now Obama is claiming that he never said it.

Seriously?  Just HOW breathtakingly stupid do you think your supporters ARE?


Now he claims what he said all those times was, "if you like your healthcare plan, you will be able to keep it....IF IT HASN'T CHANGED SINCE THE LAW WAS PASSED."

Evidently, in Obamaland, "if it hasn't changed since the law was passed" is a synonym for "period".
So, about that new book?

And, while you're at it, how about a book about Pelosi? Based on her comments yesterday....that Obama was a person of "great vision".....perhaps you can title it "Delusions and the delusional delusionals who have them"

Hirota: out.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Some headlines

Ah, yes.....the Liberal dream is bearing fruit....(and, yes, all these are DIRECT results of Liberal legislation and ideology)
(not just the cover up, but the issue itself....)
("...or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...") point/copy/paste finger hurts. All for now....

Hirota: out.

You are absolutely right, Obama!

"I'm really good at killing people", says Barry.

And, obviously, he's right.

Just ask Edie Littelfield Sunby:

Hirota: out.

Riddle me this???

So, If Obamacare is SUCH a great thing, WHY did Obama FAIL to mention it while stumping for McAuliffe???

Hirota: out.

So, does this make him a racist??

.....ONLY if he was a Republican.



Send notes to EVERYONE you know in Virginia.

As you know, tomorrow is the vote to elect Governor in Virginia (Terry McAuliffe vs Ken Cuccinelli).

McAuliffe has led the polls for most of the race, but recently has lost much ground to Cuccinelli. Currently, the polls show a 2-point difference.

HOWEVER, there's a third candidate involved: Libertarian Robert Sarvis, who stands at 12% of the vote.

Folks, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE write to EVERYONE you know in Virginia, urging them, on election day, to vote for Cuccinelli.

AND, AS IMPORTANT: If those people are planning to vote for Sarvis, please encourage them to vote, instead, for Cuccinelli. Reason with them: If the voter is TRULY Libertarian, then they can no more vote for a Democrat than they could a Communist. Their ideologies are POLAR OPPOSITES.

In addition, PLEASE send emails to Sarvis:

Please encourage him, if HE is truly Libertarian, to pull out of his campaign and throw the weight of his support behind Cuccinelli.
Folks, McAuliffe, who's been an insider, "pay for play", Clinton confidante for his entire political career; a career which has been a series of failures, leaving his home district in ruins.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.
God Bless the voters of Virginia tomorrow.....
Hirota: out.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Truly, what could be more terrifying?,7340,L-4448511,00.html

NO, I'm not talking about these "religious" leaders in Iran (I draw a HUGE distinction between these bozos and the ordinary, common people of Iran...).

I'm talking about the possibility that a Democrat will be the next President. And, worse, that Congress will have ANY level of control in Congress.


In light of the continued threats by these idiot Muslim psychos, and given the fact that the COLOSSALLY inept Hillary is a proven FAILURE in the Middle East (well.....pretty much anywhere, for that matter), and add to that Obama's STAGGERING incompetence in his foreign policy, along with John Kerry's clownish handling of foreign affairs....'s not real difficult to figure out what kind of trouble we're in...

In the words of President Reagan:

"Of the four wars in my lifetime, none came about because the U.S. was too strong"

For the Liberals reading, Reagan's implication is that the reason wars come about because America is PERCEIVED, by our enemies, to be weak...

....just like they do now, because of Obama, Clinton, Kerry and the rest of the Democratic Party.

Hirota: out.

Friday, November 1, 2013


Mary Landrieu (remember her? She was the idiot Governor of Louisiana during "Katrina", who failed to act on behalf of her citizens, then spent the rest of the time blaming President Bush? THAT Mary Landrieu).

Well, she failed SO completely as a Governor that she became a Liberal HERO, and got elected as a Senator.

Liberal success story.

HUGE failure to everyone else.

Anyway.......Landrieu is now responsible for THIS:

Since the reality of losing existing healthcare plans was spelled out RIGHT THERE IN THE HEALTHCARE BILL, I guess I fail to see how ANOTHER Bill is going to fix Obama's lie.

And further, what makes ANYONE think that Democrats are going to actually READ this Bill EITHER, before they sign it????


These people are MORONS. And if YOU continue to support them, then YOU are a moron.

I've got some other Bills I think that Landrieu might consider sponsoring:

- A Bill to force healthcare premiums to cost $2,500.00 LESS then current, just as Obama promised.

- Since, as Obama promised, the Bill is SUCH a great thing, how about a Bill requiring Congress AND the fact, ALL public sign up for Obamacare. (That includes YOU, Mary)

- How about a Bill, forcing the closure of Guantanamo Bay? Obama promised this.

- How about a Bill, requiring a cessation of action in Afghanistan, just like Obama promised?

Sure, there're lots more Bills to force Obama to keep his promises, but, seriously, wouldn't it be simpler if we just elected someone with more integrity?

Mary Landrieu was a failure as Governor and she's a failure as Senator.....which is why she's a HERO to Liberals.

Hirota: out.

OOOOOOOOO're SUCH a tricky guy!

Ok, the statement was, "If I didn’t care so much about our country, I would hope he would get the Republican nomination for president, because that would mean the end of the Republican Party."

Now, I thought that Harry's ideology was America's key to true greatness and enlightenment?

Well, if that's true, then Harry SHOULD be delighted if the GOP went away....after all, it's been that nasty old GOP that's been holding America BACK from greatness.

Ever heard of reverse psychology?

Reid's rather buffoonish statement was his own attempt at it.

With Biden in mind:

Two words, Harry: FAIL!

Folks, Harry knows that all we need to do is look at how the GOP fell apart under the Reagan years.

I believe they called it "The Reagan Revolution". America, under Reagan, moved DRAMATICALLY to the Right.

Message: Two of them:

1. Conservatism ABSOLUTELY works as a political, PRESIDENTIAL, position.

2. Harry Reid is SCARED TO DEATH that Cruz will get the nomination.

Hirota: out.