Friday, October 31, 2014


I find it amazing that either Mary Landrieu or her supporters are the most breathtakingly ignorant people in America.

Check it out:

So....let's see here....the South hasn't always been "...easy on African-Americans..." nor "...easy on women...".


How did the idiot Ray Nagin get elected? And HOW  did he get RE-ELECTED after his epic fail surrounding Katrina?

And, did YOU get elected? I THINK you're a woman, aren't you? Didn't you get elected Governor? Then after YOUR epic fail surrounding Katrina, you got elected to the Senate?!

No Mary, it's not about "black" or "woman" in the South. (And let's remember: hostility toward blacks and woman in the South is a history WHOLLY owned by DEMOCRATS, Mary).

Mary, the South is done with YOU. And they are done with OBAMA.

Basically, the South is done with DEMOCRATS, who've proven themselves to be nothing but Socialists.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Voter ID Laws

So, now you know WHY Democrats don't want voter ID laws.

And WHY they want amnesty.

And WHY they want open borders.

But here's the deal:

Our Constitution provide two means by which "the people" may maintain their control over government: The vote and the Second Amendment.

As is more evident, day by day, election by election, Democrats are working furiously to a) render the voting process meaningless and b) abolish the Second Amendment.


Isn't it obvious enough? (here's a hint: go look up the events which ultimately culminated with Statist takeovers in Russia, China, Germany, Venezuela. Therein lies your answer).

Conservatives have demanded voter ID laws, in order to bring at least ONE check to the Democrats' attempt at a Statist takeover. Of course, Democrats scream "RACISM!"'; suggesting that voter ID laws scare people away from the voting process.

Really? If that were true, then it must also be true that being required to provide ID ALSO scares folks away from taking a flight, driving a car, cashing a check, opening a bank account, paying with a credit card, buying a home, buying a car, buying nearly ANYTHING, etc etc etc.

Bo, the truth is that the ONLY people NEGATIVELY affected by voter ID laws are.....CRIMINALS and ILLEGALS.

Folks, there are only TWO means by which our Constitution can be truly protected; the vote and the Second Amendment.

If the Democrats are successful in rendering the vote meaningless, then that leaves only ONE means left.

PS: Here's to the "3%".....

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Two thoughts......

1. If these (quickly growing number of instances) ARE just "calibration issues", then WHY don't ANY of them change a Democrat vote to a Republican vote?


Tuesday, October 28, 2014

What do I always say?

It's not just the media, folks.

But, it's a fine example of what I say CONSTANTLY.

The media, who have fawned over Obama since he became a Senator, are now....just now.....realizing that he is a radical Socialist, who will, if he can, completely control them and eliminate their First Amendment rights. In fact, ALL Democrats would do the same.


But think about it:

Blacks, OVERWHELMINGLY, support Democrats. Yet, under Democrat rule, blacks have to HIGHEST unemployment and underemployment rate in history. Blacks, under Democrat rule, also have the highest rates of education failure, out of wedlock births and welfare needs. And, historically, Democrats were the party of slavery; traditionally anti-civil rights. Remarkable.

Women, who overwhelmingly support Democrats, support a party who ACTIVELY prevents safe and sanitary conditions at abortion clinics. This is a party that also actively denied women's right to vote. Amazing.

The youth. Overwhelmingly support Democrats. Yet, under Democrat control, teens have the highest unemployment rates of ANY age group (over 50%!!!). Unbelievable!

Like I say.....ALL THE TIME:


Blacks, women, teens........when are you going to wake up?


Yes, this election is YOUR chance to think....and ACT....strategically.

Republicans are going to need EVERY vote from EVERY eligible voter (especially since the Democrats' votes will largely be a) illegals, b) dead, d) multiple and/or d) felons, the honest citizenry will have to win with overwhelming turnout.


BUT, I know that there are many Republicans (the most Conservative ones, especially) who will be thinking that third party candidates will be getting their vote. After all, if these Conservatives are doing their job every day, they are fighting the fight to move the Right to the true Right (as opposed to the left-of-center, where it currently resides).

PLEASE reconsider this decision.


You may hate the GOP candidate, but you MUST realize that a GOP candidate, no matter how 'centrist' they may be, is FAR better than ANY Democrat (no matter how 'centrist they CLAIM to Obama, who claims to be a centrist).

If you vote for your third party (Libertarian, Conservative, Independent, whatever), YOU WILL BE VOTING FOR THE DEMOCRAT.

Understand? Your vote, for a third party, TAKES VOTES AWAY FROM REPUBLICANS AND GIVES THEM TO DEMOCRATS. So, effectively, you are voting for Democrats.


One this one day, it is important that we ALL (Far right, Center right, Moderate, Independent) unite under and support the GOP.

The rest of the election cycle, push to move to the right.

But on the ONE day.......

PLEASE......THINK before you vote.

I almost hate to say it: Schumer has a point.

Granted, it's only ONE point (of the three he made), but it IS an important point.

On the two typically-brainless lies, Chuck:

- Democrats.....ALLLLL Democrats......continue to prove that they know NOTHING about how to build an economy. 92 MILLION Americans out of the work force. We haven't seem this kind of job slaughter since Carter! Democrats are THE WORST at the economy!!!! And Schumer is PROUD of what they've accomplished????? Idiot.

- Candidates? They are all.....ALL....Obama knockoffs. ALL OF THEM. And, since the country is CLEARLY condemning Obama, ALL the Democrat candidates are running away from that truth.

Now.......where Schumer IS right is the "ground game".

If you'll recall, Romney, up until the day of the vote, pretty much had the election in the bag.

Then two things happened:

1. Republicans and Independents, assuming it was 'in the bag', decided not to vote. Idiots.
2. Democrats got active on election day.....VERY active.

But, in truth, point #2 doesn't matter that much......that is, as long as CONSERVATIVES, REPUBLICANS AND INDEPENDENTS get out and VOTE!

PLEASE.....don't prove Schumer right. (for the first time in his life)

This, and EVERY, election

November 4th fast approaches. In fact, exactly one week away.

Sure, lots of media are talking about just how important this election is.....and they are right.

But it's also right to say that EVERY election is important. EVERY election determines the future; of our home towns, our counties, our state and our country.

ALL elections are important.

But, AS important is the research that you SHOULD be doing; candidates, public offices, propositions, etc.

Would you buy a car, sight-unseen? How about a house? How about an insurance policy?

Of COURSE you wouldn't.

Well, how much MORE important are the decisions you make that govern your very lives???

And, if you decide that your vote doesn't matter, so you aren't even going to take the time to vote: YOU ARE THE BIGGEST IDIOT IN THE WORLD. And, you have precisely NO opinion, as far as I'm concerned, because NOT voting means that you voted for whomever won.

So, on November 4th, do your civic duty. Freedom and liberty may mean nothing to you, but don't assume it also means nothing to anyone else.

Monday, October 27, 2014


NOW what are you going to do, idiot vegans and vegetarians??????


Hey.....I've got an idea: stop eating.....forever! you know why (if you didn't already...)

THIS is why the Democrats do EVERYTHING they can to a) encourage illegal immigration and b) discourage voter ID laws.

And.....THIS is why the Second Amendment was written.

A warning to those who would render meaningless, through their actions, the vote:

A courageous 3% of Americans engaged the British in order to secure our freedom.

There are FAR more than just 3% now.

Remember this when you cast your vote.

Also remember when Brown throws his hat in for 2016.

Friday, October 24, 2014


the only BIGGER "wtf" is for the supreme idiots who listen to her.....AND BELIEVE!!!!!

This is the Democrat Party, folks!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

This is why the Second Amendment was written.


Does ANYONE think that the truth will matter?

Has it so far??

Culture of humiliation?

Lewinsky is out of her mind.

Culture of humiliation? Let's fact-check, shall we?

Was Monica raped by Bill? No.

Was Monica coerced to have sex with Bill? No.

Did Monica, of her own free will, have a sexual relationship with Bill? YES.

If Lewinsky is "humiliated", it's because she DID IT TO HERSELF.

I have to wonder where she'd be wealthy.....if Bill Clinton (Hillary's 'husband') HADN'T waved his magic wand at...and in....her.

A couple comments....

1. This isn't so "administration" as it is THE DEMOCRAT PARTY.
2. This is EXACTLY what THE DEMOCRAT PARTY wants for you: insecurity.
3. The reason they get away with it is because YOU REFUSE TO STOP THEM. whatever means necessary.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Hmmmm....where, oh WHERE, have I seen this before....?

Check out this article:

To me, it sounded strangely familiar, this burying-of-the-truth-so-as-to-protect-an-agenda-while-putting-the-innocent-at-great-risk.

Then it hit me: AIDS.

Go read "Patient Zero" and follow the political, ideological trail from the time of that index case.

Here's what you will find:

Democrats portrayed AIDS as a disease to which ALL were at risk....EQUAL risk. Clearly, it was a move to protect homosexuals, who were pushing the Democrats' ideological agenda: the destruction of the family (in this case, through homosexuality and promiscuity).

Little did those homosexuals know that they were mere pawns in the Democrat agenda. Throw-aways, expendables, useful idiots.

In fact, AIDS was never, and HAS never, been an equal-opportunity disease. Rather, incidences are WILDLY skewed toward homosexuals and intravenous drug users. The percentage of those contracting AIDS outside of these two groups, statistically, approaches zero (where is DOES happen outside these two groups tends to be unprotected pre-marital and/or adulterous sex).

How about that.

Of course, AIDS now is a major killer, especially of homosexuals....

....who can thank the Democrats for their shortened lives.

(Keep voting for them, idiots!)

So, where will this enterovirus lead? 

Dead kids.  Maybe lots of them.

But, hey.....why should Democrats care? After all, they don't much care about the ones they butcher in the womb....why would they care about those just outside of it?

Democrats wrong AGAIN

SERIOUSLY: have Democrats EVER been right? About ANYTHING?
(The answer, btw, is no)

And remember, folk: THIS WAS HILLARY CLINTON'S "3am phone call".

And she FAILED.

Friday, October 17, 2014


So, Babs had THIS to say:

All I can say is.....

Californians had BETTER wake up!

Democrats, when they are proven to be wrong on an issue (which is pretty much every time, on every issue), always do two things (well, once they actually admit that it IS wrong...):

1. Blame Bush
2. Say "both sides are to blame"

I'll be very interested (and, no doubt, entertained) to see how they handle this:

Can the Democrats blame Bush? No. He's out of office.....6 years ago. And, right now....RIGHT NOW.....Democrats are carping on about how great the economy is; how Obama's policies are bringing back a strong America.

As to the "both sides", California has a Democrat Governor and it's legislature is controlled, with a super-majority, by Democrats.

Democrats. ALLLLLLLLL Democrats.

The astronomically-high poverty rate in California is 100% (ONE HUNDRED PERCENT) the fault of the Democrats.

This November, Californians have the ability to stop the stupidity in Sacramento.

The question is: will they?

Or are they simply content with failure and incompetence?

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Of course, Democrats are on the wrong side of history.....again.

But what is equally important, here, is the fact that this is the NEW YORK TIMES; as radical leftist as a newspaper gets!

Now, as to how address this with Democrats:

A few of them (maybe 2 or 3) will be viewing this video and reading about this in the NYT.

The CLEAR purpose in these articles is to cry "COVERUP BY THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION!".

Fine. That's a different argument.

What IS to-the-point here is the fact.....FACT....that there were WMD in Iraq.....LOTS OF THEM.

As to "active program", remember that "DEBKAfile", a Jerusalem reporting agency, reported that WMD were being moved from Iraq to the Bekaa Valley in the months leading up to the war...

This may come as a surprise, but.....

...the ol' "thumb-in-ass" strategy doesn't seem to be working....

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Of course, this can't POSSIBLY be true.

CLEARLY, the "vast right wing conspiracy" is in FULL swing, with this article.

And, of course, this can't POSSIBLY be true, since there WERE NO WMD's in Iraq.

Well, unless you include....

But....not to worry. The Democrats will continue with the "no WMD's in Iraq", since they haven't anything else in their pathetic little worlds.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Calling all Santa Ana voters!

I think it's time for new blood in the City Council.

Recently, in an interview, Councilperson Michele Martinez had stated that she "...will not mind if she isn't reelected in November." Evidently, she was disappointed that many constituents (the FTP crowd) felt she wasn't doing enough on their behalf.

Welcome to politics, Michele.

Politics, like ANYTHING else, requires passion, if you are going to do it right.

Passion.....the drive to get things done.

And, clearly, Michele has lost whatever passion she may have had.

But there is a bigger reason, in my mind, for making a change this November:

A few years back, Michele was hot to turn Santa Ana into a "sanctuary city" for illegal immigrants.

I, personally, penned a letter to Michele, the Mayor, the rest of the City Council, the Governor, the media....well, pretty much everyone on the planet...exposing Martinez and citing federal and state laws, along with an exploratory paper from the state, determining that her actions were illegal and would set up circumstances which would greatly damage our city.

Shortly thereafter, she abandoned the idea.......well, at least she kept quiet about it (I'll bet my salary that, when the opportunity presents itself, she be back on it...).

But the issue I have with Michele's push for sanctuary city was/IS this:

The people MOST negatively affected, should such a thing happen, ARE HER OWN CONSTITUENTS (LEGAL immigrants)! A sanctuary city would bring in droves of illegals, and those illegals would take jobs away from those who are here legally.

I find it shameful that Michele shows no concern, whatsoever, for those who support, and depend, on her.

So, this November, I'd ask that you take a look at voting in people who WILL support the people of Santa Ana.

Me? I'm going to be voting for Mirna Velasquez ( She's running against Michele Martinez and, by the looks of it, will be a FAR better choice for City Council.

Velasquez is passionate, not afraid of work and fearless in the face of opposition (those who know her now EXACTLY what I'm talking about).

Martinez, despite all her rhetoric, has abandoned her own constituents in pursuit of her own agenda.

Please, Santa Ana voters: This November, vote for better caretakers, of our fair city, than we currently have in office.

And please say "NO MORE" to Michele Martinez.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Understand how it works, now?

Irrespective of the plank, Democrats build their ideological fortress on the bodies of the following; either through tragic mishap (as with Jim Brady) or the deliberate setting up of victims (Fast and Furious, abortion, ISIS, etc).

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Funny how this is being "gays".....

This, they view as a win. And, I suppose, it is, in a way. If SCOTUS doesn't hear these cases, then the court tosses the issue back to the states.

And they are right (the Court, that is).

"Gay marriage" ISN'T a Constitutional issue.

"Gay marriage" is a DEFINITIONAL issue.

Just as DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) was struck down, "gay marriage" also has NO business being debated from a Constitutional standpoint, other than whether it IS or ISN'T a matter of Constitution.


Simple: "gay" (homosexual, properly) ISN'T a genetic disposition. NO science has concluded that homosexuality is genetic.

In fact, the closest to a genetic issue that homosexuality has is "predisposition".

As in, there MAY BE genes which, if expressed, might predispose a person to be homosexual.

This position, however, is highly speculative and ultimately inconclusive as well.

What HASN'T been demonstrated (to date) is the presence of a "gay gene".

Therefore, based on that inconclusive science, the BEST evidence points to a POSSIBLE genetic predisposition. ONLY.

Put in context, this is the same realm as drug addiction (also a probable genetic predisposition).

So, in ACTUAL reality, and based on ALL current, REAL, evidence, homosexuality is a behavioral choice.


THIS is why the SCOTUS won't hear these cases. And they are right.

Homosexuals love to portray themselves as the new "black" or "woman", from a rights perspective.

This is a lie. Or, at best, a misunderstanding of the actual facts.

So, what the SCOTUS ACTUALLY said was EXACTLY this:

"Gay marriage" has nothing to do with the Constitution.

Same goes for ANY marriage issue.

"Gay marriage" is a definitional problem, since marriage is VERY specifically defined throughout history. And, although there have been cultures and people who have attempted to change that definition, marriage remains marriage; a legal union binding one man to one woman.

No amount of legislation or activism will EVER change this.


Monday, October 6, 2014

This is when, sadly, I get to say.....

Let me be clear....AGAIN:

When "gay marriage" is allowed, it opens the door (yes, the slippery slope) to incestuous marriage, underage (pedophilic) marriage, multiple marriage, bestial marriage, etc.

So, now I get to say:

I TOLD YOU SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Here's the proof that I DID, in fact, tell you so.....over and over AND OVER......

What the FU** is wrong with Democrats?!?!?

And, what the FU** is wrong with EVERYONE ELSE who remains silent about this?!?!?!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

This is just TOO perfect to pass up!

Liberals are the same everywhere!

Don't think we have this kind of thing right here in America?

Think Sandra "legs-wide-open" Fluke.
Think Bradley Manning.

Think Dumb-bama-care (check THIS out):

Just keep something in mind, voters:

Unless you ACTIVELY fought against this stupidity, then you VOTED FOR, AND ADVOCATED, IT.