Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Agenda


Alllllll part of the agenda.

Folks, this isn't about "transgendered" people. And it isn't about homosexuals.

Democrats don't give a rat's ass about those people.

What they DO care about is the inevitable result form this bill (which will be active on January 1st, 2014):


Take an ordinary (yes....normal) citizen, place them in a dangerous situation.

See what you get.

Remember: this is a group of people (The Democratic Party) that advocates for statutory rape, bestial sexual relations, multiple "marriage", etc.

So, it's only natural that they would do everything in their power, by virtue of "law", to forward their agenda.

Hirota: out.

Watch the ratings.....

Mark my words:

THIS WILL BE ONE OF THE BIGGEST AUDIENCES IN FOXNEWS HISTORY (which has pretty much owned every slam dunk since it's inception).


Hirota: out.

....in other words.....

A LIBERAL.....a garden variety Liberal. A Democrat. A Progressive.

A Socialist.


Want to REALLY reduce gun violence?


(That way, the background check could be only ONE question: Have you EVER voted "Democrat"? If "yes", then NO GUN).

Hirota: out.

Well, I figured out what's getting bailed out next.....

Obama and the rest of the Socialists will NEVER let this one go unaddressed:


Hirota: out.

An AWESOME year!

Well, not so much for Americans....

BUT, because of the Obama, Clinton, Kerry, Rice team, it was a BANNER year for Al Qaeda, Iran, North Korea and Syria!

And, I'm sure they are anticipating an EVEN BETTER 2014....

Hirota: out.



So, as we close out 2013, here's a nice reminder...

Who are the racists?

Who are the bigots?

And, for that matter, who are the homophobes? The genderphobes?

The Democrats.

That's who.

Hirota: out.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Did you hear?

I know this will come as a shock, but.....


Get this straight: OBAMA, KERRY, HILLARY.

These idiots have managed to completely f*** up EVERYTHING foreign-policy-wise.

Hirota: out.

How much proof do you need?

Well? Liberals? How much proof do you need?

If you REALLY want to stop gun violence, DON'T ALLOW DEMOCRATS TO OWN GUNS.


Hirota: out

I think a name change is due.....


Since it's no longer a family-oriented event, perhaps a name change is in order.

They can call it "The Pansy Parade".

Hirota: out.

Worth watching


Let's understand something, folks....

Casting a vote for these people does NOT end our obligation. As witnessed here, these people MUST BE WATCHED.....CONSTANTLY!

What IS obvious, here, is that these people haven't CLUE and simply DON'T CARE about they are signing.

Who pays the price for that?


Still happy?


The message has been clear from the beginning:

The issue ISN'T the choice.

The issue IS the refusal to accept the consequences of that choice.

This statement by Pope Francis is GIGANTICALLY Conservative.....

BTW.....if you want to know just HOW destructive homosexual adoption is, here:


....all part of the agenda, folks. Socialists (Democrats) don't care about homosexuals; they use them as tools to destroy "family". Socialism cannot operate in a family-oriented environment.

Hirota: out.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Have you noticed yet?

My prediction? Have you noticed that it's already happening?

The media is beginning to abandon Obama.

He's sinking like a brick and they aren't so ready to help him, as they've CONSTANTLY done since 2006.

Remember my prediction?

The media will bury Obama for the next two years.....

Meanwhile, quietly, they'll be grooming Hillary as the answer to their inevitable "who will save us from Obama's failed policies?"

It's happening right now.

Meanwhile, from Conservatives, TINY amounts of truth are getting out......despite Liberals' attempts to silence them....


Hirota: out.

Let's get something straight (Yes....pun intended)


Some might ask whether there IS such a thing as a "Conservative gay".

I believe that there is.

Homosexuality, at this moment in time, based on all scientific evidence available, is a behavioral choice.

Homosexuality, as a choice, is not inherently non-Conservative.

Conservatism, I'll remind you, is all about choice. Anyone who tries to tell you differently is lying.

Choice, BUT with two requirements:

1. In making that choice, the chooser assumes ALL consequences and responsibilities of that choice.
2. In making that choice, the chooser may not violate the rights of another person. If the choice causes another's rights to be violate, then that choice cannot be made.

With these two principles in mind, homosexuality is perfectly Conservative.

The misperception and outright lies (usually from the Left and, unfortunately, all-too-often from the Right) happen when homosexuals, in living out their choice, do NOT follow these principles; instead deciding that society must be required to assume the responsibilities and consequences of their choice and that they are free to violate the rights of others in the exercising of their choice.

For instance:

- "Gay Marriage". Homosexual unions can never be called "marriage", simply because, by definition, marriage is between one man and one woman. Period. A consequence of homosexual choice is that that union cannot be properly called "marriage".

- "Gay rights". Because of their chosen circumstance (homosexuality), some homosexuals have decided that, by virtue of their choice, they should be granted rights that do not exist for other groups.

These are only two examples.

And, NEITHER are Conservative positions.

So, with respect to the Phil (no pun intended) thing, any homosexual who does NOT agree that Phil was simply exercising his rights under the Constitution, ISN'T "Conservative". Period.

THAT homosexual is a Liberal.

Hirota: out.

Close, but no cigar! (pun intended)

So, A&E caved, as expected, and Phil Robertson is back!


And, I guess, to help calm the inevitable hostility which will result from homosexual activist groups and Jesse Jackson's shakedown squad, A&E will also be airing (probably as bumpers to "Duck Dynasty") a series of "tolerance" PSAs.

A couple conclusions:

1. The only folks who had it ALMOST right, amazingly, were the idiots from GLAAD, who said that A&E had chosen profits over "gay people and African Americans". Almost right, GLAAD....almost.
What A&E did was to choose profits over PRINCIPLES. "Gay people" (homosexuals) and "African Americans" (as opposed to black Americans originating from any other world region?) had NOTHING to do with A&E's decision.

2. A&E just removed a HUGE, WHOPPING bullet from the Right Wing gun. This situation had the potential to consolidate and focus the Conservative movement, the Tea Party groups and have the "Establishment GOP" heading for the hills. A&E, in caving, just prevented that from happening. This WILL be a factor in 2014 elections.

3. The hero in all this is THE ROBERTSON FAMILY. They stood together and chose principles over money. Their stance was ABSOLUTELY clear. Phil's refusal to apologize and cave to the psycho-Left was a breath of fresh air.

I can only wish that we had elected officials (and Americans, in general) who showed the kind of spine that Phil Robertson has.

In a time when morons like Miley Cyrus, Sarah Silverman, Sean Penn and Kanye West dominate the stupid side of life, it's easy to see why folks scratch their heads and wonder whether there are REAL heroes anymore....

You want to know where heroes are these days?

A&E just handed you one.

A REAL one.

God Bless the Robertson family.

Hirota: out.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

I was wrong.

Just when I thought that Hillary was going to OBVIOUSLY walk away with the Democratic nomination in 2016, things suddenly don't seem so obvious, or inevitable, after all!

Enter Jerry Brown. He's AT LEAST as big a failure as Hillary. AND, he comes from THE winner-take-all state; a state that leaned 39% away from Obama in the last election and a state where Obamacare is failing miserably! Uh oh......

And now, getting more frequent exposure in the media, is Gabby Giffords. (If you think that Democrats wouldn't roll her out like Max Cleland...no pun intended...capitalizing on her tragic story, then well, sorry, you are a F***ING IDIOT).

So, so far, two HUGE contenders for the nomination; EITHER of which could "Obama" Hillary.....yet again!

It's delicious!

Hirota: out


Nope...I'm talking about Republicans.

They haven't figured it out yet.  They probably never will. And if they do, they probably won't have the marbles to do anything about it.

....because they are cowards.

I'm talking about this boneheaded piece of legislation in California.....

Transgender rights law. No, I'm not joking. Jerry Brown and his psychotic Liberal legislature is going after it:


So....what is it that Republicans don't/won't get?

There are those who believe that the "gay gene" exists....even though there is NO evidence to support the notion. They are wrong, to date, but so what? They believe what they believe.

Now, I'll be the first to state that, if homosexuality IS ever found to be genetically-based, that would change my stance on some of the rights issues.

Transgender, however, is an ENTIRELY different issue.

Transgenderism is a behavioral choice. It requires surgery. Surgery isn't genetic, it's elective.

So, if California legislature passes this nonsense, that opens the door to ALSO legislate in favor of protecting OTHER behavioral choices...

....like MARRIAGE (between one man and one woman, as per it's actual definition).

Hirota: out.

No comment from me even necessary....


The Everest Ploy

Ever heard of Kanchenjunga? How about Makalu? Hmmm....Manaslu? Cho Oyu? Nanga Parbat? Shishapangm?

The reason you have likely never heard of these is because of Mt. Everest, the tallest peak in the world.

These other names are ALSO on the list of "tallest peaks", but none are higher than Everest, so they remain fundamentally unknown and ignored.

That's how Liberals handle taxes, folks.

Let's take....oh.....say.....Obamacare, for instance.

To reveal the ACTUAL costs, in terms of tax increases, of this ridiculous healthcare law, the Liberals COULD have just said, "We are increasing taxes on every person in the country by $50,000.00 per year. And that number will be increasing EVERY year."

Now, IF they said this, how many Americans would say, "Hey! That's AWESOME! YES....take an extra $50k from me....then, PLEASE take MORE!!!  I don't need it!"

(Answer: zero.)

And yet,  that's EXACTLY what the Obamacare does.  But wait! How on earth can that be???

After all, Obama and the rest of the Liberals said my taxes are going to DECREASE?! And they said that Obamacare WOULDN'T raise taxes or increase the deficit. They said Obamacare would be revenue-neutral?!?!?

It's ALLLLLLL in the sales pitch, folks. And the more ignorant the buyer, the easier it is to bamboozle them.

Liberals, as they always do, used the Everest Ploy.

Instead of pitching Obamacare as ONE GIANT TAX INCREASE (giant....like Everest), they quietly spread that tax burden around....like lots of little mountains that you've probably never heard of because they aren't as giant as Everest.

Don't believe me?


Get it? Despite what the Liberals claimed, the taxes needed to fund Obamacare will CRUSH the middle class......the EXACT group that Obama PROMISED would see DECREASES in their costs.

And Americans bought it.

And now, even after it's ALREADY proving to be EXACTLY what Conservatives said it would be, some Americans STILL buy it.


EPIC stupid.

Hirota: out.

I guess it's a black thing now....

Homosexuals must be taking market share away from the happy-on-the-plantation blacks (headed by "Reverend" Jesse Jackson and "Reverend" Al Sharpton)...



The Philandering Reverend and his "Rainbow PUSH" racist shakedown mob are after A&E (which, in one sense, thrills me, since A&E is stacked high with Liberals who are about to get a taste of their own medicine....).

The funniest (well...not really) part of this whole thing is Jackson's comments:

Invoking the most Holy name "Rosa Parks", Jackson said, "At least the bus driver, who ordered Rosa Parks to surrender her seat to a white person, was following state law."

But Robertson, Jackson claimed, said what he said "without cover of the law."

Jackson went on to say the statements Robertson made in answering a GQ reporter's question were given "in a context of... 'white privilege.'"

(Might as well start with the easiest one...):

"Without cover of the law?" Seriously? So.....what? The First Amendment isn't "law"?  (Not that Jackson would know what the First Amendment is....).

White privilege.....hmmmm.....I suppose he MIGHT have a point....maybe WOULD have a point....if Jackson weren't hiding behind his BLACK PRIVILEGE in attacking Robertson....

Jesse Jackson.....what would a circus be without a clown?!?! (Albeit a racist, bigoted, philandering shakedown artist of a clown....)

Hirota: out.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry LIBERAL Christmas!

Liberal State.
Strip Club.

Yup......Merry LIBERAL Christmas!

Oh......and here's another:

Liberal DC.

Yup.....Merry LIBERAL Christmas...

......from the Democratic Party to you!

Hirota: not surprised.


NO....not "Happy Holidays".


(If you are offended by this, I do not care. If someone were to wish me a "Happy Hanukkuh", "Happy Kwanzaa" or "Happy Atheism" or "Happy Festivus", I'd be delighted that that person wasn't afraid of offending me.)

Christians: relish this day which celebrates the birth of Christ. Relish your families. Relish ALL those around you who enrich your lives.

Because when you do, you do two BIG things:

1. You serve as a constant reminder what this great nation is all about: religious freedom.

2. You give Democrats/Liberals/Progressives/Socialists apoplexy. NOTHING angers them more than what they cannot control completely: you and your freedom of expression, your religious freedom.

For me, this is a season of joy for those two reasons!

As an occasional reminder: for comments.....timothyhirota1@gmail.com.

I love you all!

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hirota: JOYOUS!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Reminder....one more time....

...but certainly won't be the last!


The background check for gun purchases SHOULD be as simple as:

1. Have you ever voted "Democrat"?
2. Do you consider yourself a "progressive"?

If "yes" to either: NO GUN.

That criterion alone would save COUNTLESS lives and reduce gun-related crimes to nearly ZERO.

No WONDER Democrats don't want mental health screening as part of gun control legislation....

Hirota: out.



There's a certain 'unflappability' about folks who, well, just don't care.  Agnostics, for instance, don't really deny the existence of God; rather, they are just not interested in finding out, either way.

....which is why, over the last half year or so, you haven't heard much about agnostics.

"Atheists", however, are a very different story.

These folks (Democrats, pretty much.....garden variety Liberals) not only actively deny the existence of God, they take an active role in screeching their belief in 'no God' while they attempt to demean ANY Christian; attacking them as blind, faith-driven idiots who believe in something that cannot be proven.

The only downside to their argument, or course, is the fact that, since God cannot be proven NOT to exist, atheists themselves ARE what they claim Christians to be: blind, faith-driven idiot who believe in something that cannot be proven.

But, attack they do. And every Christian is a target.

It's not enough for "atheists" to live and let live; to believe what they believe and allow Christians their own beliefs.

Nope, they must attack, they must condemn, they must demean, they must destroy Christianity.


Simple: they are Liberals. Which, of course, means that they are Socialists.

And Socialism CANNOT survive in an environment of Christianity. Period.

So, "atheist" isn't really what these idiots are.

In actuality, they are "antitheists".

Hirota: out.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Money more than principles


That's what the heads of "Cracker Barrel" are. Cowards.

First, in fear that someone might be offended by Duck Dynasty merchandise, removed many of those items from it's stores.

THEN, after a HUGE grass roots backlash, they reversed their decision:


Here's what those cowards are CLEARLY saying:



What a pathetic statement about today's America.

Folks, quite honestly, Cracker Barrel should continue to be boycotted....

.....NO ONE with such a lack of principles ought to be supported.

Hirota: out.

Friday, December 20, 2013


If ever, on the functional side, there was an argument against amnesty, it's....


Think about it:

If amnesty is granted to MILLIONS AND MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of illegals, ALL of those "new Americans" will have to be processed.....THROUGH THE GOVERNMENT.

Obamacare has taught us a couple powerful lessons:

- Obama is a HUGELY incompetent executive manager.

- His administration is EVEN LESS competent than him.

- As a general rule, if you want to turn out a mediocre product for WAYYYYYYYYYYYY too much money, let the Government handle it (military is the only exception).

So.....anyone thinking that a blanket amnesty WON'T be a COLOSSAL disaster, well, you are a Liberal, whether or not you admit it.

HOWEVER, the FACT that the Democrats would COMPLETELY f*** up an amnesty would, without question, ensure that the GOP dominates in the foreseeable future!


Hirota: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Why won't they just vote with their dollars?


I guess "free speech" is only allowed when it benefits Liberals.

Question: why won't they just vote with their dollars? Just.....stop watching the show?

The answer is simple enough: Americans, for the most part, don't care about the "gay agenda"....because Americans, for the most part, know EXACTLY how discriminatory homosexuals want laws to be...in their favor.


And....BTW......I'd like to hear from Liberals (homosexuals, in particular).....what, exactly, did Robertson say that didn't sit well? Which part is inaccurate?

Hirota: out.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Let's be clear about something....

Right now, the media is in full cry; falling over themselves about the bi-partisan workings of the budget deal.

They are thrilled!

Think about it: both sides are working together! How wonderful!


Let's put this in perspective:

"Bi-partisan" to Democrats means: "Republicans, do what we tell you to do".

This budget is the domestic version the Obama/Kerry/Iran deal: a fail. Iran gets everything, we get nothing......and we declare that a 'win'!?

In this budget deal, Liberals on BOTH sides of the aisle will win.

Americans....the non-elected ones....lose.

IN the current politics in Washington, it's best to view "bi-partisanship" thusly:

You have a child molester down the street who wants to rape and murder your 4 kids.

You, on the other hand, would like your 4 children protected....completely and (let's say) 'permanently'...from this predator.

You and the perp reach a "bi-partisan" agreement: He gets to rape and murder 2 of your kids.

There.....see? They met in the middle.

(Of course, how things are working with the budget deal, it's a deal more like this: the predator gets to rape and murder ALL 4 kids, your wife and your dog. You get to pay for the funerals).

Congrats Boehner and McConnell......

Hirota: out.

Thank you for your service.....

....now, go F*** yourselves.

The Democratic Party might as well just come out and say it.

They (obviously) don't give a rat's ass about those who defend our freedoms, this latest piece of news being just one more bit of evidence:


I hope that the REST of America remembers this when it comes to elections.....

Hirota: out.

Blame the media......

Yes, I'm speaking to homosexuals, folks.

Blame the media.


To name the Pope as Person of the Year? You BET!!! Blame the media.

Since the Pope made his comments about "...who am I to judge...", the media, with their extreme Liberal bias, has SO deliberately and grotesquely mis-represented the Catholic position on homosexuality that even homosexuals are buying into their ridiculousness.


You read that right, folks!

The Church hasn't changed it's views on homosexuality, folks. Pope Francis hasn't suddenly moved the Church in some new direction.

In fact, his statements reflect both the Church's as well as his own Conservatism. Period.

He's right in his question: who IS he (or any of us) to judge?

As homosexuality, until proven otherwise, is a behavioral choice, two consenting adults are free to make that choice.....as long as they also assume all the responsibilities and consequences of that choice.

Now, how is it that the Pope can make his statements, yet be SO aggressively against homosexual marriage?

Again......homosexuality is a behavioral choice. A consequence of choosing that lifestyle is the fact that any same-sex relationship that exist falls outside the definition of "marriage" (which, of course, is between ONE man and ONE woman).

So, to simply restate the Church's position with respect to homosexuals, the Pope has exposed the hypocrisy.....and the irony....of Liberals.

Gosh.....maybe they'll make ME "Person of the Year"......(snicker)

Hirota: out

Monday, December 16, 2013




Do people REALLY think this matters???

Let's say, for the sake of argument, that Hillary is found guilty on ALL counts....

Hillary....the EPIC FAIL in Benghazi.

Hillary....the EPIC FAIL in Iran.

Hillary.....the EPIC FAIL in Egypt...

Hillary.....the EPIC FAIL in North Korea...

Hillary.....the EPIC FAIL in Syria

Hillary.....the EPIC FAIL in Saudi Arabia

Epic Fail on epic fail on epic fail, then layered with epic fail and dipped in epic fail.

THAT is Hillary's entire career......one, ENORMOUS, EPIC FAIL.

Does ANYONE REALLY think one more EPIC FAIL will matter???

Hirota: out.

....makes sense....

I mean, since Bill Clinton is the "first black President", it stands to reason that Obama should be the "first gay President".


After all, Bill did nothing for blacks, and Barry has done nothing for gays.

Yup.....makes sense to me.

No need, by the way, to elect Hillary, now...

Just install Biden and call him "the first female President". (Granted, a REALLLLLLLLLY stupid one, but hey......it's pretty the same as getting Hillary.....)

Hirota: laughing

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Ah yes.......remember when.....


Here we go:



Next stop:

- Pedophilic "marriage"
- Bestial "marriage"
- Incestuous "marriage"

(BTW, none of these are marriage, either)

Think I'm goofy? Check these out...




It is VERY important to understand the mission, folks.

This isn't about bizarre, deviant sexual preferences.
It isn't about choice.
It isn't about freedom.
And it isn't about equality.

It's about the destruction of family. Period.

Marxism REQUIRES it.

Remember, throughout history, Marxists butcher all practitioners of the above, in an attempt to rid society of "deviant behavior".

So, why support these things so strongly now?

To Marxists, the ends justify the means......

Hirota: out.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Ok.....someone.....PLEASE explain....!!!!


I'd REALLY like to know something:


Al Gore has never.....NOT ONCE....been right.


So, why unearth is this news????

GEEEEEEZZZZZ........What's tomorrow's headline going to be?


Flash: The sun came up this morning......

Hirota: out.

(Well.....I guess the media does have ONE reason for reporting Al......what fun would a circus be without a clown?)



It saddens me to, once again, say: I TOLD YOU SO!!!

But......I did.

Folks, if you review the body of evidence surrounding nearly all gun-related crime, one thing is absolutely, abundantly, elephant-in-the-room, glaringly clear:

Democrats should not be allowed to own guns.

Let me repeat that:


This idiot in Arapahoe is just another example of that fact.

And, since Liberals (of course) have Americans looking in EVERY direction except the one that actually matters, the violence will continue and more innocents will be butchered...

....by Democrats.

And this moron thought Republicans are the party of "let em die"?

Gee.....I WONDER where he got that those "words that kill"....

Hirota: out.

PS: Once again: if Americans REALLY, TRULY want to reduce gun violence, then don't allow Democrats to own guns. Period.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Will we NEVER learn???


Let's see.....

- Sweeping gun control laws? Check.
- Gun-free zone? Check.

Great job, Liberals.

But then, you don't give a rat's ass about kids anyway, so.....

Hirota: fuming.

A perfect candidate.....

If found guilty, I think this POS is a PERFECT candidate for placement in the general population in prison.


Hirota: out.


But.....the joke's kinda on THEM!


Festivus....that's awesome!

The only downside is for Chaz Stevens (atheist and CERTAINLY a Liberal). Why?

Because the joke is on HIM.

Think about it: he says, "I figured one ridiculous act required another.”

Ok, fine....Religion is ridiculous, inspiring ridiculous acts.

Chaz believes this because he believes that "faith" is ridiculous and would no doubt argue that belief in something that cannot be proven IS ridiculous.


BUT, what he doesn't seem to realize is that if God cannot be proven to exist, then God also cannot be proven NOT to exist...

...which means that he and ALL other atheists are...



Hirota: out.

The signer.....

OK....so.....let's see.....

- He's schizophrenic.
- He has a LONGGGGGGGG rap sheet (kidnap, rape, maybe even murder....)
- He's black, of course

AND......he's an EPIC FAIL at sign language.

My only question:

Which is he: an Obama campaign donor or a classmate of Michelle?

Hirota: out.

BIG Congrats!

Obama, Susan Rice, Hillary.....



....of course......the formally-free people in Iraq might disagree....

Hirota: out

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Hillary's dream....

Ok, ok....I'll be fair.....

This is the dream of ALL Democrats in office:


Folks, connect the dots:

- Margaret Sanger
- Eugenics
- Darwin
- Marx
- Slavery
- Abortion
- Euthanasia
- Embryonic stem cell research


Figured it out yet?

If not, I'll just assume you're a Liberal.

Hirota: out.

Assault on religious liberty


Whatever happened to "we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone"?

Tow VERY important points here:

1. This is a GROTESQUE violation of the First Amendment. Of COURSE, the violators are Democrats.....Liberals.....Socialists.....you know, like Obama and Hillary.

2. This ruling means that private business owners may now refuse to serve NO ONE. THEY MUST PROVIDE SERVICE TO EVERYONE, IRRESPECTIVE OF "SHIRT, SHOES, ATTITUDE".


Here's the mission, Conservatives:

Find yourself a nice, Liberal-owned business.

Be a COMPLETE asshole....obnoxious, filthy, shoeless, shirtless......in the account.

When you get thrown out....


Hirota: time to fight fire with fire.

Here's what's coming.....(no pun intended)


Sex sells.

So, Obama should ALSO these folks push Obamacare:

- Britney Spears
- Lindsey Lohan
- Madonna
- Ron Jeremy
- John Mayer
- Miley Cyrus
- Russell Brand

Gosh....there're LOTS of celebs who have mattresses strapped to their backs who Obama could hire!

After all....Obamacare of stupid Hollywood celebrities.....it's ALL about getting f***ed!

Hirota: out

From brown nose to wannabe hard nose


Mary Landrieu....poster girl for EPIC FAILS with her handling of Katrina, is DESPARATE to maintain her seat in Senate.

So.........pucker up, voters.....she'll be giving freebies to maintain your vote.....

Hirota: out.

From brown nose to brown head-up-to-the-shoulders


Gimme a break!

McConnell? Voting NO? SUDDENLY a Conservative????


McConnell went from sucking Harry Reid's unit to dropping his pants and bending over for the Tea Party.....trying to garner favor so he doesn't get BURIED next election.

Give it up, Mitch.

Time to quit.

Hirota: out

And.....what did you expect?


Gosh.....Jane Fonda uncharitable?????

Who'd have thought!

(Just HOW stupid are her contributors????)

Hirota: out.

Well......he might as well.....


I'm kinda conflicted on this one, folks....

I mean, on ONE hand, Rodman is an idiot. He's politically incompetent. He's a moron.

ON the other, he's FAR more capable to handle North Korea's bonehead leader than Hillary, Kerry AND Obama....COMBINED!

And hey.....if this works, let's send Brittney Spears to Iran to work THAT problem out!

Hirota: out.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The pundits have it ALLLLLLL wrong!


If I was a Liberal, I'd just tell folks that they didn't understand......this guy was just nuanced in his signing.

If I was Biden, I'd just say, "THREE WORDS: AFFIRMATIVE ACTION!!"

ORRRRRRR.......maybe he's signing in "Obamics"....

Hirota: out.

The bigger picture

(The Socialists are building a case.....)


Sexual harassment for kissing a girl on the cheek?  Ridiculous?

Not so fast.....

Remember: whenever abortion is discussed, specifically when Liberals start to lose the argument (every time), they fall back on the old "rape" defense ("well......how about when pregnancy results from rape?").

THIS is where today's stupid news matters.

Someday, Americans will finally decide that, like blacks and women, unborn children ARE human.

When that happens, abortion will be banned.

With ONE exception: in cases of rape.

So, how does everything now tie together?


When abortion becomes illegal (because it's a violation of human rights), and abortions are allowed ONLY IN CASES OF RAPE, then....

....the definition and interpretation of "rape" will change.

"Rape" will now be applied to nearly EVERY act of sex......ESPECIALLY those acts that result in pregnancy.

The Socialists are building their case for that eventuality.

Hirota: out.

SO cute!


I'm tellin' ya.....it is SOOOO cute when Liberals delve into religion....

They comment, and it really seems like they understand!

...it's kinda like talking to a dog....

News flash for "Liberal Catholics":

The guy with whom you are SOOOOOO enamored ISN'T a Liberal.

Of course, you'd KNOW that if you ever took the time to do your own research (as opposed to reading it on HuffPost or seeing it on MSNBC...).

No.....although Pope Francis CERTAINLY has a universal message (after all, "Catholic" means "universal"), that message IS IN KEEPING with the Dogmatic Faith.

His messages have been quite Conservative....you know, just like Jesus' message....

(Funny......if these idiot "Liberal Catholics" ACTUALLY understood what the Pope was talking about, he'd be the LEAST favorite Pope in their book!) HAHA.

(Also funny.......If the MEDIA understood what the Pope was talking about, he'd NEVER have been on the cover of "Time").

I can see it now.......

MSNBC report:


Hirota: out.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

And just in time for Liberal X-Mas....


It's Jesus and Mary on their way to Bethlehem to give birth...

Truly, they have come amongst us......

Hirota: in awe and wonder.....and sore afraid....
No......is hasn't and it won't make the mainstream media news.

Obama: BABY KILLER!!!!!! (In the military sense.....we already know about his abortion record)


Hirota: out.


Democrats really DO care about your children!


They care SOOOOOO much that they want ALL of them either dead before birth of on welfare ....

.... if they survive.

Hirota: out.


SO.....the Knockout Game, which, of course, Liberals are denying even exists (because nearly ALL of the perps are BLACK LIBERALS, living in LIBERAL-voting areas), seems to be getting more dangerous.....TO THE PERPS!




Seiously, though......what we REALLY need is a couple of would-be victims to open fire or otherwise kill the perps of this new LIBERAL game.

Perhaps, then, some sense of reason would return to Obama's America.

Hirota: out.

Easy fix

Hey Conservative candidate,

Want to make a pitch that will be unassailable by Liberals?

It's a budget/spending fix. And it's simple.

Propose to cut the Federal budget, across the board, by 2% per year.

That's it.

2% per year.

If the President only lasts one term, the budget will be reduced 8%.

Two terms, and we carve out 16% of our out-of-control spending.

Important to understand:


Now, the Liberals can't claim that any one program is being targeted.

AND, if they propose that any program be exempt, they will be guilty of unfairly favoring one group over another....which is illegal.

Hirota: out.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Left Wing Catholics?

No such thing.


ANY Catholic who claims to be both Catholic and Democrat is ONLY a Democrat....a Liberal.


Catholicism is very, VERY Conservative and it is VERY specific in its history, it's Doctrine and it's Dogma.

"Left-wing", Liberal, Democrat......none of these fit into the Catholic faith.


So, when I saw this piece, I was compelled to comment.

One more time:


That person is Left-Wing.

Or they are Liberal.

Or they're a Democrat.

CERTAINLY, they are NOT Catholic.

Hirota: out.


Obama? A Nazi? Nope.


Now, am I coming to the defense of our dear leader? Nope.

BUT, it needs to be stated, CLEARLY, that Obama isn't SIMPLY a "Nazi".

Folks, on the political spectrum, nearly ALL people believe that, on one end (the extremist Left) we have Communism and on the other (the extremist Right) we have Fascism.

This belief is driven COMPLETELY by the extremist Left.....today's Democratic Party.

In fact, they are WRONG. DEAD WRONG.

In reality, on the political spectrum, the extremist Left is comprised of STATISTS; those who believe that Government should be ALL-powerful, ALL-controlling, and represents the HIGHEST authority, period. Think Stalin. Think Mao. AND........think Hitler.

Yup, Hitler was on the extremist political LEFT. Remember: "The Nazi Party" was actually "THE NATIONAL SOCIALIST PARTY".

HITLER WAS A SOCIALIST, which places him and his party FIRMLY at the political LEFT....

......just like the Democratic Party.

So, we have Statists on the extreme Left.

Is the opposite of this where Conservatives reside?

Nope. Sorry.

The opposite of TOTAL Government is ZERO Government: ANARCHY.

And, again, is this where Conservatives reside?


Conservatives reside BETWEEN THE TWO extremes.

Conservatives espouse LIMITED Government; narrowly defined, restricted in reach.

THIS is a nasty little secret that the Democratic Party doesn't want you EVER to figure out.

The Democratic Party in the United States is comprised of STATISTS; ideologically identical to Stalin's, Hitler's, Mao's regimes.

And, yes, HILLARY is included in the list of "ideologically pure".....

They know it, and they will do WHATEVER it takes to make sure that YOU never find out....

....until it is too late.

That, of course, is up to YOU.

Hirota: out.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Liberals are soooooo cute sometimes!

....especially when they pretend to understand the concept of "God".


Now, to be sure, pretty much everything Schultz says is either a lie or SO ridiculous that it doesn't really bear serious contemplation...

This incident was a bit of both.

Not worth considering? Yeah, pretty much.

A lie? Duh.

It's fits part and parcel with the goofy "Jesus was a Liberal" boneheadedness.

Uh...yeah.....let's see....

Jesus, of course, believed in butchering the unborn.

And of course, Jesus believed that blacks, homosexuals and women deserve rights unattainable by any other segment of the population.

Jesus, as we certainly all know, was a vegan.

Jesus believed that high taxation was a moral responsibility.

Yes, Jesus was a Liberal....

...and the Pope is Muslim.

Hirota: out.

If this is true......


Remarkable. Oh, not just the supreme dolt Chris Matthews. I'm talking about ALL of them....throughout history.....who claim their political leaders (Hitler, Mao, Obama, etc) to be Christ.

Yup....yup.....if it IS true, I'm inclined to side with the Atheists.....

Hirota: out.

Beyonce and Jay-Z......idiots.

So.....the über dope Jay-Z, now a vegan (increasing the size of his "uber"), was attending a vegan....whatever.

The only little problem was....

His über dope....whatever she is....Beyonce showed up in....

....A FUR COAT!!!!

INTERESTINGLY, no one at the event threw blood on her, spit on her, accosted her, threw sh** on her....

.....you know....like they'd do to anyone else....

Hirota: out.

How to create a win win win win for the Democratic Party....


Step one: Elect a Socialist moron as President (win for the DNC!)

Step two: Have that moron dismantle the military, starting with the top brass, and replace those top brass slots with....Socialist morons with a rank. (win for the DNC!)

Step three: Have those Socialist morons with a rank change the rules of engagement; specifically to weaken our ability to defend soldiers in the field. (win for the DNC!)

Step four: kill LOTS of brave men and women. (GIGANTIC WIN for the DNC!!!!!!)


It's a win, win, win, WIN for the Democratic Party.

Hirota: out.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Less than 20% correct.


The tech opinions, likely accurate, are really only (less than) 20% accurate.

You see, IF the Obamacare website ONLY cost $1 BILLION (highly likely that it cost WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY more), you MUST take into account:

The US Government operates at an efficiency LESS THAN 20%, once all overhead has been covered.

This means that, for every dollar collected by the Government (taxes), $.80 goes to paying overhead. What is left ($.20 or less) is then used by whatever program the Government deems fit.


IF the Government paid ONLY $1 BILLION for the disaster-of-a-website, then that website ACTUALLY cost US taxpayers OVER $5 BILLION in taxes collected.

Hirota: out.



Read closely the remarks of the US State Department spokesidiot, Marie Harf.

Quite obviously, the message from the US Government is, "Not our problem".

411 to Harf and Obama:


That USED to mean something.

Of course, now it'll be a wide-open door for ANYONE who wants to attack Americans; those butchers and terrorists know.....KNOW....that Obama will do NOTHING to protect Americans abroad...

.....or at home.

Go ahead, Barry....insert thumb.

Hirota: out.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Wanna know why????


Want to know WHY there's SUCH a determined fight, defending the Second Amendment?




Hirota: armed....WELL armed.



DEMOCRAT EMANUEL CLEAVER (D-Mo), commenting on the Obamacare/Hillarycare EPIC FAIL, said:

“I’ve got a one year old granddaughter and on Thanksgiving day she had a number of little glitches, but we’re not ready to throw her away because of a glitch here and there.  Most things in the beginning stages are going to be difficult to pull off.”

In my best Biden-ease:

"Three words: FU**ING IDIOT!"

That's really the only way to describe Cleaver. 

Couple comments: 

- Had Cleaver suspected his granddaughter's "little glitches" BEFORE she was born, he'd have advocated abortion. Perhaps we should do the same with Obamacare.....a nice, POST-birth abortion.

- The Obamacare/Hillarycare issues AREN'T "little glitches", unless, of course, the Tacoma Narrows bridge disaster, the Titanic, 9/11, Obama's Presidency, the Bhopal gas tragedy, Chernobyl, the Fukushima meltdown and Jimmy Carter can also be described as "little glitches"....

Hirota: out.

So much for "pre-existing conditions"

Remember when Obama (and Pelosi and Reid and the rest of THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY) promised that people with pre-existing conditions will be better off?


Hirota: out.

Get vocal, folks, in support of The First Amendment


"Separation of Church and state"?

This.....THIS.....is what is wrong with this picture:

The OTHER part of The First Amendment reads:

"...or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...".

Get that?

"...or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."

That ENTIRE phrase is:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."

The only person doing something illegal is....THE IDIOT COUNSELOR.

The School: Robert E. Clark Middle School in Bonner Springs, Kansas
The Address:420 N Bluegrass Dr, Bonner Springs, KS 66012
Phone:(913) 422-5115

Here's a link to the school and counselors:

Write to them in support of "K.R.". Send them emails.

This child is fighting for YOUR rights, folks.

She deserves HUGE support!

God Bless you, "K.R."!!!!

Hirota: out.

Gut check


Let's be VERY clear about this, folks:

Obama and his merry band of Marxists will NOT be changing their stance on abortion because of this.

THAT, folks, will NEVER happen.

This continued, insane, monomaniacal support of unlimited abortions (up to AND including POST-BIRTH abortion), EVEN IN LIGHT OF THE KNOWN PSYCHOLOGICAL DAMAGE TO WOMEN, KNOWN POST-PROCEDURAL MEDICAL HEALTH DETRIMENTAL EFFECTS AND, NOW, KNOWN HUUUUUUUUUUUGE INCREASE IN CANCER RISK, will clearly demonstrate what I have been saying for years:

Abortion ISN'T about "women's rights".

Marxists (Statists) don't give a rat's ass about women....

...other than the fact that they can be used as ignorant support devices for Marxist causes....

....like abortion.

No, folks, the REAL reason for they continued support is:


IF they are able to successfully destroy the notion of family, they win. (Marxism REQUIRES this).

And women?

Willfully ignorant sheep.

Hirota: out.

A LOUD reminder

This minor news piece about Steny Hoyer reminds me.....


He's ALMOST got it right.

It's ok NOT to call it "Obamacare" anymore.

Thought, it CERTAINLY isn't an 'affordable care act'; especially since it:

- ISN'T affordable
- ISN'T about caring
- DOESN'T act on behalf of the American people

No, folks, if you TRULY want to "call a spade a spade", then you MUST refer to "Obamacare" as...


Hillarycare, folks: THAT is what this healthcare nightmare is.

Hirota: out.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

An open letter to Mitch McConnell

Senator McConnell,

I'd like to address some of the points you made during the Washington Examiner interview.

Specifically, you called the "GOP Establishment" to stand up to the Tea Party.


Senator McConnell,

In the clearest language possible, YOU are the problem with the GOP.

You, and those like you......Liberal (yes, LIBERAL) "Republicans".

The Socialists in our country (most of whom are in the Democratic Party...MOST, not all...) have planted like-minded people in the Republican Party. YOU are one of those seeds; a "Fifth columnist" who will side with Liberal Democrats when the most damage can be done.

(Folks, this is how they do it.....infiltrate, subvert, take over.  The Catholic Church in America, the military, the GOP).

Oh, sure, you call yourself a Republican, and even vote that way sometimes. HOWEVER, when it counts, you cannot be counted on.  Period.

It's time for you to go.

The Tea Party is rather like the ORIGINAL Republican Party....the party that supplanted the Whigs when the Whigs proved spineless in the fight against slavery.

The CURRENT GOP is the Whig Party. The Tea Party is the REAL Republican Party.

If your primary opposition is gaining attention, gaining ground, it is only because YOU are gutless.

You've found your "rice bowl" and are REFUSING to ANYTHING that might end the train of freebies and favors.....

Senator McConnell, you are a coward and a poor excuse for a Republican.

Hirota: out.



IN the Socialist push to define "marriage" as including homosexuals (next stop multiple, bestial, incestuous, statutory, etc....), it's important to keep something in mind:

It isn't marriage.

And, it never will be.

Marriage is VERY specifically defined: one man, one woman.

And, although, throughout history, various groups have attempted to change that definition, it has never been successful.

Marriage is marriage.

And, it remains marriage, irrespective of how the Socialists in America (or anywhere else) attempt to redefine it.

For this reason, you will see, homosexuals will, ultimately, be unsatisfied with whatever they've won for the short-term.

Hirota: out.

Gut check.....


Ok.....get serious, folks....

Tyson is AN IDIOT!

Who cares WHAT he says??????

Geeezzz......why not just start getting quotes from "Spongebob"......

Hirota: out.

WOW! How often do I agree with Obama?!?!?


I hate to say it, but he's right! ABSOLUTELY right!!!

Think about it, folks....

Obama's presidency is an unmitigated disaster, by ANY reasonable measure! By FAR, he's THE least competent President in US history.

So, Obamacare, as GIGANTIC failure as it is, WILL be his "brightest moment"!

And, although he now OWNS the "worst President in US history", it's going to be VERY short-lived...

....assuming Hillary gets elected in '16.

Hirota: out.

God bless you, Johnny!!!!


If you live in SoCal (like I do), visit Johnny Kresimir's place in Huntington Beach!

Spend some money......vote with your dollars. Johnny is taking a stand in support of The First Amendment.

Let's face facts, folks: if the sign over Johnny's bar read, "Pro-gay-marriage" (or some other such nonsense), Johnny would NEVER have made the news.....because the Government in California would have deemed THIS expression acceptable.


I'll be seeing you this week.

Hirota: out.

Easy, Effective activism for "Cyber Monday" and beyond.....

Folks, please spread the word! Please send this note to EVERYONE YOU KNOW!!!!

And, encourage all those folks to send this to everyone THEY know!!

THE most effective for of activism is voting with your dollars.

And, it's the easiest way way to BE an activist!

Here's a simple, fun way to tell our Government exactly how you feel....

First, check out this article from Michelle Malkin:


Hobby Lobby (http://www.hobbylobby.com/home.cfm) is fighting for YOUR Liberty!

Or, as Liberals LOVE to say, "Hobby Lobby is speaking truth to power!"

(Funny how they don't say it in this case......).

It's simple, folks:

Do your "Cyber Monday" shopping at Hobby Lobby. In fact, do ALL you hobby shopping at Hobby Lobby.....this Holiday season, next year, forever!

By doing so, you send a multitude of  HUGE messages:

- Support of Hobby Lobby, who is supporting and defending YOUR rights, freedoms and liberties

- Support of Oklahoma, which is one the most Conservative states in the US

- Denial of dollars to Liberal states.  If you are in a Liberal State, OR COUNTRY, (I'm in California, land of the uber-idiots), send your dollars to Conservative states, like Oklahoma. (In fact, reviewing the list above, do ALL you cyber shopping in Conservative states...)

The more folks who vote with their dollars, the LOUDER the message to our Socialist government.

And the message should be CLEAR:


Hirota: VOTING!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Conservatives, if you REALLY want to thank him.....


If you REALLY want to thank Cruz.....if you are TRULY thankful for his act of courage:









The spirit of the Holiday season...


I guess Obama's intent is get as many "HO's" as possible this season!

(Current record: Santa Claus with 3 Ho's)

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Pic of the day

I think the caption is "Smug, smug and 'my butt hurts'"

I've got a PERFECT fix....

So, to sorta recap:

Estimated 60 MILLION will lose company-provided insurance.

Estimated 25-50 MILLION will lose private insurance.

Oregon: $305 MILLION and ZERO enrolled.

blah blah blah......it goes on and on.

Obamacare is an epic, EPIC FAILURE.

And this is just the beginning!!!!!!

There IS a fix, though.

Just take EVERYONE who voted "Democrat" in the last election and make THEM...and ONLY them....enroll.

Leave the rest of us alone.

Hirota: out.

Ok...so.....I was wrong.


See, I thought that THE MOST important thing to the Obama administration was to clear the way for Iran to produce nuclear weapons, distribute them among terrorist groups and threaten Israel with them (since Israel is no longer backed by the US).

Turns out I was wrong.

It would seem that, even MORE important to the Obama administration is condemnation and abandonment of a Christian American.

Now, if Pastor Saeed Abedini was a committed, radical Muslim, an Obama donor or a fetus, THEN....and ONLY THEN.....would Obama's administration pay attention...

(Of course, if he were a fetus, Obama would negotiate for his release, then have him aborted)

Hirota: out.

One question.....


To the couple who supposedly didn't tip the server (and to America, in general):

Why do you find the need to explain yourselves, either way?

I get it, if you are not guilty of this Liberal crime. After all, proof in your favor only adds to the MOUNTAIN of other faked Liberal "hate crimes".

HOWEVER.....if you ARE guilty.....SO WHAT?!?! It's YOUR money. It's YOUR conscience.

It's YOUR decision to make.

Would I agree with your decision? Nope.

(ok....now I'm going to sound like a Liberal defending abortion)...

But I don't have the right to tell you what to do! It's YOUR choice.

Hirota: baffled as to why this even made the news. (well.....besides the stupid Liberal thing....)

Monday, November 25, 2013

GEEEEZZZZ...how did i forget THIS one?!?!?

...and near the anniversary of Kennedy's assassination, too!

While discussing the unfathomable failure that the Kerry/Iran deal will, without question, be, I failed to mention Kennedy/Kruschev.

THOSE talks, in the earliest part of the 60's, went SO well that we ended up with the Cuban Missile crisis.

Democrats. Oy.

Famous last words

Says Kerry:

"From this day, Israel is safer".

We'll be revisiting this soon with an "I told you so" piece...

If memory serves, Chamberlain proclaimed a success (and peace for England) after his Hitler talks....

Then.....we have this....


How sweet.

$14.5 MILLION.

How many of their precious poor could they have fed and clothed?

Time, once again, to point out some run-of-the-mill Liberalisms.....

First, we have this:



Killing animals so that you can pay them money to see their movies. Then, off to the PETA rally. Then, home....to take a few animal-tested aspirins....


Eh.....Liberals....garden variety.

Hirota: out.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

....hate to say "I TOLD YOU SO"!!!


Roll over? Uh....no. BEND over is more like it.

Remember Neville Chamberlain and Germany?

Remember Bill Clinton and North Korea?

Remember Jimmy Carter and Iran?

And now, Obama/Kerry and Iran, part 2.....

What do these ALL have in common?

- Liberal idiots.

- Dictators delighted by taking advantage of Liberal idiots.

- Historic, EPIC failures in foreign policy.

Oh......one more thing all these have in common:

HORRIFIC tolls, in terms of security and human life.

Great job, Kerry and Obama......idiots.

Hirota: out.

BTW...the whole "not based on trust" crap? That's what Clinton said.....which is WHY North Korea has nuclear weapons.

Surprised? You shouldn't be.


Let's see......might there be a pattern here?

Benghazi security where a mass shooting took place...disarmed.

Universities where mass-shootings take place.....disarmed.

Military bases where mass shootings take place......disarmed.

Other schools....high schools, grade schools, etc....where mass shootings take place.....DISARMED.

Seeing the pattern now?

Hirota: out.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Pooooor ol' Joe....

Happy Birthday (November 20th), Joe!

71 and STILL as stupid as a bag of hammers! (That's GOT to be some kind of record!)


I guess no one really likes Joe enough to say Happy Birthday.  :-(

No worries, pal......come out to California and I'll buy you a birthday lunch.

Seriously, I'd really love to!

You.....DO know where California is, don't you, Joe?

It's that long state where Democrats NEVER visit while campaigning, since they know they already own it....

...wow......kinda sounds like the blacks......

Hirota: out.

PS: Seriously....Joe....I'll buy you lunch and a beer at an amazing deli!

....and on a HUGELY bright note....


(Of course, the media, which is ignoring this ABSOLUTELY-RACIST-BLACK-ON-WHITE issue, will be ALLLLLLLLLLLL over this one. And the shooter will be called a racist.)

Only downside?
He lived.

Reaping what she sows?


Must make a Liberal proud!


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

More James O'Keefe.....



Business as usual in the Democratic Party?



Our founding documents allow Americans two ways to address such corruption: the vote and the Second Amendment.

Democrats are working to eliminate both.

But as this video (and others) demonstrate quite clearly, our ability to have fair, REAL elections, is being rendered useless by the Democratic Party.

....that leaves one option.

Hirota: out.

And here he is again...

I'm just going to call him Britney, SO desperate is he for attention.


Here's my guess......

Let's say, for kicks, that what he says is true....

I'll lay odds that this is just a jealousy thing, since Reagan is "getting some" and he isn't.

Folks, this idiot is the girl in school, so wanting attention, that she'll let ANYONE get her in bed.

.....you know....like Hillary

Hirota: out.

Makes perfect sense to me, really.....

Liberals LOVE failures.

So, the Liberal media is ALL about the Kennedy assassination, the anniversary of which quickly approaches...

When awful things like this happen, it provides a PERFECT opportunity for Liberals to campaign and try to convince people that they really ARE nice people; nice, smart, altruistic.

None of these virtues, of course is even remotely true.

But, they control the mainstream media, so that's that.

So......while they continue to canonize Kennedy and sculpt his legacy, I ask that you ALSO keep in mind:

- Kennedy regularly brought hookers to the White House

- Kennedy was deeply addicted to LOTS of prescription drugs (DURING his Presidency)

- As a chief executive, Kennedy was a FAILURE. "What about the Cuban Missile Crisis", you say? Let's keep in mind that that crisis developed because of Kennedy's utter FAILURE in negotiations with Kruschev in the early part of his Presidency. Kruschev, convinced that Kennedy was a gutless wonder (remind you of anyone?), figured that he do pretty much whatever he wanted.....so he put missiles in Cuba.

Kennedy, folks, was a mediocre President, at BEST.

His legacy SHOULD be one based on his tax cutting policy and funding of our space program.


Hirota: out.

Sorry, but this is HYSTERICALLY funny!!!

I can't count the number of pieces I've written about Liberals and their revisionism...

Since history is NEVER in their favor....from their advocacy and defense of slavery, to their drive to keep women from voting, from their financial ineptitude to their foreign policy idiocy...Liberals end up on the wrong side of history EVERY TIME.

If there is ONE constant in the universe, it's that Liberals are wrong.....DEAD WRONG.....EVERY TIME.

So, no one can dispute the fact that dumb ol' Dan Rather is a Liberal....an extreme one, at that.

And no one can dispute the fact that CBS is a VERY Liberal news agency.

Well, they went and "revisioned" Rather out of the JFK assassination retrospective.


And Rather is rather pissed.

Sorry Dan, looks like you've been "Liberaled".....

Hirota: laughing.

Here's a great way to stop this problem

Heard of it?

The "Knockout game"?


Morons target innocent, mostly helpless, people, sneak up behind them and sucker punch them.

What fun.

Folks, if you are ever in a position to witness this stupidity, I'd like to suggest a NEW game (in defense of the victim):

Let's call it "The Second Amendment Game".

That oughta put a stop to the knockout game.

Hirota: out.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Want to respond in a meaningful way?

Want to do something constructive?

With certainty, you haven't heard about the "Politico" reporter puking about the military:


At the bottom, of course, is the "comments" section, allowing folks to weigh in.


Do these folks think that they're going to be changing this guy's heart? Is he going to read those comments and say, "gosh....I never thought of it that way.....I take back everything I said."


People like this masturbate over comments that attack them. It's what they live for. Makes them feel like they're more than the meaningless nothing that they actually are.

Next step, autoerotic asphyxiation.....

But, let's be clear: it's his right to say the things he is saying. Those soldiers he hates fought for and died to protect those rights.

So, attempting to silence him is useless.....and against the very spirit of our Constitution.

And, IN a Constitutional sense, this guy should be celebrated for exercising his freedoms.


If you REALLY want to do something meaningful:

Copy the link to the article, and forward it to EVERYONE. I mean....EVERYONE.

In the "subject" column, simply write:

"This is The Democratic Party of the United States."

Some people you send to will agree. Others will condemn.

Hopefully, MANY will write to "Politico" and, MORE IMPORTANTLY, the companies who advertise on "Politico", demanding de-funding.

The lesson that, hopefully, will be learned is:

When you make a choice....to act, to speak....whether you like it or not, YOU, and ONLY YOU, assume the consequences.

It's called "personal responsibility".

Hirota: out.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Dumb as a bag of hammers

Sarah Silverman, it seems, has been tagged to host an abortion fundraiser.


Since abortion is a human rights issue....like slavery.....if Silverman were back in the day, she'd be advocating for and raising money for the rights of slaveholders.


Hirota: out.

How stupid are New Yorkers?

They're THIS stupid:


A big believer in the "heavy hand of Government", eh?

I guess it might be a bad thing that he lives in a country that believes in "the heavy hand of The Second Amendment"....

Hirota: out.


Piers Morgan has FINALLY interviewed someone who is his intellectual equal!

Dumb ol' Harvey Weinstein who, during an interview with Morgan, said:

"...this is the only the country in the world where we don't have health care. Countries embarrass us around the world."

And, as if he was thinking 'hmmmm....maybe the audience isn't QUITE convinced that I'm a COMPLETE idiot', he went on to say:

"And this is the only country in the world where we don't have a gun law. I watched you, you know, talking about that, you know, quite frankly it's embarrassing. Obama's not embarrassing. The country is embarrassing."

There ya go, folks! America......the only country without healthcare. And the only country without gun law.

No WONDER America is embarrassing!

Perhaps, if we're VERY lucky, Weinstein will get together with blithering idiot Cameron "if you want to vote for legalizing rape, vote Republican" Diaz and Sheryl "one square of toilet paper" Crow and form a PAC! Wouldn't THAT be a hoot!?

Hirota: out.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Liberal. Hypocrite. Idiot.


Dan Savage, hostile homosexual bigot, it somehow OK with idiots like Alec Baldwin making EXTREMELY "homophobic" statements.

(BTW.....GLAAD is the same way, since they have chosen to give Baldwin a pass, too).

So, when Idiot Dan makes hostile comments toward Christians, does he qualify THOSE statements the same way?

But, to me, by FAR the most amazing of Savage's statements is:

"Alec Baldwin is a homophobic bigot. But unlike other homophobic bigots, Baldwin doesn't believe his bigotry should be given force of law."

Folks, ANY pro-homosexual law is bigoted by it's very nature. It is pure discrimination.

Therefore, one can only conclude, since Savage STRONGLY supports those bigoted laws, that he hates himself.

(I know....not surprising....after all, he's a homosexual Liberal. I can't think of another group MORE self-hating.....OR bigoted)

Hirota: out.

PS- shouldn't ALL such language be "bigotry"?

I'd refer to Savage as an "asshole", but, well.....then, in his puny mind, I'D be a bigot......



One comment:


Ever wonder where all those BILLIONS in bailout money went?


.....now you know.

Hirota: out

I was saving this for "Alice Day" 2014, but.....

...but it's simply TOO important to wait.


This is no joke, folks.

And, BTW, it's one more "I told you so" from me, as I predicted this several years ago. A couple examples:



Let's be clear:

Liberals......that's the Democratic Party......wants to "normalize" and legalize pedophilia. Period.

And they are WELL on their way to doing so.

What are YOU going to do about it?

Hirota: out.


"Alice Day"? Used to called "Pedophile Pride Day", but they changed the name. Look it up.
It's on April 25th.

And, from this moment forward, I'M going to start a new celebration day which, coincidentally, will ALSO be on April 25th.

I'm going to call it the "Exercise your Second Amendment Rights" day.

Here's some helpful reading....





I'm not so sure I agree.


Apologize? Apologize for WHAT???

For lying to Americans? Geeeez.....they'd be apologizing every ten seconds!

No, folks.....no apologies needed.


Want to know who is to blame for Obamacare?

YOU. ME. EVERY person in the US who either bought in to the stupidity or failed to act against it.

Folks, don't EVER blame Government.

Government is only as powerful and corrupt as WE.....THE PEOPLE....allow.

Hirota: out.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Immigration is an easy fix.

Three steps:

1. Reform existing immigration laws. It shouldn't take 5-10 YEARS to become a citizen of the United States. Six months, max.

2. Zero tolerance for illegal aliens (once new "fast-track" law takes affect.)

3. No amnesty. Rather, ALL who are here illegally go straight to the front of the line.....to register for legal status. And, pending the six-month processing period, they are treated with full rights (they must have documentation showing application of citizenship).

Hirota: out.

Worth watching


I LOVE being a guy!

A heterosexual guy, that is.....

So, we have these Obamacare ads:


And, from the women's groups, we have what Liberal guys want from a woman:


Hirota: out.

It occurs to me.....

Ya know, our idiot President, along wit his idiot Cabinet, the idiot Democrats in both Houses, and Liberal idiots around the country, in pitching Obamacare, were focused solely on "every person insured".

So let's do the numbers so far:

Signed up: 106,000 signed up for Obamacare.

Insurance cancelled because of Obamacare: 4,700,000......and that was just the first month!

Ya know.....if these idiot Democrats REALLY maximize the number of people insured.....

Overturn Obamacare. You'll IMMEDIATELY gain a net 4,594,000 insured!

The ones who signed up and would now lose their Obamacare?


The Liberal mopes Warren Buffett and George Soros, who tell us that they'd be delighted to pay more in taxes....let THEM fund those individuals out of their BILLIONS.

Hirota: out.

California......land of the stupid.


Ah yes.......the Liberal chicken comes home to roost.

Just HOW stupid are we Californians?

We'll see with the next couple elections....

Hirota: out.