Sunday, December 1, 2013

An open letter to Mitch McConnell

Senator McConnell,

I'd like to address some of the points you made during the Washington Examiner interview.

Specifically, you called the "GOP Establishment" to stand up to the Tea Party.

Senator McConnell,

In the clearest language possible, YOU are the problem with the GOP.

You, and those like you......Liberal (yes, LIBERAL) "Republicans".

The Socialists in our country (most of whom are in the Democratic Party...MOST, not all...) have planted like-minded people in the Republican Party. YOU are one of those seeds; a "Fifth columnist" who will side with Liberal Democrats when the most damage can be done.

(Folks, this is how they do it.....infiltrate, subvert, take over.  The Catholic Church in America, the military, the GOP).

Oh, sure, you call yourself a Republican, and even vote that way sometimes. HOWEVER, when it counts, you cannot be counted on.  Period.

It's time for you to go.

The Tea Party is rather like the ORIGINAL Republican Party....the party that supplanted the Whigs when the Whigs proved spineless in the fight against slavery.

The CURRENT GOP is the Whig Party. The Tea Party is the REAL Republican Party.

If your primary opposition is gaining attention, gaining ground, it is only because YOU are gutless.

You've found your "rice bowl" and are REFUSING to ANYTHING that might end the train of freebies and favors.....

Senator McConnell, you are a coward and a poor excuse for a Republican.

Hirota: out.

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