Saturday, December 28, 2013

Close, but no cigar! (pun intended)

So, A&E caved, as expected, and Phil Robertson is back!

And, I guess, to help calm the inevitable hostility which will result from homosexual activist groups and Jesse Jackson's shakedown squad, A&E will also be airing (probably as bumpers to "Duck Dynasty") a series of "tolerance" PSAs.

A couple conclusions:

1. The only folks who had it ALMOST right, amazingly, were the idiots from GLAAD, who said that A&E had chosen profits over "gay people and African Americans". Almost right, GLAAD....almost.
What A&E did was to choose profits over PRINCIPLES. "Gay people" (homosexuals) and "African Americans" (as opposed to black Americans originating from any other world region?) had NOTHING to do with A&E's decision.

2. A&E just removed a HUGE, WHOPPING bullet from the Right Wing gun. This situation had the potential to consolidate and focus the Conservative movement, the Tea Party groups and have the "Establishment GOP" heading for the hills. A&E, in caving, just prevented that from happening. This WILL be a factor in 2014 elections.

3. The hero in all this is THE ROBERTSON FAMILY. They stood together and chose principles over money. Their stance was ABSOLUTELY clear. Phil's refusal to apologize and cave to the psycho-Left was a breath of fresh air.

I can only wish that we had elected officials (and Americans, in general) who showed the kind of spine that Phil Robertson has.

In a time when morons like Miley Cyrus, Sarah Silverman, Sean Penn and Kanye West dominate the stupid side of life, it's easy to see why folks scratch their heads and wonder whether there are REAL heroes anymore....

You want to know where heroes are these days?

A&E just handed you one.

A REAL one.

God Bless the Robertson family.

Hirota: out.

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