Sunday, December 1, 2013

Easy, Effective activism for "Cyber Monday" and beyond.....

Folks, please spread the word! Please send this note to EVERYONE YOU KNOW!!!!

And, encourage all those folks to send this to everyone THEY know!!

THE most effective for of activism is voting with your dollars.

And, it's the easiest way way to BE an activist!

Here's a simple, fun way to tell our Government exactly how you feel....

First, check out this article from Michelle Malkin:

Hobby Lobby ( is fighting for YOUR Liberty!

Or, as Liberals LOVE to say, "Hobby Lobby is speaking truth to power!"

(Funny how they don't say it in this case......).

It's simple, folks:

Do your "Cyber Monday" shopping at Hobby Lobby. In fact, do ALL you hobby shopping at Hobby Lobby.....this Holiday season, next year, forever!

By doing so, you send a multitude of  HUGE messages:

- Support of Hobby Lobby, who is supporting and defending YOUR rights, freedoms and liberties

- Support of Oklahoma, which is one the most Conservative states in the US

- Denial of dollars to Liberal states.  If you are in a Liberal State, OR COUNTRY, (I'm in California, land of the uber-idiots), send your dollars to Conservative states, like Oklahoma. (In fact, reviewing the list above, do ALL you cyber shopping in Conservative states...)

The more folks who vote with their dollars, the LOUDER the message to our Socialist government.

And the message should be CLEAR:


Hirota: VOTING!

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