Wednesday, December 25, 2013


NO....not "Happy Holidays".


(If you are offended by this, I do not care. If someone were to wish me a "Happy Hanukkuh", "Happy Kwanzaa" or "Happy Atheism" or "Happy Festivus", I'd be delighted that that person wasn't afraid of offending me.)

Christians: relish this day which celebrates the birth of Christ. Relish your families. Relish ALL those around you who enrich your lives.

Because when you do, you do two BIG things:

1. You serve as a constant reminder what this great nation is all about: religious freedom.

2. You give Democrats/Liberals/Progressives/Socialists apoplexy. NOTHING angers them more than what they cannot control completely: you and your freedom of expression, your religious freedom.

For me, this is a season of joy for those two reasons!

As an occasional reminder: for

I love you all!

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hirota: JOYOUS!

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