Saturday, December 7, 2013

Liberals are soooooo cute sometimes!

....especially when they pretend to understand the concept of "God".

Now, to be sure, pretty much everything Schultz says is either a lie or SO ridiculous that it doesn't really bear serious contemplation...

This incident was a bit of both.

Not worth considering? Yeah, pretty much.

A lie? Duh.

It's fits part and parcel with the goofy "Jesus was a Liberal" boneheadedness.

Uh...yeah.....let's see....

Jesus, of course, believed in butchering the unborn.

And of course, Jesus believed that blacks, homosexuals and women deserve rights unattainable by any other segment of the population.

Jesus, as we certainly all know, was a vegan.

Jesus believed that high taxation was a moral responsibility.

Yes, Jesus was a Liberal....

...and the Pope is Muslim.

Hirota: out.

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