Monday, June 25, 2012


The Supremes are kicking ass ALL over Liberalism these days (hope they are saving their "five-point-palm exploding-heart-technique" for Dumbamacare...).

So, last week, the Supremes shot the unions down. shots fired at Liberalism:

- The court upheld Arizona's immigration law (which is a SLAM DUNK against team-Obama)
- The court ALSO....AGAIN.....rejected campaign donation limits to corporations (upholding, once again, the First Amendment)

Folks, if we keep this up, we just might get our country back!

The Supremes, so far, seem to be upholding the Constitution.

Now, it's up to US.....YOU AND do OUR part.

Hirota: out

Maxine Waters: that naughty little mynx!

Sorry folks, but this one carries a "level 10" EWWWWWWW....

Seems as Maxine Waters is ready to do the nasty with the WHOLE tea party (this, I guess, puts her, officially, in the Sandra Fluke league!).

Addressing some (not-so-bright) Denver Democrats, discussing the war on women, Waters stated,  “After a good night sleep, I wake up the next day, and I say, ‘Come on, Tea Party, let's get it on!'"

EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW......I'm surprised she didn't follow that up with "...vouslez vous couche avec moi...".


WHEW! (caution.....language!)

Looks like I dodged a racist bullet!

According to rocket scientist Keith Olbermann (along with a few other idiots), Conservatives, when speaking of Obama, use "code words and phrases" which are actually racist in their intent.

Some of these:

- Cool
- Cocky
- Arrogant
- Articulate
- Bright
- Obama isn't working
- You lie!

I guess I'll be getting down on my knees every night, thanking God that I don't use these kinds of RACIST words against our President!

I only use NON-racist words and phrases like:

- "Asshole"
- "Dumbass"
- "Piece of shit"
- "Communist"
- "Statist"
- "Blithering idiot"
- "Gutless"
- "Spineless"
- "Brainless"
- "Clueless"

It's nice to know, based on Olbermann's own carefully-derived evidence, that I'm NOT a racist!

That's pretty cool! (oh....crap!)

Hirota: out.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Let me make it easy for you....

Since so much of the election this year is going to revolve around cries of racism, I thought I'd do my civic duty and let you good folks know how Liberals will be defining "racism".

* If you are white, you are a racist.
* If you are a Christian, you are a racist.
* If you are white AND a Christian, you are a domestic terrorist and a racist.
* If you are a black Republican, you are an "Uncle Tom", "Oreo" (btw....these two monikers are regularly used....BY describe black republicans) and a racist
* If you are an "Independent", planning to vote for Romney, you are a racist.
* If you are a Conservative, you are a racist.
* If you are pro-life, you are a racist.
* If you are pro-traditional-definition-of-marriage, you are a racist.
* If you live in the midwest (or, as Liberals call it, "flyover country"), you are a racist.
* If you own a gun, you are a racist.
* If you own a small business, you are a racist.
* If you criticize Obama, you are a racist

Getting the picture?

The only Americans who are NOT racists are:

Liberal blacks
Liberal muslims

Hirota: racist.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Unions....GOING DOWN!!!!

The unions just got bitch-slapped again!


Seems as the Supreme Court decided that unions are now required to forewarn their members of increases in dues. WTF?!?!

How on EARTH does a case like this would EVER need to be decided by a court...ANY court????

Well, that's the unions for you. They want the right to arbitrarily raise dues with a "tough luck" attitude to the people they are supposed to be supporting and defending!

Which makes me think: If unions are so great and if they REALLY do good things for their members, WHY, in many industries, is their a REQUIREMENT to be in a union? Kinda reminds me of the old Soviet Union: if it was SUCH a paradise, WHY is it illegal to leave?

Unions: COMPLETELY unnecessary.

Hirota: PROUDLY non-union.

Thank God for Al Sharpton!

Leave it to Al Sharpton's razor-sharp discernment ability to accurately identify the reasoning behind the contempt vote against Eric Holder!

Sharpton, ever the moral and ethical compass, stated flatly that Holder's contempt vote was because of....

....wait for it.....


Yup, that's right, folks! Since Holder is black, he MUST be accused of contempt!

With certainty, I'm sure Sharpton will soon be announcing:
- the reason that my Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim (a more stupid name I cannot imagine!) opened up a HUGE can of "whoop-ass" on the Giants last night was due to RACISM!
- The reason that David Duke is now endorsing Charles Barron is because of.....RACISM (oh....wait.....that actually IS because of racism...)
- The reason that no foreign country has ANY respect for Hillary Clinton is....RACISM
- The reason that Vladimir Putin treats Obama like a dunce is because of .....RACISM
- The reason why Conservatives try to illegalize abortion is.....RACISM


Who KNEW there was so much racism right here in the United (Sharpton would pronounce this "JEW-nited") States!?!?!?

Sharpton.....what a putz (oops....that was OBVIOUSLY a racist statement....)

Hirota: outed!

Hanging curve ball......

OMG.....this is just TOO delicious to pass up: Check out this bit o' news in The Weekly Standard today (I know....FOR SURE....that you won't be seeing this in the mainstream media)

I can't even begin to know how to approach this:

- Do we go with the Democrat-racism angle?
- How about the Democrat-KKK angle?
- How about the Democrat-anti semitic angle?

Two things are FOR SURE, though, folks:
1. Democratic Party IS the party of racism
2. Anyone who votes for a Democrat MUST be a racist, too.

Hirota: out.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Bill and Hill

So.....lately, ol' Bill Clinton has been making some noise, upsetting the cult of Obama.

"Bring back the Bush tax cuts" is just one of the recent statements made by our most camera-shy former President.

But, c'mon folks....does anyone REALLY think he's suddenly turned toward the right? Please.

The truth is this: Bill is beginning to build the case for Hill in 2016. PERIOD. This is political posturing, pure and simple.

BUT, this posturing is actually VERY good news for the Romney camp!

Think about it, folks: with Bill's statements, what he is actually saying is that he STRONGLY suspects that Obama will get hammered in 2012. Then, in four years, Hill can run against a Republican!

Hirota: out.

The GOP is missing two golden opportunities...

I'm not sure whether this gets filed in the "spineless" or the "too stupid to survive" file, but the GOP is missing two elephants in the campaign room.

First, since the DNC has VERY conspicuously avoided any mention of "gay rights" and the Second Amendment, the GOP should be bringing up BOTH issues at EVERY opportunity! Why they don't is baffling to me. BRING THE FIGHT TO OBAMA, DAMMIT! FORCE the Liberals to defend their positions on BOTH issues. (HINT to the GOP: the reason that Liberals WON'T bring these issues up is because they KNOW....FOR SURE...they'll get hammered flat because of their positions!!!)

Second, the DNC, from Obama to Wasserman-Schultz, Reid to Pelosi, for the past two years, have been claiming about how the economy has turned around....for the better. They claim that it is THEIR policies that have pulled us out of "Bush's recession"... is it that we are BACK in recession? Why is our economy shrinking "again"?

Their can ONLY be one reason: Obama's policies aren't working.

If his policies pulled us out of recession, then America is out of recession. BUT, if Obama's policies pulled us out of recession, and now we are BACK in recession, then it can ONLY be those same policies....THAT HAVEN'T WORKED! Oh, sure....maybe they had a short-term affect, but long-term, they have failed horribly!


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE start making these things campaign issues.

You'll be waiting a LONG time......NOT AS PRESIDENT....for "Cult Obama" to address these issues.

Hirota: out.

Friday, June 1, 2012

"The oppressed, ultimately, choose oppression"

This is one of my favorite sayings.

And, no, it's not only because it was coined

It was announced today that Hugo Chavez's Venezuela has now banned private ownership of firearms.

Now, the people of Venezuela have NO means to defend themselves from Chavez's relentless pursuit of Communism.

Folks, there IS precedent for this.

Adolf Hitler said:

‘‘The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subjected people to carry arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subjected peoples to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing. Indeed, I would go so far as to say that the underdog is a sine qua non for the overthrow of any sovereignty. So let's not have any native militia or police.’’

On the other hand, Mao Tze Tung said:

“All political power comes from the barrel of a gun. The communist party must command all the guns, that way, no guns can ever be used to command the party.”

It is WELL known that Hitler, Mao, along with Stalin, Lenin, Pol Pot, etc, were STRONG advocates of bans on privately owned firearms.

I would HOPE that the results of such legislation on a country's citizenry, unable to defend itself, is obvious:

EVERY case of genocide in the 20th Century was preceded by confiscation of privately-owned firearms.

The question, now, is whether the people of Venezuela will allow their firearms to be confiscated.

If they do, they deserve EXACTLY what they will get: a totalitarian dictatorship and genocide.

Unfortunately, if they DO decide to fight, they won't be able to count on America, since our President happens to strongly believe in confiscation of personal firearms, too.

Hirota: out.