Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The GOP is missing two golden opportunities...

I'm not sure whether this gets filed in the "spineless" or the "too stupid to survive" file, but the GOP is missing two elephants in the campaign room.

First, since the DNC has VERY conspicuously avoided any mention of "gay rights" and the Second Amendment, the GOP should be bringing up BOTH issues at EVERY opportunity! Why they don't is baffling to me. BRING THE FIGHT TO OBAMA, DAMMIT! FORCE the Liberals to defend their positions on BOTH issues. (HINT to the GOP: the reason that Liberals WON'T bring these issues up is because they KNOW....FOR SURE...they'll get hammered flat because of their positions!!!)

Second, the DNC, from Obama to Wasserman-Schultz, Reid to Pelosi, for the past two years, have been claiming about how the economy has turned around....for the better. They claim that it is THEIR policies that have pulled us out of "Bush's recession"...

...so.....why is it that we are BACK in recession? Why is our economy shrinking "again"?

Their can ONLY be one reason: Obama's policies aren't working.

If his policies pulled us out of recession, then America is out of recession. BUT, if Obama's policies pulled us out of recession, and now we are BACK in recession, then it can ONLY be those same policies....THAT HAVEN'T WORKED! Oh, sure....maybe they had a short-term affect, but long-term, they have failed horribly!


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE start making these things campaign issues.

You'll be waiting a LONG time......NOT AS PRESIDENT....for "Cult Obama" to address these issues.

Hirota: out.

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