Monday, June 25, 2012

WHEW! (caution.....language!)

Looks like I dodged a racist bullet!

According to rocket scientist Keith Olbermann (along with a few other idiots), Conservatives, when speaking of Obama, use "code words and phrases" which are actually racist in their intent.

Some of these:

- Cool
- Cocky
- Arrogant
- Articulate
- Bright
- Obama isn't working
- You lie!

I guess I'll be getting down on my knees every night, thanking God that I don't use these kinds of RACIST words against our President!

I only use NON-racist words and phrases like:

- "Asshole"
- "Dumbass"
- "Piece of shit"
- "Communist"
- "Statist"
- "Blithering idiot"
- "Gutless"
- "Spineless"
- "Brainless"
- "Clueless"

It's nice to know, based on Olbermann's own carefully-derived evidence, that I'm NOT a racist!

That's pretty cool! (oh....crap!)

Hirota: out.

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