Friday, June 22, 2012

Let me make it easy for you....

Since so much of the election this year is going to revolve around cries of racism, I thought I'd do my civic duty and let you good folks know how Liberals will be defining "racism".

* If you are white, you are a racist.
* If you are a Christian, you are a racist.
* If you are white AND a Christian, you are a domestic terrorist and a racist.
* If you are a black Republican, you are an "Uncle Tom", "Oreo" (btw....these two monikers are regularly used....BY describe black republicans) and a racist
* If you are an "Independent", planning to vote for Romney, you are a racist.
* If you are a Conservative, you are a racist.
* If you are pro-life, you are a racist.
* If you are pro-traditional-definition-of-marriage, you are a racist.
* If you live in the midwest (or, as Liberals call it, "flyover country"), you are a racist.
* If you own a gun, you are a racist.
* If you own a small business, you are a racist.
* If you criticize Obama, you are a racist

Getting the picture?

The only Americans who are NOT racists are:

Liberal blacks
Liberal muslims

Hirota: racist.

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