Thursday, June 21, 2012

Unions....GOING DOWN!!!!

The unions just got bitch-slapped again!


Seems as the Supreme Court decided that unions are now required to forewarn their members of increases in dues. WTF?!?!

How on EARTH does a case like this would EVER need to be decided by a court...ANY court????

Well, that's the unions for you. They want the right to arbitrarily raise dues with a "tough luck" attitude to the people they are supposed to be supporting and defending!

Which makes me think: If unions are so great and if they REALLY do good things for their members, WHY, in many industries, is their a REQUIREMENT to be in a union? Kinda reminds me of the old Soviet Union: if it was SUCH a paradise, WHY is it illegal to leave?

Unions: COMPLETELY unnecessary.

Hirota: PROUDLY non-union.

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