Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Gut check

Let's be VERY clear about this, folks:

Obama and his merry band of Marxists will NOT be changing their stance on abortion because of this.

THAT, folks, will NEVER happen.

This continued, insane, monomaniacal support of unlimited abortions (up to AND including POST-BIRTH abortion), EVEN IN LIGHT OF THE KNOWN PSYCHOLOGICAL DAMAGE TO WOMEN, KNOWN POST-PROCEDURAL MEDICAL HEALTH DETRIMENTAL EFFECTS AND, NOW, KNOWN HUUUUUUUUUUUGE INCREASE IN CANCER RISK, will clearly demonstrate what I have been saying for years:

Abortion ISN'T about "women's rights".

Marxists (Statists) don't give a rat's ass about women....

...other than the fact that they can be used as ignorant support devices for Marxist causes.... abortion.

No, folks, the REAL reason for they continued support is:


IF they are able to successfully destroy the notion of family, they win. (Marxism REQUIRES this).

And women?

Willfully ignorant sheep.

Hirota: out.

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