Thursday, December 26, 2013


Nope...I'm talking about Republicans.

They haven't figured it out yet.  They probably never will. And if they do, they probably won't have the marbles to do anything about it.

....because they are cowards.

I'm talking about this boneheaded piece of legislation in California.....

Transgender rights law. No, I'm not joking. Jerry Brown and his psychotic Liberal legislature is going after it:

So....what is it that Republicans don't/won't get?

There are those who believe that the "gay gene" exists....even though there is NO evidence to support the notion. They are wrong, to date, but so what? They believe what they believe.

Now, I'll be the first to state that, if homosexuality IS ever found to be genetically-based, that would change my stance on some of the rights issues.

Transgender, however, is an ENTIRELY different issue.

Transgenderism is a behavioral choice. It requires surgery. Surgery isn't genetic, it's elective.

So, if California legislature passes this nonsense, that opens the door to ALSO legislate in favor of protecting OTHER behavioral choices... MARRIAGE (between one man and one woman, as per it's actual definition).

Hirota: out.

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