Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Let's be clear about something....

Right now, the media is in full cry; falling over themselves about the bi-partisan workings of the budget deal.

They are thrilled!

Think about it: both sides are working together! How wonderful!


Let's put this in perspective:

"Bi-partisan" to Democrats means: "Republicans, do what we tell you to do".

This budget is the domestic version the Obama/Kerry/Iran deal: a fail. Iran gets everything, we get nothing......and we declare that a 'win'!?

In this budget deal, Liberals on BOTH sides of the aisle will win.

Americans....the non-elected ones....lose.

IN the current politics in Washington, it's best to view "bi-partisanship" thusly:

You have a child molester down the street who wants to rape and murder your 4 kids.

You, on the other hand, would like your 4 children protected....completely and (let's say) 'permanently'...from this predator.

You and the perp reach a "bi-partisan" agreement: He gets to rape and murder 2 of your kids.

There.....see? They met in the middle.

(Of course, how things are working with the budget deal, it's a deal more like this: the predator gets to rape and murder ALL 4 kids, your wife and your dog. You get to pay for the funerals).

Congrats Boehner and McConnell......

Hirota: out.

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