Friday, December 20, 2013


If ever, on the functional side, there was an argument against amnesty, it's....


Think about it:

If amnesty is granted to MILLIONS AND MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of illegals, ALL of those "new Americans" will have to be processed.....THROUGH THE GOVERNMENT.

Obamacare has taught us a couple powerful lessons:

- Obama is a HUGELY incompetent executive manager.

- His administration is EVEN LESS competent than him.

- As a general rule, if you want to turn out a mediocre product for WAYYYYYYYYYYYY too much money, let the Government handle it (military is the only exception).

So.....anyone thinking that a blanket amnesty WON'T be a COLOSSAL disaster, well, you are a Liberal, whether or not you admit it.

HOWEVER, the FACT that the Democrats would COMPLETELY f*** up an amnesty would, without question, ensure that the GOP dominates in the foreseeable future!


Hirota: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

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