Thursday, November 14, 2013

Liberal. Hypocrite. Idiot.

Dan Savage, hostile homosexual bigot, it somehow OK with idiots like Alec Baldwin making EXTREMELY "homophobic" statements.

(BTW.....GLAAD is the same way, since they have chosen to give Baldwin a pass, too).

So, when Idiot Dan makes hostile comments toward Christians, does he qualify THOSE statements the same way?

But, to me, by FAR the most amazing of Savage's statements is:

"Alec Baldwin is a homophobic bigot. But unlike other homophobic bigots, Baldwin doesn't believe his bigotry should be given force of law."

Folks, ANY pro-homosexual law is bigoted by it's very nature. It is pure discrimination.

Therefore, one can only conclude, since Savage STRONGLY supports those bigoted laws, that he hates himself.

(I know....not surprising....after all, he's a homosexual Liberal. I can't think of another group MORE self-hating.....OR bigoted)

Hirota: out.

PS- shouldn't ALL such language be "bigotry"?

I'd refer to Savage as an "asshole", but, well.....then, in his puny mind, I'D be a bigot......

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