Tuesday, November 12, 2013

So, Al.....how about those "lying liars"?

It would seem, Al, that, perhaps, the biggest "lying liar" is....


Perhaps that's unfair.

Perhaps it'd be more appropriate to just call you "the supreme hypocrite".

It's true....and you KNOW it.

Obama.....Wendy Davis.....

Just TWO of the Very recent examples of LIBERALS who are lying through their teeth to gain popularity....

And where's Al?

Where's Mr. Truth Detector?

Where's the conscience of The Democratic Party?

Where's "Mr. Lying Liar"?

Nowhere to be found.

Al, I gotta tell ya.....

To me, you are a GIANT piece of shit; not because you're a Liberal. Rather, because you ONLY go after one side. Shame on you. You ARE what you condemn.

Hirota: out.

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