Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Makes perfect sense to me, really.....

Liberals LOVE failures.

So, the Liberal media is ALL about the Kennedy assassination, the anniversary of which quickly approaches...

When awful things like this happen, it provides a PERFECT opportunity for Liberals to campaign and try to convince people that they really ARE nice people; nice, smart, altruistic.

None of these virtues, of course is even remotely true.

But, they control the mainstream media, so that's that.

So......while they continue to canonize Kennedy and sculpt his legacy, I ask that you ALSO keep in mind:

- Kennedy regularly brought hookers to the White House

- Kennedy was deeply addicted to LOTS of prescription drugs (DURING his Presidency)

- As a chief executive, Kennedy was a FAILURE. "What about the Cuban Missile Crisis", you say? Let's keep in mind that that crisis developed because of Kennedy's utter FAILURE in negotiations with Kruschev in the early part of his Presidency. Kruschev, convinced that Kennedy was a gutless wonder (remind you of anyone?), figured that he do pretty much whatever he he put missiles in Cuba.

Kennedy, folks, was a mediocre President, at BEST.

His legacy SHOULD be one based on his tax cutting policy and funding of our space program.


Hirota: out.

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