Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Who's the "lying liar" now?

So, Al Franken, are you going to come out with a second book? Perhaps, instead of "Lies, and the lying liars who tell them, part II", you can just call it "The Obama Presidency".

So, after stating, flatly and definitively, that "if you like your health-care plan, you will be able to keep your health-care plan, period.”, a WHOPPING 29 times, now Obama is claiming that he never said it.

Seriously?  Just HOW breathtakingly stupid do you think your supporters ARE?


Now he claims what he said all those times was, "if you like your healthcare plan, you will be able to keep it....IF IT HASN'T CHANGED SINCE THE LAW WAS PASSED."

Evidently, in Obamaland, "if it hasn't changed since the law was passed" is a synonym for "period".
So, Al.....how about that new book?

And, while you're at it, how about a book about Pelosi? Based on her comments yesterday....that Obama was a person of "great vision".....perhaps you can title it "Delusions and the delusional delusionals who have them"

Hirota: out.

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