Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Yes, this election is YOUR chance to think....and ACT....strategically.

Republicans are going to need EVERY vote from EVERY eligible voter (especially since the Democrats' votes will largely be a) illegals, b) dead, d) multiple and/or d) felons, the honest citizenry will have to win with overwhelming turnout.


BUT, I know that there are many Republicans (the most Conservative ones, especially) who will be thinking that third party candidates will be getting their vote. After all, if these Conservatives are doing their job every day, they are fighting the fight to move the Right to the true Right (as opposed to the left-of-center, where it currently resides).

PLEASE reconsider this decision.


You may hate the GOP candidate, but you MUST realize that a GOP candidate, no matter how 'centrist' they may be, is FAR better than ANY Democrat (no matter how 'centrist they CLAIM to be....you know....like Obama, who claims to be a centrist).

If you vote for your third party (Libertarian, Conservative, Independent, whatever), YOU WILL BE VOTING FOR THE DEMOCRAT.

Understand? Your vote, for a third party, TAKES VOTES AWAY FROM REPUBLICANS AND GIVES THEM TO DEMOCRATS. So, effectively, you are voting for Democrats.


One this one day, it is important that we ALL (Far right, Center right, Moderate, Independent) unite under and support the GOP.

The rest of the election cycle, push to move to the right.

But on the ONE day.......

PLEASE......THINK before you vote.

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