Thursday, October 30, 2014

Voter ID Laws

So, now you know WHY Democrats don't want voter ID laws.

And WHY they want amnesty.

And WHY they want open borders.

But here's the deal:

Our Constitution provide two means by which "the people" may maintain their control over government: The vote and the Second Amendment.

As is more evident, day by day, election by election, Democrats are working furiously to a) render the voting process meaningless and b) abolish the Second Amendment.


Isn't it obvious enough? (here's a hint: go look up the events which ultimately culminated with Statist takeovers in Russia, China, Germany, Venezuela. Therein lies your answer).

Conservatives have demanded voter ID laws, in order to bring at least ONE check to the Democrats' attempt at a Statist takeover. Of course, Democrats scream "RACISM!"'; suggesting that voter ID laws scare people away from the voting process.

Really? If that were true, then it must also be true that being required to provide ID ALSO scares folks away from taking a flight, driving a car, cashing a check, opening a bank account, paying with a credit card, buying a home, buying a car, buying nearly ANYTHING, etc etc etc.

Bo, the truth is that the ONLY people NEGATIVELY affected by voter ID laws are.....CRIMINALS and ILLEGALS.

Folks, there are only TWO means by which our Constitution can be truly protected; the vote and the Second Amendment.

If the Democrats are successful in rendering the vote meaningless, then that leaves only ONE means left.

PS: Here's to the "3%".....

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