Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Doesn't make sense! Or does it?

Doesn't it seem rather bizarre that Obama, Hillary and all the Democrats support Islam (specifically: radical Islam, Muslim regimes)? After all, the "law" to which these groups claim to adhere, Shariah, seems in stark contrast to what Democrats claim to support: women's rights, homosexual rights, etc.

With Obama, specifically, this is often written off to "well, he's really a Muslim, so he supports Muslims, irrespective of their true nature". But this argument doesn't apply to the possibility that Obama is a Christian (which has also been claimed).

More odd is the fact that while they support Islam in it's most radical forms, Democrats condemn Christianity and Judaism.

So....this thing ISN'T about respect for the sanctity of religion and religious freedom.

There is a commonality with ALL Democrats (in power) and their bizarre support of Islam (radical).

That commonality?


Radical Muslims, though they claim to be devoutly religious, are mere Marxists and, therefore, devoid of religious beliefs. (Sounds like Nancy Pelosi and Ted Kennedy, doesn't it?)

But, it's Marxism that unites Democrats and Radical Muslims; and THIS is why they act in mutual support. And THIS is why they condemn Christianity and Judaism (Marxism requires that the only accepted 'religion' IS Marxism).

"But", you might say, "Democrats CAN'T be Marxists. Marxists, throughout history, have been quite unkind to women, blacks (and other races), homosexuals, etc. Yet, Democrats SUPPORT these groups!"

Sorry. Wrong. This, in fact, PROVES that Democrats are Marxists. How do Marxists operate? Let's use Marxists Margaret Sanger (founder of Planned Parenthood, believer in eugenics, hater of blacks). Sanger, in this quote, suggests using black ministers to draw support from other blacks, through religion, in order to force her kill blacks:

"We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities.  The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members."

Marxists and Marxists everywhere and everywhen. Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, China, Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, Iraq, Syria.....all work to accomplish the same goals:

- Destroy the notion of "God"
- Destroy the notion of "family"
- Disarm the citizenry

In accomplishing these goals, they pave the way for population control. THEY will now decide who has the right to exist.

NOW does it make sense?

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