Monday, November 21, 2016

Cuban Missile Crisis...redux

....and for the same reason.

Khrushchev knew "gutless" when he saw it.

Evidently, Putin knows it, too.

Great job, Barry and Kerry (dang....where's that "reset" button....)

I may have been wrong.....VERY wrong....

My contention, to this point, has been that Democrats will be targeting either the elderly or infirmed next, in their relentless pursuit of legislated discrimination.

With their clear history targeting groups, based on some characteristic (race, gender, stage of life, etc), and their current fanatical, militant, defense of and expansion of abortion, it doesn't require much candle power to assume that SOME group will be next.

So.....I've been very confident that that group would be either the aged, the infirmed....or both.

And, certainly, these groups WILL, WITHOUT QUESTION, be targeted. (In truth, they already are.... #Obamacare)

But, alas......I missed one group. And, really, this is nothing new (#IRS).

Check out this article.

Next target: Republicans and Conservatives.

Let's see what kind of legislation develops against these groups.....

And, let's keep in mind: THIS is why the Second Amendment was written....

Wednesday, November 16, 2016


  1. a general vote by the electorate on a single political question that has been referred to them for a direct decision.
Trump's smartest path to success over the next four years is to treat his major policies as referendums; let the people, who've BEEN speaking these last couple years, speak.
Success will require engagement.
Remember: Probably THE reason that Hillary lost this election was because she wasn't engaged. She figured that she could just sit back and let Trump implode. And, certainly, this elections was hers to lose. So....why not just run out the clock?
Well, we saw how well that worked.
LEARN, folks: if we think that, because Republicans have majorities in both houses AND the executive branch, passing a Conservative agenda will be easy; SOOOOO easy, that folks can just relax and let it happen.
If you ACT on that will lose.
Make ABSOLUTELY NO mistake: EVERY piece of Conservative legislation....legislation that will begin the process of turning away from our current, SOCIALIST, path and instead move toward a Constitutional republic....will REQUIRE your involvement. Your voice, your activism, your votes/calls/letters, your posts, your blogs........YOU have to make these things happen. YOU have to right these wrongs.
If you fail to engage, you deserve the country you get.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum

I want to make something very, VERY clear to those of us who, in this election, held true to the principles upon which this country was founded: 

-          If you think that you can now sit back and watch this administration unfold, if you think that the Statist movement, once the protests and riots are over, has been stopped, if you think that the media will turn over a new leaf and begin TRULY unbiased reporting, if you think that “the establishment” has learned its lesson and will now act on behalf of the people… 

-          If you think that Republicans have a slam dunk, because they hold majorities in both houses… 

-          If you think that the Second Amendment is no longer threatened, if you believe that the First Amendment is no longer threatened; if you believe that The Constitution is no longer threatened… 

-          If you believe that the SCOTUS pick is secure now, and we’ll move back to a balanced court…

If you believe ANY of these things, I have a question for you:


Jefferson said, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” 

He also said, “Eternal vigilance is the price of Liberty.” 

The ONLY thing won, thus far, is the vote itself. One small victory for Constitutional principles amidst 60+ years of Statist encroachment.  

This fight…hasn’t even begun. 

And YOU had better be prepared for it.  

And YOU had better show the kind of stuff you showed during the election season.  

Or else, YOU will lose.

Friday, November 11, 2016

The majority and minority.....


Folks on BOTH sides of the aisle seem to have the same, largely incorrect, notion about “the majority” in the Legislative and Executive branches of government.  

Yes, a majority IS a majority. BUT it does NOT mean that “the minority” has no say, no power and no ability to either pass or block an agenda. 

In fact, Congress works much like the Electoral College in that rules are set up for the specific purpose of giving voice and power TO that minority.  

The Electoral College ensures that EVERY state has a say in our election process. With a purely democratic vote (popular vote), the majority will rule….EVERY TIME. In elections, it means that the highest-population centers would control the outcome of EVERY election; the smaller population centers…the smaller states….would have NO voice, ever. 

In Congress, Congressional rules function the same way, giving power and voice to the minority party. (Think: filibuster).  

So, Republicans now have the majority, in Congress as well as the Executive branch. Does that mean that whatever they say, goes? Nope. Sorry. Democrats, as the minority, have enormous power to even out the playing field.  

There’s an old saying that goes: Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.” 

This saying applies equally to the Second Amendment, the Electoral College AND Congressional rules.