Monday, February 25, 2019

Marxism, by the numbers

The “Green New Deal”, which, by the way, is endorsed by EVERY Democrat candidate currently running in 2020, represents the ultimate dream for Liberals; by that, I mean, of course, Socialists (by THAT, I mean Democrats). It is a pie-in-the-sky manifesto of Marxist wealth confiscation, loaded with lots of promises and precisely ZERO benefits. It is government everything, virtually eliminating private……anything.

In short, it IS a demand for Statism. And the message from Democrats is absolutely clear: if you put us in charge, we WILL take everything you have!

Of course, Democrats are busy telling us that we’ll lose no freedom and “no, this is not Socialism”, but consider:
-       - What happens to the person who says, “No, I will NOT upgrade my home (or business) to environmental standards.”?
-      -  What happens to the people who insist on NOT giving up beef?
-       - What happens to the people who refuse to give up their gas-guzzling car?

I’ll tell you exactly what will happen: the government will FORCE you to comply. Period. Don’t think this could ever happen? Try not paying your taxes and see what happens.

But, folks need to understand HOW the Democrats plan on making captives of the American people:


Anyone remember when President Reagan REFUSED to take SDI (the Strategic Defense Initiative…. “Star Wars”) off the table during the nuclear arms talks? Ever wonder why? Ever wonder why we had such a massive military buildup during that administration? The reason was as simple as it was brilliant: to force the U.S.S.R. to spend against us and, in doing so, break their financial back.

And it worked. The U.S.S.R. collapsed.

That is precisely what Democrats wish to do. But, this time, to US.

Should Democrat seize control of the government, they WILL slowly and steadily grow until we can no longer sustain that growth. At that point, we will be powerless to resist. At that point, we won’t be “subjects”, we will be captives.

If you run the numbers on what the 2020 candidates are already proposing, you’ll gain a VERY clear picture of this goal and it’s timetable:  Consider some numbers:            

-       - Medicare For All: $3.2 Trillion/year. (Based on current cost)

These two programs, alone, will cost taxpayers $12.6 Trillion per year. Then add some current programs:

-       - Social Security: $1.9 Trillion (CBO)
-       - Federal Pensions: $1.0 Trillion (CBO)
-       - Welfare: $356 Billion (CBO)
-       - Interest on the debt: $262 Billion (CBO)
-       - Education: $156 Billion (CBO)

These add another $3.67 Trillion per year.

Now, because they are Liberals and, well, you HAVE to cut SOMEWHERE….

-       - Let’s go ahead and END the Military.
-       - Let’s ALSO end ALL Discretionary Spending.
-       - Let’s ALSO dump:
o   Energy and Environment spending
o   Housing and Community spending
o   Transportation spending
o   Food and Agriculture spending
o   Veterans’ benefits
o   Science spending
o   International affairs spending

Where does this leave us? With a Federal Budget of $16.3 Trillion. (And, each year, this number will grow.)

To put this in perspective, consider two numbers:

-         -  The 2019 Federal Budget: $4.4 Trillion (CBO)
-          - The total personal income of ALL U.S. citizens, combined: $16 Trillion.

In other words: Democrats are proposing to spend 100% of the TOTAL income of the United States while STILL running a $3 Billion DEFICIT. PER YEAR.

President Trump, in his first two years in office, has begun the process of dismantling the Democrats’ march toward a Marxist state. THIS is why they hate him AND his supporters. If he allowed to continue, he represents their greatest threat: a restoration of the Constitution and a freed citizenry.

2020 will be the MOST important election in our lifetime.