Tuesday, June 23, 2020

AMERICA. July 4th, 2020.

Without question, America is history’s most ambitious experiment; a citizenry-controlled, equality-demanding society which recognizes rights, inherent in our humanity, that transcend any man’s ability to abolish or restrict.

The framers of our founding documents….the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights…having studied the failures of other systems of government, created a structure of balance within government and under the control of its citizenry.

Any failure of our government is a failure of the citizenry to act on its duty.

For over two hundred years, those documents have remained relevant; providing freedom and liberty such as has never been seen before, in any country, culture or society. And, from time to time, when the direction of this great nation seemed to go astray, those founding documents have provided the means through which balance has been, again, achieved. And those times when the direction of this great nation DID go astray, it was because we, the people, allowed those entrusted with the responsibility to faithfully guard our founding documents to set aside the principles contained within the language of those documents.

“A republic, if you can keep it”

Ben Franklin’s warning to future generations rings particularly true today, as forces within our American society work, again, to lead our nation astray from the principles contemplated by our framers. Those who would seek to abolish the notion of “unalienable rights” seek, instead, to install themselves as the authorities from which all rights are determined. Franklin’s sentiments serve as a warning; a warning against the complacency that develops from years of security and prosperity.

The greatest threat to freedom and liberty in America comes not from any foreign enemy. The greatest threat to America’s freedom and liberty comes from an enemy within.

The greatest threat to America…to the sanctity of our founding documents…to freedom and liberty… is the Democrat Party.

Historically, the Party of slavery, anti-Suffrage, anti-Civil Rights and, currently, the Party of abortion and the Party of pedophilia, the Democrat Party is solely responsible for EVERY attack on our founding documents throughout our history. Their pursuit of a Statist America is relentless; masked as “fairness”, “equality”, “progressiveness”, they seek to replace the giver of “unalienable rights” with themselves. They seek to determine which of us is equal. They seek to determine which of us has which rights. They seek absolute control over the citizenry. And they are prepared to gain this power by ANY means necessary.

Truly, the Democrat Party is the Party of Sociopathy.

So, they attack the science of genetics of reproduction. They attack the science of gender. They attack the notion of religious freedom, the freedom to defend our persons, the freedom to speak freely. They build laws that promote the destruction of the family. They build laws that relieve personal responsibility.

ALL of their laws serve ONE goal which, in turn serves their ultimate goal. Their one goal is the destruction of the family. Their ultimate goal is the destruction of the very notion of a higher authority.

Without family, there is no basis for a higher authority.

Without a higher authority, there are no “unalienable rights”.

Without “unalienable rights”, America ceases to exist. The greatest, most ambitious experiment in history ends and the world…yes…the world…descends into Hell.

Ogdru Jahad, but in real life.

The questions we, the sentient Americans, must ask ourselves EVERY DAY, is:

What is our country worth?
What is our freedom worth?
What is a secure future for our children worth?

And we must answer ourselves one of two ways:

It’s not worth fighting for.


It’s worth ANY price required.

I know MY answer.

What is yours?

Thursday, June 18, 2020


I would like to renew my proposal for an "Opt Out!" law.

I FIRMLY believe that this should address the concerns of BOTH sides of the current "BLM" and "Defund the Police" movements.

Here's how it works:

Any citizen who chooses NOT to “Opt Out!” will see and experience NO changes whatsoever to their interactions with the police. If they (the “Opt IN” folks) call the police; the police will be there for them.

For those who choose to “Opt Out!”:

These folks’ personal, identifying information will go into a national and international database, dedicated to the “Opt Out!” program. On their persons, “Opt Out!” folks will be required to have some identifying mark (“L” tattoo on their forehead, “I’m with stupid” T-shirt, with the arrow pointing up, as examples) that is easily visible to everyone….especially the police…and criminals...so that it is ABSOLUTELY clear that cops are not to EVER interact with them unless they (the “Opt Out!” folks), themselves, are committing a crime (against a person who has NOT “Opted Out!”).

In the case where an “Opt Out!!” person has been victimized in a crime, the police (and courts) are forbidden to act, in any way, on behalf of that “Opt Out!” person. No investigation, no arrests, no prosecution.

In the case where a cop witnesses a crime in action, and the intended victim of the crime is NOT an “Opt Out!” person, but the perpetrator is, the police WILL be able to act FOR the victim and AGAINST the “Opt Out!” person.

In the case where a cop witnesses a crime in action, where the intended victim is an “Opt Out!’ person, the police will be required, BY LAW, not to interfere, in any way, with the actions of the perpetrator, or take action, in any way, on behalf of the “Opt Out!” victim. The police will be required, by law, to patiently wait until the conclusion of the criminal action. At that point, the police may ONLY take action against the perpetrator; they (the police) may NOT take ANY action or render any assistance to the victim. No ambulance service, medical first aid; no assistance whatsoever.

I, personally, cannot think of a better way to meet the demands and desires of BOTH sides of this critical argument.

I have advocated for this law for MANY years and FIRMLY believe that RIGHT NOW is the time to pass and implement it.

Sunday, June 7, 2020

The descent into Hell

June 7th, 2020

(The descent into Hell)

That's the current rally cry of the Socialist mob. And, remarkable as it may seem, elected officials at the local and state level, as well as the likes of Ilhan Omar and AOC, are joining in the mob's demand.

I've stated, since the beginning of these protests (violent or otherwise), that legislative decisions made and passed to quell mobs are always bad.

This, clearly, is an example.

I've also stated that, when these types of legislative panic decisions are made and implemented, they are worthless; they solve nothing, they prevent no like crime. And, in the worst case, they cause FAR more harm than good.

Surely, this will be one of those cases.

All of the protests are taking place in Democrat-controlled areas. And, as the demand to “defund police” grows, those will be the centers for legislative actions.

So, while the decision certainly WON’T be to remove cops from the streets, what WILL happen, as departments lose funding, is a loss of training of those cops. Brilliant.

The direct effect will be a VAST increase in unlawful police/civilian incidents.

George Floyd and Tony Timpa times a million.

Do those making this demand NOT understand this? Well….no. And yes.

No, the mob doesn’t understand. Mobs are incapable of rational thought. Mobs don’t think. Mobs don’t reason.


Mobs, in the sentiment of Lenin, are useful idiots.

Useful to whom? The ‘yes’ crowd: those in elected positions, some of whom will craft and pass these feel-good laws.

You see, these officials WANT unrest. They WANT these major areas to descend into hell. They WANT huge increases in unlawful police/civilian incidents.

They WANT George Floyd and Tony Timpa times a million.

Why? Simple:

Because they WANT Statism. They want absolute control. They want to abolish the Constitution and other founding documents.

Why? Because those documents recognize that “unalienable rights” exist and Statism, without the burden of those rights, becomes god, giver and taker and determiner of all rights.

It’s as simple as that, folks.

EVERY move that Democrats make is a road that leads to ONE place: Statism. And they don’t care what it takes; how many unborn children must be butchered, how many George Floyds and Tony Timpas must be unjustly killed.

As long as that ‘end’ is Statism, the ‘means’ don’t matter.

A note.....

Howdy, folks!

I'm going to be trying to write more pieces and opinions on this blog.
If you'd be kind enough to share and spread the word, I'd be grateful!
