Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Building the Liberal dream, one idiot at a time....

Because the media refuses to make this fact known, the future of America depends on YOU to spread the word.

Every day in the news, demands for increased funding for public schools are called-for by Liberal politicians, teachers' unions, etc.

They claim it's "all for our children". The second argument is because "teachers are so underpaid"....

Blah blah blah.....

ALL lies.

Check out this piece, THEN GO DO THE RESEARCH:


The nuts and bolts?

While, since 1950 (the beginning of the great slide into Socialism), the number of students in the public school system has grown just over 90%.

MEANWHILE, full time employees of the the system has grown almost 400%!

Now, you MIGHT think "hey...that's GREAT! More teachers for the kids!"


NON-TEACHER admin positions have grown over 700%.


What's all this mean? Simple:

We are spending more money stuffing the public school system with useless baggage, while giving our children NOTHING.

The kids are getting dumber (like in Chicago, where only 14% of high school grads.....IF they DO make it to graduation....can read).

Folks, Socialism REQUIRES a tame, ignorant, defenseless citizenry.

Oh yeah....and it requires one more thing:


Hirota: out.

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