Thursday, June 13, 2013

Stand, sit, kneel.....stand, sit, kneel...

Nancy Pelosi, sadly, is a perfect example of a garden-variety "modern" Catholic.

And, sadly, she exemplifies Liberalism's affects on the Church.

Catholicism IS pro-life (you know...just like Jesus was/is).

But, the Pelosis, the Kerrys, the Kennedys of the world, intent on destroying the Church from within, take advantage of those (Catholics) who know as much about their own faith as they do about politics: NOTHING.

They mouth the words.

They go through the motions.

But they know nothing.

They are Liberals. (There IS no such thing as a "Liberal Catholic".

ANYONE who claims that is half right.

They are Liberal. Only.


Hirota: out.

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