PLEASE don't be fooled by the Liberals and the Liberal media. PLEASE...
Obama's poll numbers are dropping like a brick and the media is (GASP) actually beginning to report it!
AND....there have been a few recent Liberals in the media who've come out and disagreed with the messiah.
It's all part of the plan.
Here's how it'll roll:
America, through the prodding of the media, will get fed up with Obama.
Then, through the media, America will look to "the ONE person who can save us": Hillary.
All those opinion pieces asking "will Hillary's past prevent her from the Presidency"....PLEASE!!
Liberals have no memory for such things. AND, when reminded, they have no stomach to see the truth....
...and the truth is this:
Hillary is a bigger failure than Obama.
Think about it:
- She failed with "Hillarycare"
- Obama beat her for nomination in '08
BTW: Count on Huma for veep.....
Hirota: out.
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